DC/OS Software Development Kit Status: Alpha

HDFS: Quickstart

This tutorial will get you up and running in minutes with HDFS. You will install and configure the DC/OS HDFS package and retrieve the core-site.xml and hdfs-site.xml files. These XML files are used to configure client nodes of the HDFS cluster.


  1. Install the HDFS package.

    $ dcos package install beta-hdfs

    Tip: Type dcos beta-hdfs to view the HDFS CLI options.

  2. Show the currently configured HDFS nodes.

    $ dcos beta-hdfs --name=hdfs config list

    The output should resemble:

  3. Configure HDFS on your nodes.

  4. SSH to the leading master node.

    $ dcos node ssh --leader --master-proxy
  5. Pull the HDFS Docker container down to your node and start an interactive pseudo-TTY session.

    $ docker run -it mesosphere/hdfs-client:2.6.4 /bin/bash

    The output should resemble:

    Unable to find image 'mesosphere/hdfs-client:2.6.4' locally
    2.6.4: Pulling from mesosphere/hdfs-client
    6edcc89ed412: Pull complete
    bdf37643ee24: Pull complete
    ea0211d47051: Pull complete
    a3ed95caeb02: Pull complete
    12bd7c00b7e6: Pull complete
    9a93505f2bac: Pull complete
    9cc2baa935ae: Pull complete
    88e8b845a891: Pull complete
    9a84bc18aaba: Pull complete
    Digest: sha256:02384bc96d770e3e1fc6102b2019cdceea74e81f8223b8cdc330a499f1df733e
    Status: Downloaded newer image for mesosphere/hdfs-client:2.6.4

    By default, the client is configured to be configured to connect to an HDFS service named hdfs and no further client configuration is required. If you want to configure with a different name, run this command with name (<hdfs-name>) specified:

    $ HDFS_SERVICE_NAME=<hdfs-name> ./configure-hdfs.sh
  6. List the contents.

    $ ./bin/hdfs dfs -ls /

    The output should be empty.

  7. Create a file on HDFS.

    $ echo "Test" | ./bin/hdfs dfs -put - /test.txt
  8. List the contents again.

    $ ./bin/hdfs dfs -ls /

    The output should now resemble:

    Found 1 items
    -rw-r--r--   3 root supergroup          5 2017-08-25 17:41 /test.txt
  9. Read the file to ensure data integrity.

    $ ./bin/hdfs dfs -cat /test.txt

    The output should resemble:

  10. To configure other clients, return to the DC/OS CLI and retrieve the hdfs-site.xml and core-site.xml files. Use these XML files to configure client nodes of the HDFS cluster.

    1. Run this command to retrieve the hdfs-site.xml file.

      $ dcos beta-hdfs --name=hdfs endpoints hdfs-site.xml

      The output should resemble:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
      <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?><configuration>
    2. Run this command to retrieve the core-site.xml file.

      $ dcos beta-hdfs --name=hdfs endpoints core-site.xml

      The output should resemble:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
      <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>