Public API Reference

iCelPlLayer Struct Reference

This is the Physical Layer itself. More...

#include <physicallayer/pl.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void AddEntityRemoveCallback (iCelEntityRemoveCallback *clback)=0
 This registers a callback that is called each time when an entity is removed.
virtual void AddNewEntityCallback (iCelNewEntityCallback *clback)=0
 This registers a callback that is called each time when an entity is added.
virtual int AddScope (csString version, int size)=0
 Add an ID scope to the physical layer.
virtual void AttachEntity (iObject *object, iCelEntity *entity)=0
 Attach an entity to some object (usually an object from the engine).
virtual void Cache (iBase *object)=0
 Cache an SCF object.
virtual void CallbackEveryFrame (iCelTimerListener *listener, int where)=0
 Register this listener as one that is interested in getting an event every frame.
virtual void CallbackOnce (iCelTimerListener *listener, csTicks delta, int where)=0
 Register this listener as one that is interested in getting an event in 'delta' milliseconds.
virtual void CleanCache ()=0
 Clean up the cache.
virtual csPtr< iCelDataBufferCreateDataBuffer (long serialnr)=0
 Create a data buffer.
virtual csPtr< iCelEntityListCreateEmptyEntityList ()=0
 Create an empty entity list for personal use.
virtual iCelEntityCreateEntity (iCelEntityTemplate *factory, const char *name,...)=0
 Create an entity from a template.
virtual iCelEntityCreateEntity (iCelEntityTemplate *factory, const char *name, const celEntityTemplateParams &params)=0
 Create an entity from a template.
virtual csPtr< iCelEntityCreateEntity (const char *entname, iCelBlLayer *bl, const char *bhname,...)=0
 Create a new physical layer entity.
virtual csPtr< iCelEntityCreateEntity (uint id)=0
 Create a new physical layer entity, with an id provided.
virtual csPtr< iCelEntityCreateEntity ()=0
 Create a new physical layer entity.
virtual csPtr< iCelEntityCreateEntityInScope (int scope)=0
 Create a new physical layer entity, with the ID being allocated in the given scope.
virtual iCelEntityTemplateCreateEntityTemplate (const char *factname)=0
 Create an entity template.
virtual iCelEntityTrackerCreateEntityTracker (const char *name)=0
 Create an entity tracker that you can use to keep track of specific sets of entities.
virtual iCelPropertyClassCreatePropertyClass (iCelEntity *entity, const char *propname)=0
 Convenience function to create a property class from a registered class factory.
virtual iCelPropertyClassCreateTaggedPropertyClass (iCelEntity *entity, const char *propname, const char *tagname)=0
 Convenience function to create a property class with a tag from a registered class factory.
virtual const char * FetchString (csStringID id)=0
 Find the string that corresponds with some ID.
virtual csStringID FetchStringID (const char *str)=0
 Retreive the unique ID associated with this string or create a new ID if needed.
virtual iCelEntityFindAttachedEntity (iObject *object)=0
 Given an iObject, find the attached entity (if any).
virtual iCelBlLayerFindBehaviourLayer (const char *name) const =0
 Find a behaviour layer by name.
virtual iCelEntityFindEntity (const char *name)=0
 Find an entity with a given name.
virtual iCelEntityTemplateFindEntityTemplate (const char *factname)=0
 Find an entity template with a given name.
virtual iCelEntityTrackerFindEntityTracker (const char *name)=0
 Find a tracker by name.
virtual csPtr< iCelEntityListFindNearbyEntities (iSector *sector, const csVector3 &start, const csVector3 &end, bool do_invisible=false)=0
 Find all entities that are intersected by a beam.
virtual csPtr< iCelEntityListFindNearbyEntities (iSector *sector, const csBox3 &box, bool do_invisible=false)=0
 Find all entities that are in a given box.
virtual csPtr< iCelEntityListFindNearbyEntities (iSector *sector, const csVector3 &pos, float radius, bool do_invisible=false)=0
 Find all entities that are within a certain radius of a given position.
virtual iCelPropertyClassFactoryFindPropertyClassFactory (const char *name) const =0
 Find a property class factory by name.
virtual iCelBehaviourGetBehaviour (uint id)=0
 This is a convenience function to get the behaviour that belongs to the entity for a given ID.
virtual iCelBlLayerGetBehaviourLayer (size_t idx) const =0
 Get the specificied behaviour layer.
virtual size_t GetBehaviourLayerCount () const =0
 Get the number of registered behaviour layers.
virtual iCelEntityGetEntity (uint id)=0
 Returns the entity with ID id.
virtual iCelEntityGetEntityByIndex (size_t idx) const =0
 Get the specific entity by index (not by ID).
virtual size_t GetEntityCount () const =0
 Get the total number of entities.
virtual iCelEntityTemplateGetEntityTemplate (size_t idx) const =0
 Get a specific entity template.
virtual size_t GetEntityTemplateCount () const =0
 Get the number of entity templates.
virtual iCelEntityGetHitEntity (iCamera *camera, int x, int y)=0
 Given a position on screen find the nearest entity to the camera.
virtual iCelPropertyClassFactoryGetPropertyClassFactory (size_t idx) const =0
 Get the specificied property class factory.
virtual size_t GetPropertyClassFactoryCount () const =0
 Get the number of registered property class factories.
virtual bool IsEntityAddonAllowed () const =0
 Query if entity addons are allowed.
virtual bool LoadPropertyClassFactory (const char *plugin_id)=0
 Load a property class plugin by class id if it doesn't already exist.
virtual void RegisterBehaviourLayer (iCelBlLayer *bl)=0
 Register a behaviour layer.
virtual void RegisterPropertyClassFactory (iCelPropertyClassFactory *pf)=0
 Register a property class factory with this physical layer.
virtual void RemoveCallbackEveryFrame (iCelTimerListener *listener, int where)=0
 Remove all 'every-frame' callbacks to a specific listener.
virtual void RemoveCallbackOnce (iCelTimerListener *listener, int where)=0
 Remove all 'once' callbacks to a specific listener.
virtual void RemoveEntities ()=0
 Remove all entities.
virtual void RemoveEntity (iCelEntity *entity)=0
 Remove an entity from the physical layer.
virtual void RemoveEntityRemoveCallback (iCelEntityRemoveCallback *clback)=0
 Removes a registered RemoveCallback.
virtual void RemoveEntityTemplate (iCelEntityTemplate *entfact)=0
 Remove an entity template.
virtual void RemoveEntityTemplates ()=0
 Remove all entity templates.
virtual void RemoveEntityTracker (iCelEntityTracker *tracker)=0
 Remove a tracker.
virtual void RemoveNewEntityCallback (iCelNewEntityCallback *clback)=0
 Removes a registered NewCallback.
virtual void SetEntityAddonAllowed (bool allow)=0
 Enable or disable the operations of the cel entity addon.
virtual void UnattachEntity (iObject *object, iCelEntity *entity)=0
 Unattach an entity from some object.
virtual void Uncache (iBase *object)=0
 Uncache an SCF object.
virtual void UnregisterBehaviourLayer (iCelBlLayer *bl)=0
 Unregister a behaviour layer.
virtual void UnregisterPropertyClassFactory (iCelPropertyClassFactory *pf)=0
 Unregister a property class factory.

Detailed Description

This is the Physical Layer itself.

Definition at line 109 of file pl.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void iCelPlLayer::AddEntityRemoveCallback ( iCelEntityRemoveCallback clback  )  [pure virtual]

This registers a callback that is called each time when an entity is removed.

virtual void iCelPlLayer::AddNewEntityCallback ( iCelNewEntityCallback clback  )  [pure virtual]

This registers a callback that is called each time when an entity is added.

virtual int iCelPlLayer::AddScope ( csString  version,
int  size 
) [pure virtual]

Add an ID scope to the physical layer.

Entities are created by propclasses only in the default scope so you can completely manage the ID allocation of your own scopes.

virtual void iCelPlLayer::AttachEntity ( iObject *  object,
iCelEntity entity 
) [pure virtual]

Attach an entity to some object (usually an object from the engine).

This function will check if the entity was already attached and do nothing in that case.

virtual void iCelPlLayer::Cache ( iBase *  object  )  [pure virtual]

Cache an SCF object.

This effectively means that the PL will keep a references to this object. This function will not add the object if it is already cached so it is safe to call multiple times.

virtual void iCelPlLayer::CallbackEveryFrame ( iCelTimerListener listener,
int  where 
) [pure virtual]

Register this listener as one that is interested in getting an event every frame.

This will call TickEveryFrame().

Special note. The physical layer will keep a weak reference to the listener only. So you must keep track of your own reference. This also means that having this callback will not prevent removal of the class that implements the timer listener.

listener is the iCelTimerListener listener.

virtual void iCelPlLayer::CallbackOnce ( iCelTimerListener listener,
csTicks  delta,
int  where 
) [pure virtual]

Register this listener as one that is interested in getting an event in 'delta' milliseconds.

This will call Tick().

Special note. The physical layer will keep a weak reference to the listener only. So you must keep track of your own reference. This also means that having this callback will not prevent removal of the class that implements the timer listener.

listener is the iCelTimerListener listener.
delta is the time to wait before firing in milliseconds.

virtual void iCelPlLayer::CleanCache (  )  [pure virtual]

Clean up the cache.

This will decrease the ref count of all objects in the cache. Possibly this will remove them unless some other object still has a reference.

virtual csPtr<iCelDataBuffer> iCelPlLayer::CreateDataBuffer ( long  serialnr  )  [pure virtual]

Create a data buffer.

Usually property class implementations will call this to create a data buffer for their own persistent data. The use of this is not required. A property class can just as well make its own implementation of iCelDataBuffer.

virtual csPtr<iCelEntityList> iCelPlLayer::CreateEmptyEntityList (  )  [pure virtual]

Create an empty entity list for personal use.

virtual iCelEntity* iCelPlLayer::CreateEntity ( iCelEntityTemplate factory,
const char *  name,
) [pure virtual]

Create an entity from a template.

factory is the template to create from.
name is the name of the new entity. After that comes a list of parameter pairs (two strings) with the last one being equal to CEL_PARAM_END. This will construct a celEntityTemplateParams instance from these parameters and then call the other CreateEntity() variant.

virtual iCelEntity* iCelPlLayer::CreateEntity ( iCelEntityTemplate factory,
const char *  name,
const celEntityTemplateParams &  params 
) [pure virtual]

Create an entity from a template.

factory is the template to create from.
name is the name of the new entity.
params is a hash with parameters that will be used during entity creation.

virtual csPtr<iCelEntity> iCelPlLayer::CreateEntity ( const char *  entname,
iCelBlLayer bl,
const char *  bhname,
) [pure virtual]

Create a new physical layer entity.

The physical layer will keep a reference to this entity. You need to call RemoveEntity() to remove the entity. This version accepts a name for the entity and will also create a behaviour from the given behaviour layer. This function will use the reporter to report an error if the entity could not be created for some reason (or the behaviour failed). In that case this function returns 0. This function will also create a number of property classes for this entity. You have to end the list of property class names with CEL_PROPCLASS_END. The variable parameters should be property class strings.

entname can be 0. In that case no name will be set.
bl is the behaviour layer and can be 0.
bhname can be 0.

virtual csPtr<iCelEntity> iCelPlLayer::CreateEntity ( uint  id  )  [pure virtual]

Create a new physical layer entity, with an id provided.

You should ensure that the id provided isn't already used and that you use the hash implementation of the numreg.

virtual csPtr<iCelEntity> iCelPlLayer::CreateEntity (  )  [pure virtual]

Create a new physical layer entity.

The physical layer will keep a reference to this entity. You need to call RemoveEntity() to remove the entity.

virtual csPtr<iCelEntity> iCelPlLayer::CreateEntityInScope ( int  scope  )  [pure virtual]

Create a new physical layer entity, with the ID being allocated in the given scope.

virtual iCelEntityTemplate* iCelPlLayer::CreateEntityTemplate ( const char *  factname  )  [pure virtual]

Create an entity template.

factname is the name of the template.

virtual iCelEntityTracker* iCelPlLayer::CreateEntityTracker ( const char *  name  )  [pure virtual]

Create an entity tracker that you can use to keep track of specific sets of entities.

Call RemoveEntityTracker() to remove it.

virtual iCelPropertyClass* iCelPlLayer::CreatePropertyClass ( iCelEntity entity,
const char *  propname 
) [pure virtual]

Convenience function to create a property class from a registered class factory.

Note that the reference count of the returned class is not turned up.

virtual iCelPropertyClass* iCelPlLayer::CreateTaggedPropertyClass ( iCelEntity entity,
const char *  propname,
const char *  tagname 
) [pure virtual]

Convenience function to create a property class with a tag from a registered class factory.

Note that the reference count of the returned class is not turned up.

virtual const char* iCelPlLayer::FetchString ( csStringID  id  )  [pure virtual]

Find the string that corresponds with some ID.

Returns 0 if there is no such string.

virtual csStringID iCelPlLayer::FetchStringID ( const char *  str  )  [pure virtual]

Retreive the unique ID associated with this string or create a new ID if needed.

There are various places in CEL where this is used.

The convention on string names is usually 'cel.xxx.yyy'. With 'xxx' equal to the type of string (i.e. 'property'), and 'yyy' the name of the given type (i.e. the property name). An example: 'cel.property.startsector'.

virtual iCelEntity* iCelPlLayer::FindAttachedEntity ( iObject *  object  )  [pure virtual]

Given an iObject, find the attached entity (if any).

virtual iCelBlLayer* iCelPlLayer::FindBehaviourLayer ( const char *  name  )  const [pure virtual]

Find a behaviour layer by name.

virtual iCelEntity* iCelPlLayer::FindEntity ( const char *  name  )  [pure virtual]

Find an entity with a given name.

This function will scan all entities (at maximum) the first time it is called for a given entity. Later on it will use a hash for faster finding.

virtual iCelEntityTemplate* iCelPlLayer::FindEntityTemplate ( const char *  factname  )  [pure virtual]

Find an entity template with a given name.

virtual iCelEntityTracker* iCelPlLayer::FindEntityTracker ( const char *  name  )  [pure virtual]

Find a tracker by name.

virtual csPtr<iCelEntityList> iCelPlLayer::FindNearbyEntities ( iSector *  sector,
const csVector3 &  start,
const csVector3 &  end,
bool  do_invisible = false 
) [pure virtual]

Find all entities that are intersected by a beam.

This uses the attached entities from above.

do_invisible if true then also return invisible entities.

virtual csPtr<iCelEntityList> iCelPlLayer::FindNearbyEntities ( iSector *  sector,
const csBox3 &  box,
bool  do_invisible = false 
) [pure virtual]

Find all entities that are in a given box.

This uses the attached entities from above.

do_invisible if true then also return invisible entities.

virtual csPtr<iCelEntityList> iCelPlLayer::FindNearbyEntities ( iSector *  sector,
const csVector3 &  pos,
float  radius,
bool  do_invisible = false 
) [pure virtual]

Find all entities that are within a certain radius of a given position.

This uses the attached entities from above.

do_invisible if true then also return invisible entities.

virtual iCelPropertyClassFactory* iCelPlLayer::FindPropertyClassFactory ( const char *  name  )  const [pure virtual]

Find a property class factory by name.

virtual iCelBehaviour* iCelPlLayer::GetBehaviour ( uint  id  )  [pure virtual]

This is a convenience function to get the behaviour that belongs to the entity for a given ID.

virtual iCelBlLayer* iCelPlLayer::GetBehaviourLayer ( size_t  idx  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the specificied behaviour layer.

virtual size_t iCelPlLayer::GetBehaviourLayerCount (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the number of registered behaviour layers.

virtual iCelEntity* iCelPlLayer::GetEntity ( uint  id  )  [pure virtual]

Returns the entity with ID id.

virtual iCelEntity* iCelPlLayer::GetEntityByIndex ( size_t  idx  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the specific entity by index (not by ID).

virtual size_t iCelPlLayer::GetEntityCount (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the total number of entities.

virtual iCelEntityTemplate* iCelPlLayer::GetEntityTemplate ( size_t  idx  )  const [pure virtual]

Get a specific entity template.

virtual size_t iCelPlLayer::GetEntityTemplateCount (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the number of entity templates.

virtual iCelEntity* iCelPlLayer::GetHitEntity ( iCamera *  camera,
int  x,
int  y 
) [pure virtual]

Given a position on screen find the nearest entity to the camera.

Returns 0 if no entity found. This function depends on the attached entities.

virtual iCelPropertyClassFactory* iCelPlLayer::GetPropertyClassFactory ( size_t  idx  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the specificied property class factory.

virtual size_t iCelPlLayer::GetPropertyClassFactoryCount (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the number of registered property class factories.

virtual bool iCelPlLayer::IsEntityAddonAllowed (  )  const [pure virtual]

Query if entity addons are allowed.

virtual bool iCelPlLayer::LoadPropertyClassFactory ( const char *  plugin_id  )  [pure virtual]

Load a property class plugin by class id if it doesn't already exist.

Returns false on failure. This must be called before you can use property classes from this factory.

virtual void iCelPlLayer::RegisterBehaviourLayer ( iCelBlLayer bl  )  [pure virtual]

Register a behaviour layer.

virtual void iCelPlLayer::RegisterPropertyClassFactory ( iCelPropertyClassFactory pf  )  [pure virtual]

Register a property class factory with this physical layer.

It is not needed for apps to call this function as the property class factory itself will do it when it is loaded. To load a property class factory plugin you can use LoadPropertyClassFactory().

virtual void iCelPlLayer::RemoveCallbackEveryFrame ( iCelTimerListener listener,
int  where 
) [pure virtual]

Remove all 'every-frame' callbacks to a specific listener.

virtual void iCelPlLayer::RemoveCallbackOnce ( iCelTimerListener listener,
int  where 
) [pure virtual]

Remove all 'once' callbacks to a specific listener.

virtual void iCelPlLayer::RemoveEntities (  )  [pure virtual]

Remove all entities.

virtual void iCelPlLayer::RemoveEntity ( iCelEntity entity  )  [pure virtual]

Remove an entity from the physical layer.

If there is a behaviour associated with the entity then it will first get a 'destruct' message.

virtual void iCelPlLayer::RemoveEntityRemoveCallback ( iCelEntityRemoveCallback clback  )  [pure virtual]

Removes a registered RemoveCallback.

virtual void iCelPlLayer::RemoveEntityTemplate ( iCelEntityTemplate entfact  )  [pure virtual]

Remove an entity template.

virtual void iCelPlLayer::RemoveEntityTemplates (  )  [pure virtual]

Remove all entity templates.

virtual void iCelPlLayer::RemoveEntityTracker ( iCelEntityTracker tracker  )  [pure virtual]

Remove a tracker.

virtual void iCelPlLayer::RemoveNewEntityCallback ( iCelNewEntityCallback clback  )  [pure virtual]

Removes a registered NewCallback.

virtual void iCelPlLayer::SetEntityAddonAllowed ( bool  allow  )  [pure virtual]

Enable or disable the operations of the cel entity addon.

This addon will enable users to add entities from a CS world file. This addon will not do that if this flag is disabled (enabled by default). This is mostly used by the persistence layer to prevent the addons from working then since the entities will be loaded otherwise in that situation.

virtual void iCelPlLayer::UnattachEntity ( iObject *  object,
iCelEntity entity 
) [pure virtual]

Unattach an entity from some object.

virtual void iCelPlLayer::Uncache ( iBase *  object  )  [pure virtual]

Uncache an SCF object.

virtual void iCelPlLayer::UnregisterBehaviourLayer ( iCelBlLayer bl  )  [pure virtual]

Unregister a behaviour layer.

virtual void iCelPlLayer::UnregisterPropertyClassFactory ( iCelPropertyClassFactory pf  )  [pure virtual]

Unregister a property class factory.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated for CEL: Crystal Entity Layer by doxygen 1.4.7