DC/OS Software Development Kit Status: Alpha

Kafka: Quick Start


  1. Install a Kafka cluster. If you are using open source DC/OS, install a Kafka cluster with the following command from the DC/OS CLI. If you are using Enterprise DC/OS, you may need to follow additional instructions. See the Install and Customize section for more information.

    dcos package install beta-kafka

    Alternatively, you can install Kafka from the DC/OS web interface.

    Kafka will deploy with a default configuration. You can monitor deployment at the Services tab of the DC/OS web interface.

  2. Create a new topic.

     $ dcos beta-kafka topic create topic1
  3. Find Zookeeper and broker endpoint information.

     $ dcos beta-kafka endpoints zookeeper
     $ dcos beta-kafka endpoints broker
       "address": [
       "dns": [
       "vip": "broker.kafka.l4lb.thisdcos.directory:9092"
  4. Produce and consume data.

     # Create marathon app defintion
     $ cat <<'EOF' >> kafkaclient.json
     "id": "/kafka-client",
     "instances": 1,
     "container": {
     "type": "MESOS",
     "docker": {
     "image": "wurstmeister/kafka:"
     "cpus": 0.5,
     "mem": 256,
     "cmd": "sleep 100000"
     # Deploy marathon app definition
     $ dcos marathon app add kafkaclient.json
     # Produce single `Hello world` event
     $ dcos task exec kafka-client bash -c "export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.8.0_144/jre/; echo 'Hello, World.' | /opt/kafka_2.12- --broker-list broker.kafka.l4lb.thisdcos.directory:9092 --topic topic1"
     # Consume events from topic1
     $ dcos task exec kafka-client bash -c "export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.8.0_144/jre/; /opt/kafka_2.12- --zookeeper master.mesos:2181/dcos-service-kafka --topic topic1 --from-beginning"
     Hello, World.

See also Connecting clients.