Package wx :: Package lib :: Module flatnotebook :: Class FNBRenderer
[frames | no frames]

Class FNBRenderer

Known Subclasses:
FNBRendererDefault, FNBRendererFancy, FNBRendererVC71, FNBRendererVC8

Parent class for the 4 renderers defined: Standard, VC71, Fancy and VC8. This class implements the common methods of all 4 renderers.
Method Summary
Default class constructor.
  CalcTabHeight(self, pageContainer)
Calculates the height of the input tab.
  CalcTabWidth(self, pageContainer, tabIdx, tabHeight)
Calculates the width of the input tab.
  DrawDragHint(self, pc, tabIdx)
Draws tab drag hint, the default implementation is to do nothing.
  DrawDropDownArrow(self, pageContainer, dc)
Draws the drop-down arrow in the navigation area.
  DrawLeftArrow(self, pageContainer, dc)
Draw the left navigation arrow.
  DrawRightArrow(self, pageContainer, dc)
Draw the right navigation arrow.
  DrawTabs(self, pageContainer, dc)
Actually draws the tabs in FlatNotebook.
  DrawTabsLine(self, pageContainer, dc)
Draws a line over the tabs.
  DrawTabX(self, pageContainer, dc, rect, tabIdx, btnStatus)
Draws the 'X' in the selected tab.
  DrawX(self, pageContainer, dc)
Draw the 'X' navigation button in the navigation area.
  GetButtonsAreaLength(self, pageContainer)
Returns the navigation area width.
  GetDropArrowButtonPos(self, pageContainer)
Returns the drop down button position in the navigation area.
  GetLeftButtonPos(self, pageContainer)
Returns the left button position in the navigation area.
  GetRightButtonPos(self, pageContainer)
Returns the right button position in the navigation area.
  GetXPos(self, pageContainer)
Returns the 'X' button position in the navigation area.
  NumberTabsCanFit(self, pageContainer, fr)

Method Details


Default class constructor.

CalcTabHeight(self, pageContainer)

Calculates the height of the input tab.

CalcTabWidth(self, pageContainer, tabIdx, tabHeight)

Calculates the width of the input tab.

DrawDragHint(self, pc, tabIdx)

Draws tab drag hint, the default implementation is to do nothing. You can override this function to provide a nice feedback to user.

DrawDropDownArrow(self, pageContainer, dc)

Draws the drop-down arrow in the navigation area.

DrawLeftArrow(self, pageContainer, dc)

Draw the left navigation arrow.

DrawRightArrow(self, pageContainer, dc)

Draw the right navigation arrow.

DrawTabs(self, pageContainer, dc)

Actually draws the tabs in FlatNotebook.

DrawTabsLine(self, pageContainer, dc)

Draws a line over the tabs.

DrawTabX(self, pageContainer, dc, rect, tabIdx, btnStatus)

Draws the 'X' in the selected tab.

DrawX(self, pageContainer, dc)

Draw the 'X' navigation button in the navigation area.

GetButtonsAreaLength(self, pageContainer)

Returns the navigation area width.

GetDropArrowButtonPos(self, pageContainer)

Returns the drop down button position in the navigation area.

GetLeftButtonPos(self, pageContainer)

Returns the left button position in the navigation area.

GetRightButtonPos(self, pageContainer)

Returns the right button position in the navigation area.

GetXPos(self, pageContainer)

Returns the 'X' button position in the navigation area.

Generated by Epydoc 2.1.20050511.rpd on Thu Mar 22 12:11:34 2007