ServiceMix ships with a JBI compliant JMS binding component named servicemix-jms.
Here are the main features:
- JBI compliant Binding Component
- Usable in a lightweight mode in servicemix.xml configuration files
- SOAP 1.1 and 1.2 support
- MIME attachments
- WS-Addressing support
- WSDL based and XBean based deployments
- Support for all MEPs as consumers or providers
Installing the servicemix-jms component can be done in several ways:
- drop the installer zip in an hotdeploy directory monitored by ServiceMix
- using ant tasks
Note that when using ant tasks, the component is not started, you will have to start it manually using ant tasks or a console.
Several parameters can be configured using a JMX console.
 | Configuration
Name |
Type |
Description |
Default |
userName |
String |
UserName used to create a connection |
password |
String |
Password used to create a connection |
jndiInitialContextFactory |
String |
Default JNDI InitialContext factory |
false |
jndiProviderUrl |
String |
Default JNDI provider url |
jndiName |
String |
Default JNDI name to lookup the JMS ConnectionFactory |
XBean deployment
You can deploy Service Units containing a file named xbean.xml for activating consumer and provider endpoints.
This xml file should respect the given syntax, though this is a spring based xml configuration file from where all beans of class JmsEndpoint
are retrieved.
See a full example here
. Note that you have to define the jms namespace with
<beans xmlns:jms="">
Any numbers of endpoints can be specified in the xbean.xml file.
Consumer endpoint
A consumer endpoint is a server-side http endpoint that will consumer plain JMS, or JMS+SOAP requests and send them into the NMR to a given JBI endpoint, which is called the proxied endpoint.
Following is an example of an jms consumer endpoint.
<jms:endpoint service="test:MyConsumerService"
defaultOperation="test:Echo" />
 | Consumer endpoint attributes
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
service |
QName |
the service name of the proxied endpoint |
yes |
endpoint |
String |
the endpoint name of the proxied endpoint |
yes |
interfaceName |
QName |
the interface name of the proxied endpoint |
targetService |
QName |
the service name of the target endpoint |
no (defaults to the service attribute) |
targetEndpoint |
String |
the endpoint name of the target endpoint |
no (defaults to the endpoint attribute) |
targetInterfaceName |
QName |
the interface name of the target endpoint |
role |
String |
must be 'consumer' |
yes |
defaultMEP |
the default MEP uri to use |
no |
defaultOperation |
QName |
the default operation name to set on the JBI exchange. if not set, it defaults to the QName of the root xml element |
no |
soap |
boolean |
if set, the component will parse the soap requests and send the content into the NMR |
no (defaults to false) |
soapVersion |
string |
can be set to '1.1' to force the use of SOAP 1.1 messages |
no |
wsdlResource |
Spring resource |
if set, the wsdl will be retrieved from the given Spring resource |
no |
initialContextFactory |
String |
the JNDI context factory class name |
no |
jndiProviderURL |
String |
the JNDI provide url |
no |
connectionFactory |
javax.jms.ConnectionFactory |
the connectionFactory to use. This optional property can be used instead of using JNDI configuration |
no |
jndiConnectionFactoryName |
String |
the JNDI name of the JMS ConnectionFactory to lookup |
yes (unless a default one is provided on the jms component configuration) |
destination |
javax.jms.Destination |
the Destination to use. This optional property can be use instead of jndiDestinationName or jmsProviderDestinationName |
no (one of destination, jndiDestinationName or jmsProviderDestinationName) |
jndiDestinationName |
String |
the JNDI name of the destination to look up |
yes (unless destination or jmsProviderDestinationName is set) |
jmsProviderDestinationName |
String |
if used, the target JMS destination will be created by the JMS provider by calling Session.createQueue or Session.createTopic |
no (one of destination, jndiDestinationName or jmsProviderDestinationName) |
destinationStyle |
String |
used to select the destination type used with the jmsProviderDestinationName |
no (unless jmsProviderDestinationName is used) |
useMsgIdInResponse |
boolean |
true indicates that the JMS correlation id will be set to the id of the JMS request message; false indicates that an artificial correlation id will be used instead |
no (in this case the default behaviour is to use the message exchange id as the correlation id) |
The targetService, targetEndpoint and targetInterfaceName attributes can be used to specify the routing method to use (routing by interface, service or endpoint) and is also useful to allow several proxy endpoints to be created for the same JBI endpoint. For example to create an JMS only endpoint and an JMS+SOAP endpoint, both jms endpoints will have the same targetEndpoint and targetService, but they must have different endpoint names.
Provider endpoint
A provider endpoint is a client-side jbi endpoint which can receive requests from the NMR and send them to a given url where the service is provided.
Here is an example of an jms provider endpoint:
<jms:endpoint service="test:MyProviderService"
wsdlResource="classpath:provider.wsdl" />
 | Provider endpoint attributes
Name |
Type |
Description |
Required |
service |
QName |
the service name of the exposed jbi endpoint |
yes |
endpoint |
String |
the endpoint name of the exposed jbi endpoint |
yes |
interfaceName |
QName |
the interface name of the exposed jbi endpoint |
no |
role |
String |
must be 'provider' |
yes |
locationURI |
the http url of the target service |
yes |
soap |
boolean |
if set, the component will parse the soap requests and send the content into the NMR |
no (defaults to false) |
wsdlResource |
Spring resource |
if set, the wsdl will be retrieved from the given Spring resource |
no |
initialContextFactory |
String |
the JNDI context factory class name |
no |
jndiProviderURL |
String |
the JNDI provide url |
no |
connectionFactory |
javax.jms.ConnectionFactory |
the connectionFactory to use. This optional property can be used instead of using JNDI configuration |
no |
jndiConnectionFactoryName |
String |
the JNDI name of the JMS ConnectionFactory to lookup |
yes (unless a default one is provided on the jms component configuration) |
destination |
javax.jms.Destination |
the Destination to use. This optional property can be use instead of jndiDestinationName or jmsProviderDestinationName |
no (one of destination, jndiDestinationName or jmsProviderDestinationName) |
jndiDestinationName |
String |
the JNDI name of the destination to look up |
yes (unless destination or jmsProviderDestinationName is set) |
jmsProviderDestinationName |
String |
if used, the target JMS destination will be created by the JMS provider by calling Session.createQueue or Session.createTopic |
no (one of destination, jndiDestinationName or jmsProviderDestinationName) |
destinationStyle |
String |
used to select the destination type used with the jmsProviderDestinationName |
no (unless jmsProviderDestinationName is used) |
needJavaIdentifiers |
boolean |
(defaults to false) indicates that the jms provider does not support extented syntax for JMS properties and only support valid java identifiers. In such a case, all non conformant properties will not be set on the JMS message. |
Several types of processors are defined to configure the behavior of servicemix-jms endpoints. These are:
- multiplexing (default) is optimized for ActiveMQ
- standard which is best suited for other JMS providers
- jca can be used for transacted deliveries
The processor used on a given endpoint can be configured using the processorName attribute on the endpoint.
JCA enabled endpoints need specific configuration. A full example is available here
Configuring the ConnectionFactory and Destination
JNDI configuration
When the ConnectionFactory or the Destination is lookup in JNDI, the JNDI context will be created in the following order:
- using the initialContextFactory and jndiProviderURL
- using the initialContextFactory and jndiProviderURL configured on the component configuration
- using the default context provided by the JBI container
The JMS ConnectionFactory is retrieved using the properties defined on the endpoint in the following order:
- using connectionFactory
- using jndiConnectionFactoryName to lookup the ConnectionFactory in JNDI
- using the connectionFactory configured on the component configuration
- using the jndiConnectionFactoryName configured on the component configuration to lookup the ConnectionFactory in JNDI
The JMS Destination is retrieved in the following order:
- using destination
- using jndiDestinationName
- using jmsProviderDestinationName and destinationStyle
Using JNDI
<jms:endpoint ...
jndiDestinationName="java:comp/env/jms/MyQueue" />
If you use ActiveMQ, you can use the following definition:
<jms:endpoint ...
jmsProviderDestinationName="MyQueue" />
<bean id="connectionFactory" class="org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory">
<property name="brokerURL" value="tcp://localhost:61216" />
WSDL Deployment
In addition to xbean based deployment, the component accepts WSDL-based deployment.
The service unit may contain any number of WSDL files, each one being parsed and activating the specified endpoints.
To retrieve the necessary informations from the wsdl, the component can recognize a jms extension to provide JNDI informations and a jbi extension which specifies the role of the component and the default MEP to use for JBI exchanges.
Here is an example of a WSDL:
<definitions name='Echo'
<portType name='EchoInterface'>
<binding name='EchoJmsBinding' type='tns:EchoInterface'>
<jms:binding />
<service name='Echo'>
<port name='EchoEndpoint' binding='tns:EchoJmsBinding'>
<jms:address destinationStyle="queue"
<jbi:endpoint role="consumer"
Lightweight mode
The servicemix-jms component can also be configured in a spring/xbean configuration file, for use in an embedded ServiceMix.
Here is an example of such a configuration:
<jms:endpoint service="test:MyConsumerService"
jndiConnectionFactoryName="jms/ConnectionFactory" />
<jms:endpoint service="test:MyProviderService"
connectionFactory="#connectionFactory" />
 | Classpath issues when embedding servicemix-jms component
When using the servicemix.xml configuration file to create jms endpoints, you must include the servicemix-jms-xxx.jar in your classpath.
You will find this file inside the component installer (./components/
Failing this, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown with the following message:
Component name: xxxxxx is bound to an object which is not a JBI component, it is of type: javax.xml.namespace.QName |
Accessing WSDLs
WSDLs for consumer endpoints are retrieved using the following method:
- for a WSDL based deployed endpoint, the WSL will be used as is
- for an XBean based deployed endpoint, the WSDL will be retrieved from the wsdlResource attribute
- if this information is not provided, the component will try to generate a WSDL by retrieving the target endpoint WSDL and adding the relevant informations to it.
WSDLs are accessible on the MBean for the Endpoint using a JMX console.
When used on a SOAP consumer endpoint, servicemix-jms handles the WS-Adressing Action and To headers.
The wsa:Action header can be used to specify the target interface name and operation to use for the JBI exchange.
The header uses the following syntax:
[target namespace][delimiter][interface name][delimiter][operation name]
- [delimiter] is ":" when the [target namespace] is a URN, otherwise "/".
- [target namespace] is the namespace of the interface.
- [interface name] is the name of the interface.
- [operation name] is the name of the operation.
For example, the following header
will be used to address the JBI exchange with the following properties:
- interface name: {\}StockQuoteInterface
- operation name: {\}GetLastTradePrice
The wsa:To header specifies the target JBI service name and endpoint name.
The header uses the following syntax:
[target namespace][delimiter][service name][delimiter][endpoint name]
- [delimiter] is ":" when the [target namespace] is a URN, otherwise "/".
- [target namespace] is the namespace of the interface.
- [service name] is the name of the service.
- [endpoint name] is the name of the endpoint.
For example, the following header
will be used to address the JBI exchange with the following properties:
- service name: {urn:example:stockquote}StockQuoteService
- endpoint name: JBIEndpoint