DC/OS Software Development Kit Status: Alpha

Kafka: Uninstall

DC/OS 1.10

If you are using DC/OS 1.10 and the installed service has a version greater than 2.0.0-x:

  1. Uninstall the service. From the DC/OS CLI, enter dcos package uninstall --app-id=<instancename> beta-kafka.

For example, to uninstall a Kafka instance named kafka-dev, run:

$ dcos package uninstall --app-id=kafka-dev beta-kafka

Older versions

If you are running DC/OS 1.9 or older, or a version of the service that is older than 2.0.0-x, follow these steps:

  1. Stop the service. From the DC/OS CLI, enter dcos package uninstall --app-id=<instancename> <packagename>. For example, dcos package uninstall --app-id=kafka-dev beta-kafka.
  2. Clean up remaining reserved resources with the framework cleaner script, janitor.py. See DC/OS documentation for more information about the framework cleaner script.

For example, to uninstall a Kafka instance named kakfa-dev, run:

$ MY_SERVICE_NAME=kafka-dev
$ dcos package uninstall --app-id=$MY_SERVICE_NAME beta-kafka`
$ dcos node ssh --master-proxy --leader "docker run mesosphere/janitor /janitor.py \
    -r $MY_SERVICE_NAME-role \
    -p $MY_SERVICE_NAME-principal \
    -z dcos-service-$MY_SERVICE_NAME"