ArangoDB in the Giant Swarm using Docker containers


I want to use ArangoDB in the Giant Swarm with Docker containers.


Giant Swarm allows you to describe and deploy your application by providing a simple JSON description. The current weather app is a good example on how to install an application which uses two components, namely node and redis.

My colleague Max has written a guesser game with various front-ends and ArangoDB as backend. In order to get the feeling of being part of the Giant Swarm, I have started to set up this game in the swarm.

First Steps

The guesser game consists of a front-end written as express application in node and a storage back-end using ArangoDB and a small API developed with Foxx.

The front-end application is available as image


and the ArangoDB back-end with the Foxx API as


The dockerfiles used to create the images are available from github

Set up the Swarm

Set up your swarm environment as described in the documentation. Create a configuration file for the swarm called arangodb.json and fire up the application

  "app_name": "guesser",
  "services": [
      "service_name": "guesser-game",
      "components": [
          "component_name": "guesser-front-end",
          "image": "arangodb/example-guesser",
          "ports": [ 8000 ],
          "dependencies": [
            { "name": "guesser-back-end", "port": 8529 }
          "domains": { "": 8000 }
          "component_name": "guesser-back-end",
          "image": "arangodb/example-guesser-db",
          "ports": [ 8529 ]

This defines an application guesser with a single service guesser-game. This service has two components guesser-front-end and guesser-back-end. The docker images are downloaded from the standard docker repository.

The line

"domains": { "": 8000 }

exposes the internal port 8000 to the external port on port 80 for the host

In order to tell Giant Swarm about your application, execute

unix> swarm create arangodb.json 
Creating 'arangodb' in the 'fceller/dev' environment...
App created successfully!    

This will create an application called guesser.

unix> swarm status guesser
App guesser is down

service       component          instanceid                            status
guesser-game  guesser-back-end   5347e718-3d27-4356-b530-b24fc5d1e3f5  down
guesser-game  guesser-front-end  7cf25b43-13c4-4dd3-9a2b-a1e32c43ae0d  down

We see the two components of our application. Both are currently powered down.

Startup the Guesser Game

Starting your engines is now one simple command

unix> swarm start guesser
Starting application guesser...
Application guesser is up

Now the application is up

unix> swarm status guesser
App guesser is up

service       component          instanceid                            status
guesser-game  guesser-back-end   5347e718-3d27-4356-b530-b24fc5d1e3f5  up
guesser-game  guesser-front-end  7cf25b43-13c4-4dd3-9a2b-a1e32c43ae0d  up

Point your browser to

and guess an animal.

If you want to check the log files of an instance you can ask the swarm giving it the instance id. For example, the back-end

unix> swarm logs 5347e718-3d27-4356-b530-b24fc5d1e3f5
2014-12-17 12:34:57.984554 +0000 UTC - systemd - Stopping User guesser-back-end...
2014-12-17 12:36:28.074673 +0000 UTC - systemd - 5cfe11d6-343e-49bb-8029-06333844401f.service stop-sigterm timed out. Killing.
2014-12-17 12:36:28.077821 +0000 UTC - systemd - 5cfe11d6-343e-49bb-8029-06333844401f.service: main process exited, code=killed, status=9/KILL
2014-12-17 12:36:38.213245 +0000 UTC - systemd - Stopped User guesser-back-end.
2014-12-17 12:36:38.213543 +0000 UTC - systemd - Unit 5cfe11d6-343e-49bb-8029-06333844401f.service entered failed state.
2014-12-17 12:37:55.074158 +0000 UTC - systemd - Starting User guesser-back-end...
2014-12-17 12:37:55.208354 +0000 UTC - docker  - Pulling repository arangodb/example-guesser-db
2014-12-17 12:37:56.995122 +0000 UTC - docker  - Status: Image is up to date for arangodb/example-guesser-db:latest
2014-12-17 12:37:57.000922 +0000 UTC - systemd - Started User guesser-back-end.
2014-12-17 12:37:57.707575 +0000 UTC - docker  - --> starting ArangoDB
2014-12-17 12:37:57.708182 +0000 UTC - docker  - --> waiting for ArangoDB to become ready
2014-12-17 12:38:28.157338 +0000 UTC - docker  - --> installing guesser game
2014-12-17 12:38:28.59025 +0000 UTC  - docker  - --> ready for business

and the front-end

unix> swarm logs 7cf25b43-13c4-4dd3-9a2b-a1e32c43ae0d
2014-12-17 12:35:10.139684 +0000 UTC - systemd - Stopping User guesser-front-end...
2014-12-17 12:36:40.32462 +0000 UTC  - systemd - aa7756a4-7a87-4633-bea3-e416d035188b.service stop-sigterm timed out. Killing.
2014-12-17 12:36:40.327754 +0000 UTC - systemd - aa7756a4-7a87-4633-bea3-e416d035188b.service: main process exited, code=killed, status=9/KILL
2014-12-17 12:36:50.567911 +0000 UTC - systemd - Stopped User guesser-front-end.
2014-12-17 12:36:50.568204 +0000 UTC - systemd - Unit aa7756a4-7a87-4633-bea3-e416d035188b.service entered failed state.
2014-12-17 12:38:04.796129 +0000 UTC - systemd - Starting User guesser-front-end...
2014-12-17 12:38:04.921273 +0000 UTC - docker  - Pulling repository arangodb/example-guesser
2014-12-17 12:38:06.459366 +0000 UTC - docker  - Status: Image is up to date for arangodb/example-guesser:latest
2014-12-17 12:38:06.469988 +0000 UTC - systemd - Started User guesser-front-end.
2014-12-17 12:38:07.391149 +0000 UTC - docker  - Using DB-Server
2014-12-17 12:38:07.613982 +0000 UTC - docker  - Guesser app server listening at

Scaling Up

Your game becomes a success. Well, scaling up the front-end is trivial.

Simply change your configuration file and recreate the application:

  "app_name": "guesser",
  "services": [
      "service_name": "guesser-game",
      "components": [
          "component_name": "guesser-front-end",
          "image": "arangodb/example-guesser",
          "ports": [ 8000 ],
          "dependencies": [
            { "name": "guesser-back-end", "port": 8529 }
          "domains": { "": 8000 },
          "scaling_policy": { "min": 2, "max": 2 }
          "component_name": "guesser-back-end",
          "image": "arangodb/example-guesser-db",
          "ports": [ 8529 ]

The important line is

"scaling_policy": { "min": 2, "max": 2 }

It tells the swarm to use two front-end containers. In later version of the swarm you will be able to change the number of containers in a running application with the command:

> swarm scaleup guesser/guesser-game/guesser-front-end --count=1
Scaling up component guesser/guesser-game/guesser-front-end by 1...

We at ArangoDB are hard at work to make scaling up the back-end database equally easy. Stay tuned for new releases in early 2015...

Authors: Frank Celler

Tags: #docker, #giantswarm, #howto