Package wx :: Package lib :: Module flatnotebook :: Class FNBRendererVC8
[frames | no frames]

Class FNBRendererVC8

FNBRenderer --+

This class handles the drawing of tabs using the VC8 renderer.
Method Summary
Default class constructor.
  DrawTab(self, pageContainer, dc, posx, tabIdx, tabWidth, tabHeight, btnStatus)
Draws a tab using VC8 style.
  DrawTabs(self, pageContainer, dc)
Draws all the tabs using VC8 style.
  FillVC8GradientColour(self, pageContainer, dc, tabPoints, bSelectedTab, tabIdx)
Fills a tab with a gradient shading.
  GetEndX(self, tabPoints, y, style)
Returns the x end position of a tab.
  GetStartX(self, tabPoints, y, style)
Returns the x start position of a tab.
  NumberTabsCanFit(self, pageContainer, fr)
Returns the number of tabs that can fit in the visible area.

Method Details


Default class constructor.

DrawTab(self, pageContainer, dc, posx, tabIdx, tabWidth, tabHeight, btnStatus)

Draws a tab using VC8 style.

DrawTabs(self, pageContainer, dc)

Draws all the tabs using VC8 style. Overloads The DrawTabs method in parent class.

FillVC8GradientColour(self, pageContainer, dc, tabPoints, bSelectedTab, tabIdx)

Fills a tab with a gradient shading.

GetEndX(self, tabPoints, y, style)

Returns the x end position of a tab.

GetStartX(self, tabPoints, y, style)

Returns the x start position of a tab.

NumberTabsCanFit(self, pageContainer, fr=-1)

Returns the number of tabs that can fit in the visible area.

Generated by Epydoc 2.1.20050511.rpd on Thu Mar 22 12:10:47 2007