Apache ServiceMix source
Web Browsing of SVN
A hearty thanks to Cenqua
for providing FishEye
hosting for ServiceMix. Below is the URL to browse the Subversion repo via FishEye:
Anonymous SVN access
This project's SVN repository can be checked out through anonymous (pserver) SVN with the following instruction set.
Checking out from SVN
Only project developers can commit to the SVN tree via this method. SSH must be installed on your client machine. Enter your site password when prompted.
To work with the ServiceMix extensions at Codehaus
Some extensions are hosted at CodeHaus.
To browse SVN via the web using this URL
This project's SVN repository can be checked out with the following instruction.
If you are a commiter, use
Downloading 2.x source code
If you use ServiceMix 2.x version, you can download the code from