16.8.  Diagram

The UML standard specifies eight principal diagrams, all of which are supported by ArgoUML.

Diagrams are created using the Create drop down menu (see Section 10.6, “ The Create Menu ), or with the tools on the toolbar (see Section 9.4, “ Create operations), or with the pop-up menus in the explorer.


ArgoUML uses its deployment diagram to create the UML 1.4 component, deployment and object diagrams.


Statechart and activity diagrams are associated with a particular class or operation (or the latter also with a package), and can only be created when this modelelement has been selected.


In ArgoUML version 0.26, the UML 1.4 object diagram as a variant of the class diagram is not directly supported. However, it is possible to create object diagrams within the ArgoUML deployment diagram.

16.8.1.  Diagram Details Tabs

The details tabs that are active for diagrams are as follows.


Standard tab.


See Section 16.8.3, “ Property Fields For Diagram below.

16.8.2.  Diagram Property Toolbar

Go up

Navigate up through the package structure of the model.


This deletes the diagram from the model. As a consequence, in case of a statechart diagram or an activity diagram, all contained elements are deleted, too.

16.8.3.  Property Fields For Diagram


The name of the diagram. There are no conventions for naming diagrams. By default, ArgoUML uses the (space separated) diagram name and a sequence number, thus Use Case Diagram 1.


This name is used to generate a filename when activating the “Save Graphics...” menu-item.

Home Model

The Home Model of the diagram is not something defined in the UML specification. The Home Model is the modelelement represented by the diagram. Hence its type depends on the type of diagram: e.g. it is the namespace represented by a class diagram, or the statemachine in case of a Statechart diagram.