There are many ways you can help make ServiceMix a better piece of software - please dive in and help!

Try surf the documentation - if somethings confusing or not clear, let us know. Download the code, try it out, and see what you think. Browse the source code. Got an itch to scratch, want to tune some operation or add some feature?

Want to do some hacking on ServiceMix? Try surfing the our issue tracker for open issues or features that need to be implemented, take ownership of an issue and try to fix it.

If you'd rather a more gentle introduction to working on the ServiceMix project, look at the unit tests cases and help us to improve our test coverage.

Getting In Touch

There are various ways of communicating with the ServiceMix community.

  • visit the Discussion Forum
  • subscribe to the Mailing Lists and take part in any conversations
  • pop by on IRC and say hi
  • add some comments to the wiki(requires a log in)
  • if you use ServiceMix please tell us about it on our Users page

If You Find a Bug or Problem

Please raise a new issue in our issue tracker
If you can create a JUnit test case then your issue is more likely to be resolved quicker.
e.g. take a look at some of the existing unit tests cases

Then we can add your issue to CVS and then we'll know when its really fixed and we can ensure that the problem stays fixed in future releases.

Submitting Patches

We gladly accept patches if you can find ways to improve, tune or fix ServiceMix in some way.

To submit a patch, please use the following steps:

  1. Create a new JIRA issue fully explaining the situation, including the environments you've test, the JVM you're using and anything else that might be useful to know about the situation
  2. Attach the patch to the issue that you are creating and make sure to tick the 'Patch Attached' checkbox on the issue
  3. Send an email to the Mailing Lists or Discussion Forums to let people know you've filed an issue and contributed a patch for the issue
  4. Please try to also submit tests in the patch. Including tests makes applying the patch much easier and faster. Tests allow a patch to be applied and tested much quicker which results in your issue being fixed faster.

Creating the Patch

Most IDEs can create nice patches now very easily. If you're a command line person try the following to create the patch:

diff -u >> patchfile.txt


svn diff >> patchfile.txt
A Tip For Creating Patches

When creating a patch, making sure the patch filename ends in .txt will allow it to be easily viewed in a browser.

Using the Issue Tracker

Before you can raise an issue in the issue tracker you need to register with it. This is quick & painless.

If you want to have a go at fixing an issue you need to be in the list of servicemix-developers on the issue tracker. To join the group, please mail the [email protected] mail list with the email address you used to register with the issue tracker and we'll add you to the group.

Why not dive in and try tackle some of our outstanding issues?

Apache ActiveMQ & Apache ServiceMix (25 issues)
T Key Summary Assignee Reporter Pr Status Res Created Updated Due
Improvement SM-882 Allow text/binary output Unassigned Hervé Bourzeix Major OpenOpen UNRESOLVED Mar 14, 2007 Mar 14, 2007
New Feature SM-880 Create base classes replacements of ComponentSupport or TransformerComponentSupport Unassigned Guillaume Nodet Major OpenOpen UNRESOLVED Mar 13, 2007 Mar 13, 2007
New Feature SM-275 Consider enhancing file based components with servingxml Unassigned Guillaume Nodet Major OpenOpen UNRESOLVED Jan 25, 2006 Mar 12, 2007
New Feature SM-875 TrueZIP binding component Unassigned James Bradt Major OpenOpen UNRESOLVED Mar 08, 2007 Mar 12, 2007
Improvement SM-848 ServiceMix 3.x with Java 1.4.x Unassigned Juergen Mayrbaeurl Major OpenOpen UNRESOLVED Feb 16, 2007 Mar 12, 2007
Improvement SM-876 jmx.xml should use the jmx.url property Unassigned Thomas Termin Trivial OpenOpen UNRESOLVED Mar 09, 2007 Mar 09, 2007
Bug SM-841 The servicemix-http provider endpoint does not properly handle web services that return faults with multiple elements in the detail section. Jeff Puro Jeff Puro Major OpenOpen UNRESOLVED Feb 13, 2007 Mar 08, 2007
Bug SM-822 java.lang.IllegalStateException: component is not owner, with jmsflow and jcaflow Unassigned Grégoire A. Major OpenOpen UNRESOLVED Jan 15, 2007 Mar 08, 2007
New Feature SM-537 Define several endpoint implementations instead of having only one Guillaume Nodet Guillaume Nodet Major In ProgressIn Progress UNRESOLVED Aug 13, 2006 Mar 08, 2007
Improvement SM-872 Expiring in-queue messages Unassigned Arjen Wiersma Major OpenOpen UNRESOLVED Mar 08, 2007 Mar 08, 2007
Bug SM-868 Null pointer exception if publisher reference not specified properly Unassigned Jeremy Clark Minor OpenOpen UNRESOLVED Mar 06, 2007 Mar 06, 2007
New Feature SM-864 Configure jetty in the main configuration so that we can easily deploy web applications Unassigned Guillaume Nodet Major OpenOpen UNRESOLVED Mar 05, 2007 Mar 05, 2007
Improvement SM-855 Non concurrent processing of files in LW FilePoller Unassigned Juergen Mayrbaeurl Major OpenOpen UNRESOLVED Feb 22, 2007 Mar 01, 2007
Bug SM-857 java:comp/env/ environment is read-only - Could not start ClientFactory javax.naming.NamingException Unassigned Alper Sogukpinar Major OpenOpen UNRESOLVED Feb 26, 2007 Feb 26, 2007
Improvement SM-807 Add jboss-service.xml to servicemix component so they can be properly deployed in jboss. Eric Dofonsou Eric Dofonsou Major OpenOpen UNRESOLVED Jan 08, 2007 Feb 20, 2007
Improvement SM-852 Better MBean support for LW components Unassigned Juergen Mayrbaeurl Minor OpenOpen UNRESOLVED Feb 20, 2007 Feb 20, 2007
Improvement SM-844 Using Shared Libraries from LW SUs Unassigned Juergen Mayrbaeurl Major OpenOpen UNRESOLVED Feb 15, 2007 Feb 15, 2007
Improvement SM-810 Create single complete ServiceMix Shared Library Unassigned James Lorenzen Major OpenOpen UNRESOLVED Jan 10, 2007 Feb 15, 2007
Bug SM-837 Running Servicemix 3.1 on Jonas 4.8.4 Unassigned Shanna Sood Major OpenOpen UNRESOLVED Feb 09, 2007 Feb 09, 2007
Bug SM-836 adding missing jaxen library in the container classpath Unassigned Cedric Bompart Major OpenOpen UNRESOLVED Feb 08, 2007 Feb 08, 2007
Improvement SM-831 Full async support for httpConsumerProcessor Unassigned Grégoire A. Major OpenOpen UNRESOLVED Feb 01, 2007 Feb 01, 2007
Bug SM-749 JSR181 component does not generate WSDL types for JAXB2-annotated classes Unassigned Los Morales Major OpenOpen UNRESOLVED Nov 20, 2006 Feb 01, 2007
New Feature SM-556 CIMERO Eclipse plugin Unassigned jerome camilleri Major OpenOpen UNRESOLVED Aug 25, 2006 Jan 26, 2007
Improvement SM-575 servicemix-common base classes are not designed to support persistent deployments Unassigned Guillaume Nodet Major OpenOpen UNRESOLVED Sep 11, 2006 Jan 26, 2007
New Feature SM-580 Support for standard POST request from the provider. Unassigned Jimmy Kongoli Minor OpenOpen UNRESOLVED Sep 14, 2006 Jan 26, 2007

Becoming a Committer

The first step is contributing to the project; if you want to take that a step forward and become a fellow committer on the project then see the Committer Guide