ServiceMix Drools

The ServiceMix Drools component provides JBI integration to the Drools Rules Engine.

This Service Engine can be used to deploy a rules set that will implement a router or an actual service.

A router will mostly act as a transparent proxy between the consumer and the target service provider mad will mostly be implemented by the jbi.route(uri) method below. This method creates a new exchange identical to the one received by the component and will send it to the specified destination. You can also send back a Fault if needed. A router can also be implemented by using directly the JBI Apis (available with the jbi helper) by using the provided client.

This component can also be used to implement a real service, as shown in the Fibonnacci example. The service can act as a consumer and create / send exchanges by using the client provided by the jbi helper.

Note that this component is only available in releases >= 3.1 and deprecate the older lightweight Drools component


DRL files deployed to the servicemix-drools engine have access to a JbiHelper class in a global variable named jbi which provides the following attributes and methods:

Attribute Description
jbi.getEndpoint() The DroolsEndpoint using this DRL
jbi.getContent() A ComponentContext for this endpoint
jbi.getChannel() A DeliveryChannel for this endpoint (no accept allowed)
jbi.getClient() A ServiceMixClient on top of this endpoint
jbi.getExchange() The Exchange received
jbi.getLogger() A org.apache.commons.logging.Log logger
Methods Description
jbi.route(uri) Route the current exchange to the given uri
jbi.fault(content) Returns a fault using the given string as the xml fault
jbi.answer(content) Sends an Out message using the given string as the xml content

The received exchange is added as a fact to the working memory.
Note that, due to Drools limited support for non simple java beans accessors, the JBI MessageExchange and NormalizedMessage are wrapped with simple beans.


Endpoint definition
<drools:endpoint  service="test:service"
                  ruleBaseResource="classpath:router.drl" />
Rules definitions
package org.apache.servicemix.drools
import org.apache.servicemix.drools.model.Exchange;

global org.apache.servicemix.drools.model.JbiHelper jbi;
rule "Unspecified id"
		me : Exchange( status == Exchange.ACTIVE, in : in != null )
		eval( in.xpath("/test/@id <= 0") )
		jbi.fault( "<fault>Id must be > 0</fault>" );

rule "Route to target1"
		me : Exchange( status == Exchange.ACTIVE, in : in != null )
		eval( in.xpath("/test/@id = 1") )
		jbi.route( "service::target1" );

rule "Route to target2"
		me : Exchange( status == Exchange.ACTIVE, in : in != null )
		eval( in.xpath("/test/@id = 2") )
		jbi.route( "service::target2" );

rule "Route to target3"
		me : Exchange( status == Exchange.ACTIVE, in : in != null )
		eval( in.getProperty("prop") != null )
		jbi.route( "service::target3" );