public static class


extends Object
   ↳ java.util.jar.Attributes.Name

Class Overview

The name part of the name/value pairs constituting an attribute as defined by the specification of the JAR manifest. May be composed of the following ASCII signs as defined in the EBNF below:

 name       = alphanum *headerchar
 headerchar = alphanum | - | _
 alphanum   = {A-Z} | {a-z} | {0-9}


public static final Attributes.Name CLASS_PATH The class path (a main attribute).
public static final Attributes.Name CONTENT_TYPE The Content-Type manifest attribute.
public static final Attributes.Name EXTENSION_INSTALLATION The Extension-Installation attribute.
public static final Attributes.Name EXTENSION_LIST The Extension-List attribute defining the extensions that are needed by the applet.
public static final Attributes.Name EXTENSION_NAME The Extension-Name attribute which defines the unique name of the extension.
public static final Attributes.Name IMPLEMENTATION_TITLE The Implementation-Title attribute whose value is a string that defines the title of the extension implementation.
public static final Attributes.Name IMPLEMENTATION_URL The Implementation-URL attribute specifying a URL that can be used to obtain the most recent version of the extension if the required version is not already installed.
public static final Attributes.Name IMPLEMENTATION_VENDOR The Implementation-Vendor attribute defining the organization that maintains the extension implementation.
public static final Attributes.Name IMPLEMENTATION_VENDOR_ID The Implementation-Vendor-Id attribute specifies the vendor of an extension implementation if the applet requires an implementation from a specific vendor.
public static final Attributes.Name IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION The Implementation-Version attribute defining the version of the extension implementation.
public static final Attributes.Name MAIN_CLASS The main class's name (for stand-alone applications).
public static final Attributes.Name MANIFEST_VERSION The version of the manifest file (a main attribute).
public static final Attributes.Name SEALED The Sealed manifest attribute which may have the value true for sealed archives.
public static final Attributes.Name SIGNATURE_VERSION Defines the signature version of the JAR file.
public static final Attributes.Name SPECIFICATION_TITLE The Specification-Title attribute defining the title of the extension specification.
public static final Attributes.Name SPECIFICATION_VENDOR The Specification-Vendor attribute defining the organization that maintains the extension specification.
public static final Attributes.Name SPECIFICATION_VERSION The Specification-Version attribute defining the version of the extension specification.
Public Constructors
Attributes.Name(String s)
A String which must satisfy the following EBNF grammar to specify an additional attribute:
 name       = alphanum *headerchar
 headerchar = alphanum | - | _
 alphanum   = {A-Z} | {a-z} | {0-9}
Public Methods
boolean equals(Object object)
Returns whether the argument provided is the same as the attribute name.
int hashCode()
Computes a hash code of the name.
String toString()
Returns this attribute name.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final Attributes.Name CLASS_PATH

Since: API Level 1

The class path (a main attribute).

public static final Attributes.Name CONTENT_TYPE

Since: API Level 1

The Content-Type manifest attribute.

public static final Attributes.Name EXTENSION_INSTALLATION

Since: API Level 1

The Extension-Installation attribute.

public static final Attributes.Name EXTENSION_LIST

Since: API Level 1

The Extension-List attribute defining the extensions that are needed by the applet.

public static final Attributes.Name EXTENSION_NAME

Since: API Level 1

The Extension-Name attribute which defines the unique name of the extension.

public static final Attributes.Name IMPLEMENTATION_TITLE

Since: API Level 1

The Implementation-Title attribute whose value is a string that defines the title of the extension implementation.

public static final Attributes.Name IMPLEMENTATION_URL

Since: API Level 1

The Implementation-URL attribute specifying a URL that can be used to obtain the most recent version of the extension if the required version is not already installed.

public static final Attributes.Name IMPLEMENTATION_VENDOR

Since: API Level 1

The Implementation-Vendor attribute defining the organization that maintains the extension implementation.

public static final Attributes.Name IMPLEMENTATION_VENDOR_ID

Since: API Level 1

The Implementation-Vendor-Id attribute specifies the vendor of an extension implementation if the applet requires an implementation from a specific vendor.

public static final Attributes.Name IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION

Since: API Level 1

The Implementation-Version attribute defining the version of the extension implementation.

public static final Attributes.Name MAIN_CLASS

Since: API Level 1

The main class's name (for stand-alone applications).

public static final Attributes.Name MANIFEST_VERSION

Since: API Level 1

The version of the manifest file (a main attribute).

public static final Attributes.Name SEALED

Since: API Level 1

The Sealed manifest attribute which may have the value true for sealed archives.

public static final Attributes.Name SIGNATURE_VERSION

Since: API Level 1

Defines the signature version of the JAR file.

public static final Attributes.Name SPECIFICATION_TITLE

Since: API Level 1

The Specification-Title attribute defining the title of the extension specification.

public static final Attributes.Name SPECIFICATION_VENDOR

Since: API Level 1

The Specification-Vendor attribute defining the organization that maintains the extension specification.

public static final Attributes.Name SPECIFICATION_VERSION

Since: API Level 1

The Specification-Version attribute defining the version of the extension specification.

Public Constructors

public Attributes.Name (String s)

Since: API Level 1

A String which must satisfy the following EBNF grammar to specify an additional attribute:

 name       = alphanum *headerchar
 headerchar = alphanum | - | _
 alphanum   = {A-Z} | {a-z} | {0-9}

s The Attribute string.
IllegalArgumentException if the string does not satisfy the EBNF grammar.

Public Methods

public boolean equals (Object object)

Since: API Level 1

Returns whether the argument provided is the same as the attribute name.

object An attribute name to be compared with this name.
  • if the attribute names correspond.

public int hashCode ()

Since: API Level 1

Computes a hash code of the name.

  • the hash value computed from the name.

public String toString ()

Since: API Level 1

Returns this attribute name.

  • the attribute name.