
Public API Reference

csGraphics2D Class Reference
[Common Plugin Classes]

This is the base class for 2D canvases. More...

#include <csplugincommon/canvas/graph2d.h>

Inheritance diagram for csGraphics2D:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void AllowResize (bool)
 Enable/disable canvas resize (Over-ride in sub classes).
virtual bool BeginDraw ()
 This routine should be called before any draw operations.
virtual void Blit (int x, int y, int width, int height, unsigned char const *data)
 Blit a memory block. Format of the image is RGBA in bytes. Row by row.
virtual void ChangeDepth (int d)
 Change the depth of the canvas.
virtual void Clear (int color)
 Clear backbuffer.
virtual void ClearAll (int color)
 Clear all video pages.
virtual bool ClipLine (float &x1, float &y1, float &x2, float &y2, int xmin, int ymin, int xmax, int ymax)
 Clip a line against given rectangle Function returns true if line is not visible.
virtual void Close ()
 (*) Close graphics system
virtual csPtr< iGraphics2DCreateOffscreenCanvas (void *memory, int width, int height, int depth, iOffscreenCanvasCallback *ofscb)
 Create an off-screen canvas so you can render on a given memory area.
 csGraphics2D (iBase *)
 Create csGraphics2D object.
virtual bool DoubleBuffer (bool Enable)
 Enable or disable double buffering; return TRUE if supported.
virtual void DrawBox (int x, int y, int w, int h, int color)
 Draw a box of given width and height.
virtual void DrawLine (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, int color)
 Draw a line.
virtual void DrawPixel (int x, int y, int color)
 Same but exposed through iGraphics2D interface.
virtual void DrawPixels (csPixelCoord const *pixels, int num_pixels, int color)
 Draw an array of pixel coordinates with the given color.
virtual int FindRGB (int r, int g, int b, int a=255)
 Find an RGB (0.
virtual void FinishDraw ()
 This routine should be called when you finished drawing.
virtual void FreeArea (csImageArea *Area)
 Free storage allocated for a subarea of screen.
virtual void GetClipRect (int &xmin, int &ymin, int &xmax, int &ymax)
 Query clipping rectangle.
virtual bool GetDoubleBufferState ()
 Return current double buffering state.
virtual iFontServerGetFontServer ()
 Gets the font server.
virtual bool GetFullScreen ()
 Returns 'true' if the program is being run full-screen.
virtual float GetGamma () const
 Get gamma value.
virtual int GetHeight ()
 Return the height of the framebuffer.
virtual const char * GetName () const
 Get the name of this canvas.
virtual iNativeWindowGetNativeWindow ()
 Return the Native Window interface for this canvas (if it has one).
virtual int GetPage ()
 Get active videopage number (starting from zero).
virtual int GetPalEntryCount ()
 Return the number of palette entries that can be modified.
virtual csRGBpixelGetPalette ()
 Get the palette (if there is one).
virtual void GetPixel (int x, int y, uint8 &oR, uint8 &oG, uint8 &oB, uint8 &oA)
 As GetPixel() above, but with alpha.
virtual void GetPixel (int x, int y, uint8 &oR, uint8 &oG, uint8 &oB)
 Query pixel R,G,B at given screen location.
virtual unsigned char * GetPixelAt (int x, int y)
 Same but exposed through iGraphics2D interface.
virtual int GetPixelBytes ()
 Return the number of bytes for every pixel.
virtual csPixelFormat const * GetPixelFormat ()
 Return information about about the pixel format.
virtual void GetRGB (int color, int &r, int &g, int &b, int &a)
 Retrieve the R,G,B,A tuple for a given color index.
virtual void GetRGB (int color, int &r, int &g, int &b)
 Retrieve the R,G,B tuple for a given color index.
virtual int GetWidth ()
 Return the width of the framebuffer.
virtual bool HandleEvent (iEvent &)
 Event handler for plugin.
virtual bool Initialize (iObjectRegistry *)
 Initialize the plugin.
virtual bool Open ()
 (*) Open graphics system (set videomode, open window etc)
virtual bool PerformExtension (char const *command,...)
 Perform a system specific extension.
virtual bool PerformExtensionV (char const *command, va_list)
 Perform a system specific extension.
virtual void Print (csRect const *=0)
 (*) Flip video pages (or dump backbuffer into framebuffer).
virtual bool Resize (int w, int h)
 Resize the canvas.
virtual void RestoreArea (csImageArea *Area, bool Free=true)
 Restore a subarea of screen saved with SaveArea().
virtual csImageAreaSaveArea (int x, int y, int w, int h)
 Save a subarea of screen area into the variable Data.
virtual csPtr< iImageScreenShot ()
 Do a screenshot: return a new iImage object.
virtual void SetClipRect (int xmin, int ymin, int xmax, int ymax)
 Set clipping rectangle.
virtual void SetFullScreen (bool b)
 Change the fullscreen state of the canvas.
virtual bool SetGamma (float)
 Set gamma value (if supported by canvas).
virtual bool SetMouseCursor (iImage *image, const csRGBcolor *keycolor=0, int hotspot_x=0, int hotspot_y=0, csRGBcolor fg=csRGBcolor(255, 255, 255), csRGBcolor bg=csRGBcolor(0, 0, 0))
 Set mouse cursor using an image.
virtual bool SetMouseCursor (csMouseCursorID iShape)
 Set mouse cursor to one of predefined shape classes (see csmcXXX enum above).
virtual bool SetMousePosition (int x, int y)
 Set mouse cursor position; return success status.
virtual void SetRGB (int i, int r, int g, int b)
 (*) Set a color index to given R,G,B (0..255) values
virtual ~csGraphics2D ()
 Destroy csGraphics2D object.
virtual void Write (iFont *font, int x, int y, int fg, int bg, const wchar_t *text, uint flags=0)
 Write a text string into the back buffer.
virtual void Write (iFont *font, int x, int y, int fg, int bg, const char *text, uint flags=0)
 Write a text string into the back buffer.
virtual void WriteBaseline (iFont *font, int x, int y, int fg, int bg, const char *text)
 Write a text string into the back buffer.

Public Attributes

void(* _DrawPixel )(csGraphics2D *This, int x, int y, int color)
 Draw a pixel.
unsigned char *(* _GetPixelAt )(csGraphics2D *This, int x, int y)
 (*) Get address of video RAM at given x,y coordinates
bool AllowResizing
 Whether to allow resizing.
int ClipX1
 The clipping rectangle.
int ClipX2
int ClipY1
int ClipY2
csConfigAccess config
 The configuration file.
int Depth
int DisplayNumber
 Display number.
 The font cache.
csWeakRef< iFontServerFontServer
 The font server.
int FrameBufferLocked
 The counter that is incremented inside BeginDraw and decremented in FinishDraw().
bool FullScreen
 True if visual is full-screen.
int Height
bool is_open
 Open/Close state.
int * LineAddress
 Keep a array of Y*width to avoid multiplications.
unsigned char * Memory
 Most systems have a pointer to (real or pseudo) video RAM.
 The object registry.
csRef< iOffscreenCanvasCallbackofscb
 Callback to use for informing an external agent when several canvas operations have occured.
 256-color palette.
bool PaletteAlloc [256]
 true if some palette entry is already allocated.
csPixelFormat pfmt
 The pixel format.
csWeakRef< iPluginManagerplugin_mgr
 The plugin manager.
int vpHeight
bool vpSet
int vpWidth
int Width
 The width, height and depth of visual.
csString win_title
 Pointer to a title.

Protected Member Functions

iNativeWindowManager implementation
virtual void Alert (int type, const wchar_t *title, const wchar_t *okMsg, const wchar_t *msg,...)
 Show an alert.
virtual void Alert (int type, const char *title, const char *okMsg, const char *msg,...)
 Show an alert.
virtual void AlertV (int type, const wchar_t *title, const wchar_t *okMsg, const wchar_t *msg, va_list args)
 Show an alert.
virtual void AlertV (int type, const char *title, const char *okMsg, const char *msg, va_list args)
 Show an alert.
iDebugHelper implementation
virtual csTicks Benchmark (int)
 Perform a benchmark.
virtual bool DebugCommand (const char *cmd)
 Perform a debug command as defined by the module itself.
virtual void Dump (iGraphics3D *)
 Do a graphical dump of the current state of this object.
virtual csPtr< iStringDump ()
 Do a text dump of the current state of this object.
virtual int GetSupportedTests () const
 Return a bit field indicating what types of functions this specific unit test implementation supports.
virtual csPtr< iStringStateTest ()
 Perform a state test.
virtual csPtr< iStringUnitTest ()
 Perform a unit test.
iPluginConfig implementation
virtual bool GetOption (int id, csVariant *value)
 Get option.
virtual bool GetOptionDescription (int idx, csOptionDescription *)
 Get option description; return FALSE if there is no such option.
virtual bool SetOption (int id, csVariant *value)
 Set option.
iNativeWindow implementation
virtual void SetTitle (const wchar_t *title)
 Set the title for this window.
virtual void SetTitle (const char *title)
 Set the title for this window.

Static Protected Member Functions

static void DrawPixel16 (csGraphics2D *This, int x, int y, int color)
 Draw a pixel in 16-bit modes.
static void DrawPixel32 (csGraphics2D *This, int x, int y, int color)
 Draw a pixel in 32-bit modes.
static void DrawPixel8 (csGraphics2D *This, int x, int y, int color)
 Draw a pixel in 8-bit modes.
static unsigned char * GetPixelAt16 (csGraphics2D *This, int x, int y)
 Return address of a 16-bit pixel.
static unsigned char * GetPixelAt32 (csGraphics2D *This, int x, int y)
 Return address of a 32-bit pixel.
static unsigned char * GetPixelAt8 (csGraphics2D *This, int x, int y)
 Return address of a 8-bit pixel.

Protected Attributes

csString name
int refreshRate
 Screen refresh rate.
bool vsync
 Activate Vsync.
csRef< iEventHandlerweakEventHandler

Detailed Description

This is the base class for 2D canvases.

Plugins should derive their own class from this one and implement required (marked with an asterisk (*)) functions. Functions not marked with an asterisk are optional, but possibly slow since they are too general.

Definition at line 62 of file graph2d.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

csGraphics2D::csGraphics2D ( iBase  ) 

Create csGraphics2D object.

virtual csGraphics2D::~csGraphics2D (  )  [virtual]

Destroy csGraphics2D object.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void csGraphics2D::Alert ( int  type,
const wchar_t title,
const wchar_t okMsg,
const wchar_t msg,
) [protected, virtual]

Show an alert.

Type is one of CS_ALERT_???.

See also:

Notes about string formatting in Crystal Space

Reimplemented from iNativeWindowManager.

virtual void csGraphics2D::Alert ( int  type,
const char *  title,
const char *  okMsg,
const char *  msg,
) [protected, virtual]

Show an alert.

Type is one of CS_ALERT_???.

All strings are expected to be UTF-8 encoded.
See also:

Notes about string formatting in Crystal Space

Implements iNativeWindowManager.

virtual void csGraphics2D::AlertV ( int  type,
const wchar_t title,
const wchar_t okMsg,
const wchar_t msg,
va_list  args 
) [protected, virtual]

Show an alert.

Type is one of CS_ALERT_???.

See also:

Notes about string formatting in Crystal Space

Reimplemented from iNativeWindowManager.

virtual void csGraphics2D::AlertV ( int  type,
const char *  title,
const char *  okMsg,
const char *  msg,
va_list  args 
) [protected, virtual]

Show an alert.

Type is one of CS_ALERT_???.

All strings are expected to be UTF-8 encoded.
See also:

Notes about string formatting in Crystal Space

Implements iNativeWindowManager.

virtual void csGraphics2D::AllowResize ( bool   )  [inline, virtual]

Enable/disable canvas resize (Over-ride in sub classes).

Implements iGraphics2D.

Definition at line 350 of file graph2d.h.

virtual bool csGraphics2D::BeginDraw (  )  [virtual]

This routine should be called before any draw operations.

It should return true if graphics context is ready.

Implements iGraphics2D.

Reimplemented in csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual csTicks csGraphics2D::Benchmark ( int   )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Perform a benchmark.

This function will return a number indicating how long the benchmark lasted in milliseconds.

Implements iDebugHelper.

Definition at line 454 of file graph2d.h.

virtual void csGraphics2D::Blit ( int  x,
int  y,
int  width,
int  height,
unsigned char const *  data 
) [virtual]

Blit a memory block. Format of the image is RGBA in bytes. Row by row.

Implements iGraphics2D.

Reimplemented in csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual void csGraphics2D::ChangeDepth ( int  d  )  [virtual]

Change the depth of the canvas.

virtual void csGraphics2D::Clear ( int  color  )  [virtual]

Clear backbuffer.

Implements iGraphics2D.

Reimplemented in csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual void csGraphics2D::ClearAll ( int  color  )  [virtual]

Clear all video pages.

Implements iGraphics2D.

virtual bool csGraphics2D::ClipLine ( float &  x1,
float &  y1,
float &  x2,
float &  y2,
int  xmin,
int  ymin,
int  xmax,
int  ymax 
) [virtual]

Clip a line against given rectangle Function returns true if line is not visible.

Implements iGraphics2D.

virtual void csGraphics2D::Close (  )  [virtual]

(*) Close graphics system

Implements iGraphics2D.

Reimplemented in csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual csPtr<iGraphics2D> csGraphics2D::CreateOffscreenCanvas ( void *  memory,
int  width,
int  height,
int  depth,
iOffscreenCanvasCallback ofscb 
) [virtual]

Create an off-screen canvas so you can render on a given memory area.

If depth==8 then the canvas will use palette mode. In that case you can do SetRGB() to initialize the palette. The callback interface (if given) is used to communicate from the canvas back to the caller. You can use this to detect when the texture data has changed for example.

Implements iGraphics2D.

virtual bool csGraphics2D::DebugCommand ( const char *  cmd  )  [protected, virtual]

Perform a debug command as defined by the module itself.

Returns 'false' if the command was not recognized.

Implements iDebugHelper.

Reimplemented in csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual bool csGraphics2D::DoubleBuffer ( bool  Enable  )  [virtual]

Enable or disable double buffering; return TRUE if supported.

Implements iGraphics2D.

Reimplemented in csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual void csGraphics2D::DrawBox ( int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h,
int  color 
) [virtual]

Draw a box of given width and height.

Implements iGraphics2D.

Reimplemented in csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual void csGraphics2D::DrawLine ( float  x1,
float  y1,
float  x2,
float  y2,
int  color 
) [virtual]

Draw a line.

Implements iGraphics2D.

Reimplemented in csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual void csGraphics2D::DrawPixel ( int  x,
int  y,
int  color 
) [inline, virtual]

Same but exposed through iGraphics2D interface.

Implements iGraphics2D.

Reimplemented in csGraphics2DGLCommon.

Definition at line 213 of file graph2d.h.

static void csGraphics2D::DrawPixel16 ( csGraphics2D This,
int  x,
int  y,
int  color 
) [static, protected]

Draw a pixel in 16-bit modes.

static void csGraphics2D::DrawPixel32 ( csGraphics2D This,
int  x,
int  y,
int  color 
) [static, protected]

Draw a pixel in 32-bit modes.

static void csGraphics2D::DrawPixel8 ( csGraphics2D This,
int  x,
int  y,
int  color 
) [static, protected]

Draw a pixel in 8-bit modes.

virtual void csGraphics2D::DrawPixels ( csPixelCoord const *  pixels,
int  num_pixels,
int  color 
) [virtual]

Draw an array of pixel coordinates with the given color.

Implements iGraphics2D.

Reimplemented in csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual void csGraphics2D::Dump ( iGraphics3D  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Do a graphical dump of the current state of this object.

Implements iDebugHelper.

Definition at line 456 of file graph2d.h.

virtual csPtr<iString> csGraphics2D::Dump (  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Do a text dump of the current state of this object.

Returns 0 if not supported or else a string which you should DecRef() after use.

Implements iDebugHelper.

Definition at line 455 of file graph2d.h.

virtual int csGraphics2D::FindRGB ( int  r,
int  g,
int  b,
int  a = 255 
) [inline, virtual]

Find an RGB (0.

.255) color. If there is a palette, this returns an entry index set with SetRGB(). If the returned value is -1, a suitable palette entry was not found. Without a palette, the actual color bytes are returned.

Use returned value for color arguments in iGraphics2D.

Implements iGraphics2D.

Reimplemented in csGraphics2DGLCommon.

Definition at line 227 of file graph2d.h.

virtual void csGraphics2D::FinishDraw (  )  [virtual]

This routine should be called when you finished drawing.

Implements iGraphics2D.

Reimplemented in csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual void csGraphics2D::FreeArea ( csImageArea Area  )  [virtual]

Free storage allocated for a subarea of screen.

Implements iGraphics2D.

virtual void csGraphics2D::GetClipRect ( int &  xmin,
int &  ymin,
int &  xmax,
int &  ymax 
) [virtual]

Query clipping rectangle.

Implements iGraphics2D.

virtual bool csGraphics2D::GetDoubleBufferState (  )  [virtual]

Return current double buffering state.

Implements iGraphics2D.

Reimplemented in csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual iFontServer* csGraphics2D::GetFontServer (  )  [inline, virtual]

Gets the font server.

Implements iGraphics2D.

Definition at line 317 of file graph2d.h.

virtual bool csGraphics2D::GetFullScreen (  )  [inline, virtual]

Returns 'true' if the program is being run full-screen.

Implements iGraphics2D.

Definition at line 359 of file graph2d.h.

virtual float csGraphics2D::GetGamma (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Get gamma value.

Implements iGraphics2D.

Definition at line 298 of file graph2d.h.

virtual int csGraphics2D::GetHeight (  )  [inline, virtual]

Return the height of the framebuffer.

Implements iGraphics2D.

Definition at line 322 of file graph2d.h.

virtual const char* csGraphics2D::GetName (  )  const [virtual]

Get the name of this canvas.

Implements iGraphics2D.

virtual iNativeWindow* csGraphics2D::GetNativeWindow (  )  [virtual]

Return the Native Window interface for this canvas (if it has one).

Implements iGraphics2D.

virtual bool csGraphics2D::GetOption ( int  id,
csVariant value 
) [protected, virtual]

Get option.

Implements iPluginConfig.

virtual bool csGraphics2D::GetOptionDescription ( int  idx,
) [protected, virtual]

Get option description; return FALSE if there is no such option.

Implements iPluginConfig.

virtual int csGraphics2D::GetPage (  )  [virtual]

Get active videopage number (starting from zero).

Implements iGraphics2D.

virtual int csGraphics2D::GetPalEntryCount (  )  [inline, virtual]

Return the number of palette entries that can be modified.

This should return 0 if there is no palette (true color displays). This function is equivalent to the PalEntries field that you get from GetPixelFormat(). It is just a little bit easier to obtain this way.

Implements iGraphics2D.

Definition at line 269 of file graph2d.h.

virtual csRGBpixel* csGraphics2D::GetPalette (  )  [inline, virtual]

Get the palette (if there is one).

Implements iGraphics2D.

Definition at line 326 of file graph2d.h.

virtual void csGraphics2D::GetPixel ( int  x,
int  y,
uint8 oR,
uint8 oG,
uint8 oB,
uint8 oA 
) [virtual]

As GetPixel() above, but with alpha.

Implements iGraphics2D.

virtual void csGraphics2D::GetPixel ( int  x,
int  y,
uint8 oR,
uint8 oG,
uint8 oB 
) [virtual]

Query pixel R,G,B at given screen location.

Implements iGraphics2D.

virtual unsigned char* csGraphics2D::GetPixelAt ( int  x,
int  y 
) [inline, virtual]

static unsigned char* csGraphics2D::GetPixelAt16 ( csGraphics2D This,
int  x,
int  y 
) [static, protected]

Return address of a 16-bit pixel.

static unsigned char* csGraphics2D::GetPixelAt32 ( csGraphics2D This,
int  x,
int  y 
) [static, protected]

Return address of a 32-bit pixel.

static unsigned char* csGraphics2D::GetPixelAt8 ( csGraphics2D This,
int  x,
int  y 
) [static, protected]

Return address of a 8-bit pixel.

virtual int csGraphics2D::GetPixelBytes (  )  [inline, virtual]

Return the number of bytes for every pixel.

This function is equivalent to the PixelBytes field that you get from GetPixelFormat().

Implements iGraphics2D.

Definition at line 277 of file graph2d.h.

virtual csPixelFormat const* csGraphics2D::GetPixelFormat (  )  [inline, virtual]

Return information about about the pixel format.

Implements iGraphics2D.

Definition at line 283 of file graph2d.h.

virtual void csGraphics2D::GetRGB ( int  color,
int &  r,
int &  g,
int &  b,
int &  a 
) [virtual]

Retrieve the R,G,B,A tuple for a given color index.

Implements iGraphics2D.

Reimplemented in csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual void csGraphics2D::GetRGB ( int  color,
int &  r,
int &  g,
int &  b 
) [virtual]

Retrieve the R,G,B tuple for a given color index.

Implements iGraphics2D.

Reimplemented in csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual int csGraphics2D::GetSupportedTests (  )  const [inline, protected, virtual]

Return a bit field indicating what types of functions this specific unit test implementation supports.

This will return a combination of the CS_DBGHELP_... flags:

Implements iDebugHelper.

Definition at line 451 of file graph2d.h.

virtual int csGraphics2D::GetWidth (  )  [inline, virtual]

Return the width of the framebuffer.

Implements iGraphics2D.

Definition at line 320 of file graph2d.h.

virtual bool csGraphics2D::HandleEvent ( iEvent  )  [virtual]

Event handler for plugin.

Implements iEventHandler.

virtual bool csGraphics2D::Initialize ( iObjectRegistry  )  [virtual]

Initialize the plugin.

Implements iComponent.

Reimplemented in csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual bool csGraphics2D::Open (  )  [virtual]

(*) Open graphics system (set videomode, open window etc)

Implements iGraphics2D.

Reimplemented in csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual bool csGraphics2D::PerformExtension ( char const *  command,
) [virtual]

Perform a system specific extension.

Return false if extension not supported.

Implements iGraphics2D.

virtual bool csGraphics2D::PerformExtensionV ( char const *  command,
) [virtual]

Perform a system specific extension.

Return false if extension not supported.

Implements iGraphics2D.

Reimplemented in csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual void csGraphics2D::Print ( csRect const *  = 0  )  [inline, virtual]

(*) Flip video pages (or dump backbuffer into framebuffer).

Implements iGraphics2D.

Definition at line 191 of file graph2d.h.

virtual bool csGraphics2D::Resize ( int  w,
int  h 
) [virtual]

Resize the canvas.

Implements iGraphics2D.

Reimplemented in csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual void csGraphics2D::RestoreArea ( csImageArea Area,
bool  Free = true 
) [virtual]

Restore a subarea of screen saved with SaveArea().

Implements iGraphics2D.

Reimplemented in csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual csImageArea* csGraphics2D::SaveArea ( int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h 
) [virtual]

Save a subarea of screen area into the variable Data.

Storage is allocated in this call, you should either FreeArea() it after usage or RestoreArea() it.

Implements iGraphics2D.

Reimplemented in csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual csPtr<iImage> csGraphics2D::ScreenShot (  )  [virtual]

Do a screenshot: return a new iImage object.

Implements iGraphics2D.

Reimplemented in csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual void csGraphics2D::SetClipRect ( int  xmin,
int  ymin,
int  xmax,
int  ymax 
) [virtual]

Set clipping rectangle.

Implements iGraphics2D.

Reimplemented in csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual void csGraphics2D::SetFullScreen ( bool  b  )  [virtual]

Change the fullscreen state of the canvas.

Implements iGraphics2D.

virtual bool csGraphics2D::SetGamma ( float   )  [inline, virtual]

Set gamma value (if supported by canvas).

By default this is 1. Smaller values are darker. If the canvas doesn't support gamma then this function will return false.

Implements iGraphics2D.

Definition at line 297 of file graph2d.h.

virtual bool csGraphics2D::SetMouseCursor ( iImage image,
const csRGBcolor keycolor = 0,
int  hotspot_x = 0,
int  hotspot_y = 0,
csRGBcolor  fg = csRGBcolor(255, 255, 255),
csRGBcolor  bg = csRGBcolor(0, 0, 0) 
) [virtual]

Set mouse cursor using an image.

If the operation is unsupported, return 'false' otherwise return 'true'. On some platforms there is only monochrome pointers available. In this all black colors in the image will become the value of 'bg' and all non-black colors will become 'fg'

Implements iGraphics2D.

virtual bool csGraphics2D::SetMouseCursor ( csMouseCursorID  iShape  )  [virtual]

Set mouse cursor to one of predefined shape classes (see csmcXXX enum above).

If a specific mouse cursor shape is not supported, return 'false'; otherwise return 'true'. If system supports it and iBitmap != 0, shape should be set to the bitmap passed as second argument; otherwise cursor should be set to its nearest system equivalent depending on iShape argument.

Implements iGraphics2D.

virtual bool csGraphics2D::SetMousePosition ( int  x,
int  y 
) [virtual]

Set mouse cursor position; return success status.

Implements iGraphics2D.

virtual bool csGraphics2D::SetOption ( int  id,
csVariant value 
) [protected, virtual]

Set option.

Implements iPluginConfig.

virtual void csGraphics2D::SetRGB ( int  i,
int  r,
int  g,
int  b 
) [virtual]

(*) Set a color index to given R,G,B (0..255) values

Implements iGraphics2D.

Reimplemented in csGraphics2DGLCommon.

virtual void csGraphics2D::SetTitle ( const wchar_t title  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Set the title for this window.

Implements iNativeWindow.

Definition at line 437 of file graph2d.h.

virtual void csGraphics2D::SetTitle ( const char *  title  )  [protected, virtual]

Set the title for this window.

title is expected to be UTF-8 encoded.

Implements iNativeWindow.

virtual csPtr<iString> csGraphics2D::StateTest (  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Perform a state test.

This function will test if the current state of the object is ok. It will return 0 if it is ok. Otherwise an iString is returned containing some information about the errors. DecRef() this returned string after using it.

Implements iDebugHelper.

Definition at line 453 of file graph2d.h.

virtual csPtr<iString> csGraphics2D::UnitTest (  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Perform a unit test.

This function will try to test as much as possible of the given module. This function returns 0 if the test succeeded. Otherwise an iString is returned containing some information about the errors. DecRef() this returned string after using it.

Implements iDebugHelper.

Definition at line 452 of file graph2d.h.

virtual void csGraphics2D::Write ( iFont font,
int  x,
int  y,
int  fg,
int  bg,
const wchar_t text,
uint  flags = 0 
) [virtual]

Write a text string into the back buffer.

A value of -1 for bg color will not draw the background.

For transparent backgrounds, it is recommended to obtain a color value from FindRGB() that has the same R, G, B components as the foreground color, but an alpha component of 0.

Implements iGraphics2D.

virtual void csGraphics2D::Write ( iFont font,
int  x,
int  y,
int  fg,
int  bg,
const char *  text,
uint  flags = 0 
) [virtual]

Write a text string into the back buffer.

Implements iGraphics2D.

virtual void csGraphics2D::WriteBaseline ( iFont font,
int  x,
int  y,
int  fg,
int  bg,
const char *  text 
) [virtual]

Write a text string into the back buffer.

A value of -1 for bg color will not draw the background. x and y are the pen position on a baseline. The actual font baseline is shifted up by the font's descent.

Instead, use Write() with the CS_WRITE_BASELINE flag set.

Implements iGraphics2D.

Member Data Documentation

void(* csGraphics2D::_DrawPixel)(csGraphics2D *This, int x, int y, int color)

Draw a pixel.

This allows deciding at run-time which function we will choose.

unsigned char*(* csGraphics2D::_GetPixelAt)(csGraphics2D *This, int x, int y)

(*) Get address of video RAM at given x,y coordinates

Whether to allow resizing.

Definition at line 120 of file graph2d.h.

The clipping rectangle.

Definition at line 72 of file graph2d.h.

The configuration file.

Definition at line 69 of file graph2d.h.

Display number.

If 0, use primary display; else if greater than 0, use that display number. If that display number is not present, use primary display.

Definition at line 116 of file graph2d.h.

The font cache.

Definition at line 100 of file graph2d.h.

The font server.

Definition at line 98 of file graph2d.h.

The counter that is incremented inside BeginDraw and decremented in FinishDraw().

Definition at line 129 of file graph2d.h.

True if visual is full-screen.

Definition at line 118 of file graph2d.h.

Open/Close state.

Definition at line 81 of file graph2d.h.

Keep a array of Y*width to avoid multiplications.

Definition at line 84 of file graph2d.h.

Referenced by csG2DDrawLine< Tpixel, Tpixmixer >::DrawLine().

unsigned char* csGraphics2D::Memory

Most systems have a pointer to (real or pseudo) video RAM.

Definition at line 78 of file graph2d.h.

Referenced by csG2DDrawLine< Tpixel, Tpixmixer >::DrawLine().

The object registry.

Definition at line 87 of file graph2d.h.

Callback to use for informing an external agent when several canvas operations have occured.

Definition at line 95 of file graph2d.h.

256-color palette.

Definition at line 122 of file graph2d.h.

true if some palette entry is already allocated.

Definition at line 124 of file graph2d.h.

The pixel format.

Definition at line 75 of file graph2d.h.

Referenced by csPixMixerRGBA< Tpixel >::csPixMixerRGBA().

The plugin manager.

Definition at line 89 of file graph2d.h.

int csGraphics2D::refreshRate [protected]

Screen refresh rate.

Definition at line 141 of file graph2d.h.

bool csGraphics2D::vsync [protected]

Activate Vsync.

Definition at line 143 of file graph2d.h.

The width, height and depth of visual.

Definition at line 106 of file graph2d.h.

Pointer to a title.

Definition at line 103 of file graph2d.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated for Crystal Space by doxygen 1.4.7