ServiceMix FTP
The ServiceMix FTP component provides JBI integration to the FTP servers. It can be used to read & write files over FTPor to periodically poll directories for new files.
Installing the servicemix-http component can be done in several ways:
- drop the installer zip in an hotdeploy directory monitored by ServiceMix
- using ant tasks
Note that when using ant tasks, the component is not started, you will have to start it manually using ant tasks or a console.
XBean deployment
You can deploy Service Units containing a file named xbean.xml for activating consumer and provider endpoints.
This xml file should respect the given syntax, though this is a spring based xml configuration file from where all beans of class HttpEndpoint
are retrieved.
See a full example here
. Note that you have to define the ftp namespace with
<beans xmlns:ftp="">
Any numbers of endpoints can be specified in the xbean.xml file.
Poller endpoint
Poller endpoints can be used to poll a FTP server directory for files, download them, and send an InOnly JBI exchange to the configured JBI service.
The following snipped shows a minimal definition of a poller endpoint:
<ftp:poller service="test:poller"
uri="ftp://servicemix:rocks@localhost/smx/test" />
 | Poller endpoint attributes
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
service |
QName |
the service name of the proxied endpoint |
yes |
endpoint |
String |
the endpoint name of the proxied endpoint |
yes |
interfaceName |
QName |
the interface name of the proxied endpoint |
no |
targetService |
QName |
the service name of the target endpoint |
one of targetService, targetInterface or targetUri must be specified |
targetEndpoint |
String |
the endpoint name of the target endpoint |
one of targetService, targetInterface or targetUri must be specified |
targetInterface |
QName |
the interface name of the target endpoint |
one of targetService, targetInterface or targetUri must be specified |
targetUri |
String |
the uri of the target endpoint |
one of targetService, targetInterface or targetUri must be specified |
uri |
the ftp uri to access the FTP server (see URI) |
yes |
deleteFile |
boolean |
whether the file should be deleted from the FTP server after processing |
no (defaults to true) |
recursive |
boolean |
whether subdirectories should be polled |
no (defaults to true) |
filter | |
a filter used when polling files: files that do not match this filter will be ignored |
no |
marshaler |
FileMarshaler |
a marshaler can be used to customize how the file is read / written (see Marshalers) |
no |
lockManager |
o.a.s.locks.LockManager |
a custom lock manager can be used to cluster poller endpoints or to keep track of processed files when the deleteFile attribute is set to false |
no |
clientPool |
FTPClientPool |
no |
Sender endpoint
Sender endpoints are used are provider endpoints (in the JBI sense) which accepts incoming InOnly exchanges and write the content of the exchange to a file on the FTP server.
Here is an example of a simple sender endpoint.
<ftp:sender service="test:service"
uri="ftp://servicemix:rocks@localhost/smx/test" />
 | Sender endpoint attributes
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
service |
QName |
the service name of the proxied endpoint |
yes |
endpoint |
String |
the endpoint name of the proxied endpoint |
yes |
interfaceName |
QName |
the interface name of the proxied endpoint |
no |
uri |
the ftp uri to access the FTP server (see URI) |
yes |
overwrite |
boolean |
if a file with the same name already exists on the FTP server, overwrite it |
no (defaults to false) |
uniqueFileName |
String |
name used to create unique files when the marshaler can not give a specific file name |
no (defaults to "ServiceMix") |
marshaler |
FileMarshaler |
a marshaler can be used to customize how the file is read / written (see Marshalers) |
no |
clientPool |
FTPClientPool |
provide specific configuration for the FTP client pool (see {#FTPClientPool]) |
no |
You can use the familiar file URI to communicate with FTP servers. All types of endpoints use this standard URI to retrieve the needed parameters.
where the parameters are:
- username: the login to use to access the FTP server
- password: the password
- host: adress of the FTP server (IP or name)
- port: port of the FTP server (defaults to 21)
- path: the directory on the FTP server to change into
By default, poller endpoints expect the content of the file to be an xml, and sender endpoints write the xml content of the imcoming NormalizedMessage to the remote file. This behavior can be customized by using a custom FileMarshaler.
The FTPClientPool is used to to retrieve connections and perform FTP calls to the server. By default, one is created and populated with the information retrieved from the URI (login, password, host, port). However, if more informations need to be configured, this is the place to do so.