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atmmpc.h File Reference
#include <linux/atmapi.h>
#include <linux/atmioc.h>
#include <linux/atm.h>
#include <linux/types.h>

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Data Structures

struct  atmmpc_ioc
struct  in_ctrl_info
struct  eg_ctrl_info
struct  mpc_parameters
struct  k_message
struct  llc_snap_hdr


#define ATMMPC_DATA   _IO('a', ATMIOC_MPOA+1)
#define TLV_MPOA_DEVICE_TYPE   0x00a03e2a
#define NON_MPOA   0
#define MPS   1
#define MPC   2
#define MPS_AND_MPC   3
#define MPC_P1   10 /* Shortcut-Setup Frame Count */
#define MPC_P2   1 /* Shortcut-Setup Frame Time */
#define MPC_P3   0 /* Flow-detection Protocols */
#define MPC_P4   5 /* MPC Initial Retry Time */
#define MPC_P5   40 /* MPC Retry Time Maximum */
#define MPC_P6   160 /* Hold Down Time */
#define HOLDING_TIME_DEFAULT   1200 /* same as MPS-p7 */
#define MPC_C1   2 /* Retry Time Multiplier */
#define MPC_C2   60 /* Initial Keep-Alive Lifetime */
#define SND_MPOA_RES_RQST   201
#define SET_MPS_CTRL_ADDR   202
#define SND_MPOA_RES_RTRY   203 /* Different type in a retry due to req id */
#define STOP_KEEP_ALIVE_SM   204
#define SND_EGRESS_PURGE   206
#define DIE   207 /* tell the daemon to exit() */
#define DATA_PLANE_PURGE   208 /* Data plane purge because of egress cache hit miss or dead MPS */
#define OPEN_INGRESS_SVC   209
#define MPOA_TRIGGER_RCVD   101
#define MPOA_RES_REPLY_RCVD   102
#define INGRESS_PURGE_RCVD   103
#define EGRESS_PURGE_RCVD   104
#define MPS_DEATH   105
#define CACHE_IMPOS_RCVD   106
#define SET_MPC_CTRL_ADDR   107 /* Our MPC's control ATM address */
#define SET_MPS_MAC_ADDR   108
#define CLEAN_UP_AND_EXIT   109
#define SET_MPC_PARAMS   110 /* MPC configuration parameters */
#define RELOAD   301 /* kill -HUP the daemon for reload */


typedef struct in_ctrl_info in_ctrl_info
typedef struct eg_ctrl_info eg_ctrl_info


struct k_message __ATM_API_ALIGN

Macro Definition Documentation


Definition at line 9 of file atmmpc.h.

#define ATMMPC_DATA   _IO('a', ATMIOC_MPOA+1)

Definition at line 10 of file atmmpc.h.

#define CACHE_IMPOS_RCVD   106

Definition at line 116 of file atmmpc.h.

#define CLEAN_UP_AND_EXIT   109

Definition at line 119 of file atmmpc.h.

#define DATA_PLANE_PURGE   208 /* Data plane purge because of egress cache hit miss or dead MPS */

Definition at line 106 of file atmmpc.h.

#define DIE   207 /* tell the daemon to exit() */

Definition at line 105 of file atmmpc.h.


Definition at line 103 of file atmmpc.h.

#define EGRESS_PURGE_RCVD   104

Definition at line 114 of file atmmpc.h.

#define HOLDING_TIME_DEFAULT   1200 /* same as MPS-p7 */

Definition at line 90 of file atmmpc.h.

#define INGRESS_PURGE_RCVD   103

Definition at line 113 of file atmmpc.h.

#define MPC   2

Definition at line 78 of file atmmpc.h.

#define MPC_C1   2 /* Retry Time Multiplier */

Definition at line 94 of file atmmpc.h.

#define MPC_C2   60 /* Initial Keep-Alive Lifetime */

Definition at line 95 of file atmmpc.h.

#define MPC_P1   10 /* Shortcut-Setup Frame Count */

Definition at line 84 of file atmmpc.h.

#define MPC_P2   1 /* Shortcut-Setup Frame Time */

Definition at line 85 of file atmmpc.h.

#define MPC_P3   0 /* Flow-detection Protocols */

Definition at line 86 of file atmmpc.h.

#define MPC_P4   5 /* MPC Initial Retry Time */

Definition at line 87 of file atmmpc.h.

#define MPC_P5   40 /* MPC Retry Time Maximum */

Definition at line 88 of file atmmpc.h.

#define MPC_P6   160 /* Hold Down Time */

Definition at line 89 of file atmmpc.h.


Definition at line 13 of file atmmpc.h.


Definition at line 12 of file atmmpc.h.

#define MPOA_RES_REPLY_RCVD   102

Definition at line 112 of file atmmpc.h.

#define MPOA_TRIGGER_RCVD   101

Definition at line 111 of file atmmpc.h.

#define MPS   1

Definition at line 77 of file atmmpc.h.

#define MPS_AND_MPC   3

Definition at line 79 of file atmmpc.h.

#define MPS_DEATH   105

Definition at line 115 of file atmmpc.h.

#define NON_MPOA   0

Definition at line 76 of file atmmpc.h.

#define OPEN_INGRESS_SVC   209

Definition at line 107 of file atmmpc.h.

#define RELOAD   301 /* kill -HUP the daemon for reload */

Definition at line 124 of file atmmpc.h.

#define SET_MPC_CTRL_ADDR   107 /* Our MPC's control ATM address */

Definition at line 117 of file atmmpc.h.

#define SET_MPC_PARAMS   110 /* MPC configuration parameters */

Definition at line 120 of file atmmpc.h.

#define SET_MPS_CTRL_ADDR   202

Definition at line 100 of file atmmpc.h.

#define SET_MPS_MAC_ADDR   108

Definition at line 118 of file atmmpc.h.

#define SND_EGRESS_PURGE   206

Definition at line 104 of file atmmpc.h.

#define SND_MPOA_RES_RQST   201

Definition at line 99 of file atmmpc.h.

#define SND_MPOA_RES_RTRY   203 /* Different type in a retry due to req id */

Definition at line 101 of file atmmpc.h.

#define STOP_KEEP_ALIVE_SM   204

Definition at line 102 of file atmmpc.h.

#define TLV_MPOA_DEVICE_TYPE   0x00a03e2a

Definition at line 73 of file atmmpc.h.

Typedef Documentation

Variable Documentation