
Public API Reference

csGraphics2DGLCommon Class Reference
[Common Plugin Classes]

Basic OpenGL version of the 2D driver class. More...

#include <csplugincommon/opengl/glcommon2d.h>

Inheritance diagram for csGraphics2DGLCommon:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Types

typedef int GLPixelFormat [glpfvValueCount]
enum  GLPixelFormatValue

Public Member Functions

virtual bool BeginDraw ()
 This routine should be called before any draw operations.
virtual void Blit (int x, int y, int w, int h, unsigned char const *data)
virtual void Clear (int color)
 Clear the screen with color.
virtual void Close ()
 (*) Close graphics system
 csGraphics2DGLCommon (iBase *iParent)
 Constructor does little, most initialization stuff happens in Initialize().
virtual bool DebugCommand (const char *cmd)
 Execute a debug command.
virtual bool DoubleBuffer (bool Enable)
 Enable or disable double buffering; returns success status.
virtual void DrawBox (int x, int y, int w, int h, int color)
 Draw a box.
virtual void DrawLine (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, int color)
 Draw a line.
virtual void DrawPixel (int x, int y, int color)
 Draw a pixel.
virtual void DrawPixels (csPixelCoord const *pixels, int num_pixels, int color)
 Draw a series of pixels.
virtual int FindRGB (int r, int g, int b, int a=255)
 Find an RGB (0.
virtual void FinishDraw ()
 This routine should be called when you finished drawing.
virtual bool GetDoubleBufferState ()
 Get the double buffer state.
virtual unsigned char * GetPixelAt (int x, int y)
 Get address of video RAM at given x,y coordinates.
virtual void GetRGB (int color, int &r, int &g, int &b, int &a)
 Retrieve the R,G,B,A tuple for a given color index.
virtual void GetRGB (int color, int &r, int &g, int &b)
 Retrieve the R,G,B tuple for a given color index.
virtual bool Initialize (iObjectRegistry *object_reg)
 Initialize the plugin.
virtual bool Open ()
 Initialize font cache, texture cache, prints renderer name and version.
virtual bool PerformExtensionV (char const *command, va_list)
 Perform extension commands.
virtual bool Resize (int width, int height)
 Resize the canvas.
virtual void RestoreArea (csImageArea *Area, bool Free=true)
 Restore a subarea of screen saved with SaveArea().
virtual csImageAreaSaveArea (int x, int y, int w, int h)
 Save a subarea of screen area into the variable Data.
virtual csPtr< iImageScreenShot ()
 Do a screenshot: return a new iImage object.
virtual void SetClipRect (int xmin, int ymin, int xmax, int ymax)
 Set clipping rectangle.
virtual void SetRGB (int i, int r, int g, int b)
 Set a palette entry.
virtual ~csGraphics2DGLCommon ()
 Clear font cache etc.
iEventPlug implementation
virtual unsigned GetPotentiallyConflictingEvents ()
 Get the mask of events that can be generated by this source and are generated directly from user actions (e.g.
virtual unsigned QueryEventPriority (unsigned)
 Query how strong the plug's wish to generate certain class of events is.
iGLDriverDatabase implementation
void ReadDatabase (iDocumentNode *dbRoot, int configPriority=iConfigManager::ConfigPriorityPlugin+20, const char *phase=0)
 Read a custom driver database.

Public Attributes

csRef< iEventOutletEventOutlet
 The event plug object.

Protected Member Functions

void DecomposeColor (int iColor, float &oR, float &oG, float &oB, float &oA)
 Same but uses floating-point format.
void DecomposeColor (int iColor, GLubyte &oR, GLubyte &oG, GLubyte &oB, GLubyte &oA)
 Decompose a color ID into r,g,b components.
void OpenDriverDB (const char *phase=0)
 Open default driver database.
void setGLColorfromint (int color)
 Set up current GL RGB color from a packed color format.

Protected Attributes

GLPixelFormat currentFormat
 Depth buffer resolution.
csGLDriverDatabase driverdb
 Driver database.
csGLExtensionManager ext
 Extension manager.
bool hasRenderTarget
bool multiFavorQuality
 Whether to favor quality or speed.
 Cache for GL states.
bool useCombineTE


class csGLFontCache
class csGLPixelFormatPicker
class csGLScreenShot


class  csGLPixelFormatPicker

Detailed Description

Basic OpenGL version of the 2D driver class.

You can look at one of the OpenGL canvas classes as an example of how to inherit and use this class. In short, inherit from this common class instead of from csGraphics2D, and override all the functions you normally would except for the 2D drawing functions, which are supplied for you here. That way all OpenGL drawing functions are unified over platforms, so that a fix or improvement will be inherited by all platforms instead of percolating via people copying code over.

Definition at line 59 of file glcommon2d.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

csGraphics2DGLCommon::csGraphics2DGLCommon ( iBase iParent  ) 

Constructor does little, most initialization stuff happens in Initialize().

virtual csGraphics2DGLCommon::~csGraphics2DGLCommon (  )  [virtual]

Clear font cache etc.

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool csGraphics2DGLCommon::BeginDraw (  )  [virtual]

This routine should be called before any draw operations.

It should return true if graphics context is ready.

Reimplemented from csGraphics2D.

virtual void csGraphics2DGLCommon::Blit ( int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h,
unsigned char const *  data 
) [virtual]


Reimplemented from csGraphics2D.

virtual void csGraphics2DGLCommon::Clear ( int  color  )  [virtual]

Clear the screen with color.

Reimplemented from csGraphics2D.

virtual void csGraphics2DGLCommon::Close (  )  [virtual]

(*) Close graphics system

Reimplemented from csGraphics2D.

virtual bool csGraphics2DGLCommon::DebugCommand ( const char *  cmd  )  [virtual]

Execute a debug command.

Reimplemented from csGraphics2D.

void csGraphics2DGLCommon::DecomposeColor ( int  iColor,
float &  oR,
float &  oG,
float &  oB,
float &  oA 
) [protected]

Same but uses floating-point format.

void csGraphics2DGLCommon::DecomposeColor ( int  iColor,
GLubyte oR,
GLubyte oG,
GLubyte oB,
GLubyte oA 
) [protected]

Decompose a color ID into r,g,b components.

virtual bool csGraphics2DGLCommon::DoubleBuffer ( bool  Enable  )  [inline, virtual]

Enable or disable double buffering; returns success status.

Reimplemented from csGraphics2D.

Definition at line 288 of file glcommon2d.h.

virtual void csGraphics2DGLCommon::DrawBox ( int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h,
int  color 
) [virtual]

Draw a box.

Reimplemented from csGraphics2D.

virtual void csGraphics2DGLCommon::DrawLine ( float  x1,
float  y1,
float  x2,
float  y2,
int  color 
) [virtual]

Draw a line.

Reimplemented from csGraphics2D.

virtual void csGraphics2DGLCommon::DrawPixel ( int  x,
int  y,
int  color 
) [virtual]

Draw a pixel.

Reimplemented from csGraphics2D.

virtual void csGraphics2DGLCommon::DrawPixels ( csPixelCoord const *  pixels,
int  num_pixels,
int  color 
) [virtual]

Draw a series of pixels.

Reimplemented from csGraphics2D.

virtual int csGraphics2DGLCommon::FindRGB ( int  r,
int  g,
int  b,
int  a = 255 
) [inline, virtual]

Find an RGB (0.

.255) color. If there is a palette, this returns an entry index set with SetRGB(). If the returned value is -1, a suitable palette entry was not found. Without a palette, the actual color bytes are returned.

Use returned value for color arguments in iGraphics2D.

Reimplemented from csGraphics2D.

Definition at line 229 of file glcommon2d.h.

virtual void csGraphics2DGLCommon::FinishDraw (  )  [virtual]

This routine should be called when you finished drawing.

Reimplemented from csGraphics2D.

virtual bool csGraphics2DGLCommon::GetDoubleBufferState (  )  [inline, virtual]

Get the double buffer state.

Reimplemented from csGraphics2D.

Definition at line 285 of file glcommon2d.h.

virtual unsigned char* csGraphics2DGLCommon::GetPixelAt ( int  x,
int  y 
) [virtual]

Get address of video RAM at given x,y coordinates.

The OpenGL version of this function just returns 0 if not doing a screenshot.

Reimplemented from csGraphics2D.

virtual unsigned csGraphics2DGLCommon::GetPotentiallyConflictingEvents (  )  [inline, virtual]

Get the mask of events that can be generated by this source and are generated directly from user actions (e.g.

key presses, mouse clicks and so on). This is used to locate potentialy conflicting combinations of event source plugins (for example two event sources may generate a csevKeyDown event each from every key press).

The mask is a combination of CSEVTYPE_XXX values ORed together.

Implements iEventPlug.

Definition at line 299 of file glcommon2d.h.

References CSEVTYPE_Keyboard, and CSEVTYPE_Mouse.

virtual void csGraphics2DGLCommon::GetRGB ( int  color,
int &  r,
int &  g,
int &  b,
int &  a 
) [inline, virtual]

Retrieve the R,G,B,A tuple for a given color index.

Reimplemented from csGraphics2D.

Definition at line 247 of file glcommon2d.h.

virtual void csGraphics2DGLCommon::GetRGB ( int  color,
int &  r,
int &  g,
int &  b 
) [inline, virtual]

Retrieve the R,G,B tuple for a given color index.

Reimplemented from csGraphics2D.

Definition at line 241 of file glcommon2d.h.

virtual bool csGraphics2DGLCommon::Initialize ( iObjectRegistry object_reg  )  [virtual]

Initialize the plugin.

Reimplemented from csGraphics2D.

virtual bool csGraphics2DGLCommon::Open (  )  [virtual]

Initialize font cache, texture cache, prints renderer name and version.

you should still print out the 2D driver type (X, Win, etc.) in your subclass code.

Reimplemented from csGraphics2D.

void csGraphics2DGLCommon::OpenDriverDB ( const char *  phase = 0  )  [protected]

Open default driver database.

virtual bool csGraphics2DGLCommon::PerformExtensionV ( char const *  command,
) [virtual]

Perform extension commands.

Reimplemented from csGraphics2D.

virtual unsigned csGraphics2DGLCommon::QueryEventPriority ( unsigned   )  [inline, virtual]

Query how strong the plug's wish to generate certain class of events is.

The plug with the strongest wish wins. The argument is one of CSEVTYPE_XXX values (but never a combination of several OR'ed together).

The typical value is somewhere around 100; the event plugs which are sometimes implemented inside the system drivers (such as for Windows and DJGPP) usually have the priority 100.

Implements iEventPlug.

Definition at line 301 of file glcommon2d.h.

void csGraphics2DGLCommon::ReadDatabase ( iDocumentNode dbRoot,
int  configPriority = iConfigManager::ConfigPriorityPlugin+20,
const char *  phase = 0 
) [inline]

Read a custom driver database.

dbRoot Document node containing the <configs> and <rules> nodes required by the driver DB as children.
configPriority Priority with which the individual tweaks are added to the configuration manager.
phase Simple rule filter; only rules whose "phase" attribute match this string are considered. 0 and an empty string are equivalent.

Reimplemented from iOpenGLDriverDatabase.

Definition at line 307 of file glcommon2d.h.

virtual bool csGraphics2DGLCommon::Resize ( int  width,
int  height 
) [virtual]

Resize the canvas.

Reimplemented from csGraphics2D.

virtual void csGraphics2DGLCommon::RestoreArea ( csImageArea Area,
bool  Free = true 
) [virtual]

Restore a subarea of screen saved with SaveArea().

Reimplemented from csGraphics2D.

virtual csImageArea* csGraphics2DGLCommon::SaveArea ( int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h 
) [virtual]

Save a subarea of screen area into the variable Data.

Storage is allocated in this call, you should either FreeArea() it after usage or RestoreArea() it.

Reimplemented from csGraphics2D.

virtual csPtr<iImage> csGraphics2DGLCommon::ScreenShot (  )  [virtual]

Do a screenshot: return a new iImage object.

Reimplemented from csGraphics2D.

virtual void csGraphics2DGLCommon::SetClipRect ( int  xmin,
int  ymin,
int  xmax,
int  ymax 
) [virtual]

Set clipping rectangle.

Reimplemented from csGraphics2D.

void csGraphics2DGLCommon::setGLColorfromint ( int  color  )  [protected]

Set up current GL RGB color from a packed color format.

virtual void csGraphics2DGLCommon::SetRGB ( int  i,
int  r,
int  g,
int  b 
) [virtual]

Set a palette entry.

Reimplemented from csGraphics2D.

Member Data Documentation

Depth buffer resolution.

Definition at line 158 of file glcommon2d.h.

Driver database.

Definition at line 160 of file glcommon2d.h.

The event plug object.

Definition at line 174 of file glcommon2d.h.

Extension manager.

Definition at line 151 of file glcommon2d.h.

Whether to favor quality or speed.

Definition at line 155 of file glcommon2d.h.

Cache for GL states.

Definition at line 131 of file glcommon2d.h.

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