Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstylerss feed


Files  Info  Warnings  Errors
10 307 0 0


Rule Violations Severity
NewlineAtEndOfFile 5  Info
Translation 0  Error
FileLength 1  Info
FileTabCharacter 0  Info
  • message: "Line has trailing whitespace."
  • format: "[^*]\s+$"
0  Info
FileContentsHolder 0  Info
MissingDeprecated 0  Info
MissingOverride 0  Info
EmptyBlock 5  Info
  • option: "nl"
4  Info
NeedBraces 2  Info
  • option: "alone"
1  Info
AvoidNestedBlocks 0  Info
CovariantEquals 0  Error
EmptyStatement 0  Info
EqualsHashCode 0  Error
IllegalInstantiation 0  Error
InnerAssignment 0  Info
MissingSwitchDefault 0  Info
RedundantThrows 0  Info
SimplifyBooleanExpression 0  Info
SimplifyBooleanReturn 0  Info
StringLiteralEquality 0  Error
NoFinalizer 0  Error
IllegalCatch 31  Info
IllegalThrows 0  Info
JUnitTestCase 0  Info
IllegalType 0  Error
DefaultComesLast 0  Info
FallThrough 0  Info
MultipleVariableDeclarations 0  Info
UnnecessaryParentheses 10  Info
FinalClass 0  Info
InterfaceIsType 0  Info
HideUtilityClassConstructor 1  Info
AvoidStarImport 0  Info
IllegalImport 0  Info
RedundantImport 0  Info
UnusedImports 0  Info
ImportOrder 0  Info
  • allowMissingParamTags: "true"
  • scope: "package"
  • allowUndeclaredRTE: "true"
  • allowMissingReturnTag: "true"
  • allowMissingThrowsTags: "true"
0  Info
  • scope: "package"
0  Info
  • scope: "package"
0  Info
UpperEll 0  Info
ArrayTypeStyle 0  Info
Indentation 18  Info
TodoComment 4  Info
  • illegalPattern: "true"
  • ignoreComments: "true"
  • format: "System\.out\.println"
0  Info
  • message: "Spelling error"
  • format: "seperate"
  • ignoreCase: "true"
0  Info
ModifierOrder 0  Info
RedundantModifier 0  Info
ConstantName 8  Info
LocalFinalVariableName 0  Info
LocalVariableName 0  Info
MemberName 0  Info
MethodName 0  Info
MethodTypeParameterName 0  Info
PackageName 0  Info
ParameterName 0  Info
StaticVariableName 0  Info
TypeName 0  Info
ExecutableStatementCount 9  Info
ExecutableStatementCount 9  Info
  • max: "120"
193  Info
  • countEmpty: "false"
5  Info
  • max: "120"
0  Info
ParameterNumber 0  Info
GenericWhitespace 0  Info
EmptyForIteratorPad 0  Info
MethodParamPad 1  Info
NoWhitespaceAfter 0  Info
NoWhitespaceBefore 0  Info
ParenPad 0  Info
TypecastParenPad 0  Info
9  Info
  • influenceFormat: "0"
  • commentFormat: "\$Id"
0  Info



Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.
 Info Utility classes should not have a public or default constructor. 9
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 160). 37
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 140). 57
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 135). 58
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 132). 70
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 139). 75
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 138). 80
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 134). 85
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 135). 110


Severity Message Line
 Info File length is 2,727 lines (max allowed is 2,000). 1
 Info Name 'logger' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. 60
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 124). 98
 Info Executable statement count is 147 (max allowed is 30). 201
 Info Method length is 357 lines (max allowed is 150). 201
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 135). 223
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 154). 245
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 154). 265
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 169). 285
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 138). 326
 Info Catching 'RuntimeException' is not allowed. 333
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 155). 335
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 127). 338
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 138). 358
 Info Catching 'RuntimeException' is not allowed. 365
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 155). 367
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 165). 386
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 139). 389
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 149). 410
 Info Catching 'RuntimeException' is not allowed. 417
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 164). 419
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 125). 422
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 149). 442
 Info Catching 'RuntimeException' is not allowed. 449
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 164). 451
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 128). 483
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 139). 497
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 140). 517
 Info Catching 'RuntimeException' is not allowed. 524
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 121). 526
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 133). 551
 Info Must have at least one statement. 558
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 129). 572
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 149). 579
 Info Executable statement count is 155 (max allowed is 30). 579
 Info Method length is 351 lines (max allowed is 150). 579
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 126). 599
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 139). 601
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 123). 609
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 149). 615
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 179). 628
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 157). 634
 Info Catching 'RuntimeException' is not allowed. 639
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 156). 641
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 142). 644
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 179). 653
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 156). 659
 Info Catching 'RuntimeException' is not allowed. 664
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 155). 666
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 134). 682
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 139). 684
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 175). 697
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 147). 703
 Info Catching 'RuntimeException' is not allowed. 707
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 150). 709
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 179). 722
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 150). 728
 Info Catching 'RuntimeException' is not allowed. 733
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 149). 735
 Info Comment matches to-do format 'TODO:'. 744
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 138). 752
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 139). 754
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 143). 763
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 173). 765
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 143). 771
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 145). 779
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 183). 793
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 154). 799
 Info Catching 'RuntimeException' is not allowed. 804
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 153). 806
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 139). 820
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 158). 830
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 155). 836
 Info Must have at least one statement. 843
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 142). 849
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 176). 885
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 135). 891
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 176). 899
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 135). 905
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 124). 915
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 176). 917
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 132). 923
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 189). 976
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 143). 982
 Info Executable statement count is 69 (max allowed is 30). 1001
 Info Method length is 151 lines (max allowed is 150). 1001
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 141). 1033
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 192). 1037
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 175). 1049
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 153). 1055
 Info Catching 'RuntimeException' is not allowed. 1060
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 152). 1062
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 138). 1065
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 175). 1074
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 152). 1080
 Info Catching 'RuntimeException' is not allowed. 1085
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 151). 1087
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 185). 1100
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 143). 1106
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 183). 1114
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 143). 1120
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 183). 1128
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 140). 1134
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 129). 1212
 Info Executable statement count is 60 (max allowed is 30). 1217
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 126). 1251
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 126). 1264
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 126). 1278
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 136). 1290
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 138). 1297
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 146). 1307
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 138). 1314
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 127). 1324
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 151). 1326
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 135). 1332
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 129). 1357
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 122). 1359
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 149). 1364
 Info Executable statement count is 129 (max allowed is 30). 1364
 Info Method length is 294 lines (max allowed is 150). 1364
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 155). 1391
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 125). 1423
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 158). 1433
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 127). 1438
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 133). 1449
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 173). 1456
 Info Catching 'RuntimeException' is not allowed. 1461
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 136). 1463
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 124). 1481
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 158). 1488
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 127). 1498
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 162). 1508
 Info Unnecessary parentheses around assignment right-hand side. 1514
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 133). 1522
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 132). 1524
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 176). 1530
 Info Catching 'RuntimeException' is not allowed. 1535
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 140). 1537
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 176). 1553
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 137). 1555
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 184). 1561
 Info Catching 'RuntimeException' is not allowed. 1566
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 187). 1570
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 199). 1574
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 156). 1595
 Info Must have at least one statement. 1600
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 126). 1606
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 160). 1622
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 122). 1629
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 160). 1636
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 127). 1643
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 191). 1650
 Info Catching 'Throwable' is not allowed. 1699
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 128). 1709
 Info Must have at least one statement. 1741
 Info Comment matches to-do format 'TODO:'. 1742
 Info Executable statement count is 34 (max allowed is 30). 1772
 Info Executable statement count is 137 (max allowed is 30). 1878
 Info Method length is 384 lines (max allowed is 150). 1878
 Info Comment matches to-do format 'TODO:'. 1891
 Info '{' should be on a new line. 1908
 Info Comment matches to-do format 'TODO:'. 2014
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 138). 2015
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 126). 2032
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 135). 2073
 Info Unnecessary parentheses around assignment right-hand side. 2129
 Info Unnecessary parentheses around assignment right-hand side. 2133
 Info Unnecessary parentheses around assignment right-hand side. 2137
 Info Unnecessary parentheses around assignment right-hand side. 2142
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 145). 2166
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 132). 2179
 Info Unnecessary parentheses around assignment right-hand side. 2179
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 150). 2183
 Info Unnecessary parentheses around assignment right-hand side. 2183
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 124). 2204
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 130). 2228
 Info if at indentation level 20 not at correct indentation, 16 2241
 Info if lcurly at indentation level 20 not at correct indentation, 16 2242
 Info for at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 20 2244
 Info for lcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 20 2245
 Info if at indentation level 28 not at correct indentation, 24 2246
 Info if lcurly at indentation level 28 not at correct indentation, 24 2247
 Info if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 28 2248
 Info if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 28 2249
 Info if rcurly at indentation level 28 not at correct indentation, 24 2250
 Info for child at indentation level 28 not at correct indentation, 24 2251
 Info for rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 20 2252
 Info if rcurly at indentation level 20 not at correct indentation, 16 2253
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 219). 2276
 Info '}' should be alone on a line. 2278
 Info Catching 'RuntimeException' is not allowed. 2278
 Info '{' should be on a new line. 2278
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 226). 2279
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 166). 2292
 Info 'if' construct must use '{}'s. 2294
 Info 'if' construct must use '{}'s. 2296
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 149). 2305
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 225). 2326
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 225). 2340
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 125). 2360
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 184). 2371
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 197). 2379
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 184). 2391
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 124). 2448
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 125). 2467
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 124). 2473
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 127). 2491


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.
 Info Name 'logger' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. 33
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 179). 110
 Info Catching 'Throwable' is not allowed. 157


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 159). 40
 Info ',' is not followed by whitespace. 52
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 153). 58
 Info Catching 'Throwable' is not allowed. 62
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 174). 71


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.
 Info Must have at least one statement. 77
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 143). 100
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 143). 130
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 148). 150
 Info ',' is not followed by whitespace. 162
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 142). 169
 Info Catching 'Throwable' is not allowed. 173
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 163). 182


Severity Message Line
 Info File does not end with a newline.
 Info Name 'logger' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. 40
 Info Catching 'Throwable' is not allowed. 136
 Info Name 'weboperations' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. 206
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 137). 225


Severity Message Line
 Info Name 'logger' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. 72
 Info Executable statement count is 35 (max allowed is 30). 262
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 121). 281
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 121). 288
 Info if child at indentation level 39 not at correct indentation, 40 327
 Info if child at indentation level 39 not at correct indentation, 40 328
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 123). 348
 Info Catching 'Throwable' is not allowed. 360
 Info Unnecessary parentheses around assignment right-hand side. 469
 Info method def child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 496
 Info method def child at indentation level 12 not at correct indentation, 8 500
 Info Executable statement count is 34 (max allowed is 30). 512
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 127). 528
 Info Unnecessary parentheses around assignment right-hand side. 532
 Info Catching 'Exception' is not allowed. 539
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 161). 553
 Info Unnecessary parentheses around assignment right-hand side. 557
 Info Catching 'RuntimeException' is not allowed. 564
 Info Catching 'Exception' is not allowed. 577
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 121). 795
 Info Catching 'Throwable' is not allowed. 861
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 151). 1087
 Info Catching 'Throwable' is not allowed. 1279
 Info '{' should be on a new line. 1323
 Info '{' should be on a new line. 1332
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 126). 1511
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 121). 1577
 Info ',' is not followed by whitespace. 1647
 Info ',' is not followed by whitespace. 1649
 Info ',' is not followed by whitespace. 1650
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 137). 1656
 Info Catching 'Throwable' is not allowed. 1660
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 158). 1669


Severity Message Line
 Info Name 'logger' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. 45
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 134). 48
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 130). 142
 Info while child at indentation level 20 not at correct indentation, 16 282
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 129). 283
 Info while child at indentation level 20 not at correct indentation, 16 283
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 166). 327
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 184). 362
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 121). 495
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 167). 600
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 150). 617
 Info ',' is not followed by whitespace. 629
 Info ',' is not followed by whitespace. 631
 Info ',' is not followed by whitespace. 632
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 144). 638
 Info Catching 'Throwable' is not allowed. 642
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 163). 651


Severity Message Line
 Info '(' is preceded with whitespace. 37
 Info Name 'logger' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. 45
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 139). 113
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 136). 191
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 146). 250
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 129). 305
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 123). 326
 Info Catching 'Throwable' is not allowed. 330
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 157). 339


Severity Message Line
 Info Name 'logger' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'. 37
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 150). 217
 Info ',' is not followed by whitespace. 229
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 122). 230
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 144). 235
 Info Catching 'Throwable' is not allowed. 239
 Info Line is longer than 120 characters (found 163). 248