LLVM API Documentation

Typedefs | Functions
Object file reading and writing
LLVM-C: C interface to LLVM
Collaboration diagram for Object file reading and writing:


typedef struct
LLVMOpaqueObjectFile * 
typedef struct
LLVMOpaqueSectionIterator * 
typedef struct
LLVMOpaqueSymbolIterator * 
typedef struct
LLVMOpaqueRelocationIterator * 


LLVMObjectFileRef LLVMCreateObjectFile (LLVMMemoryBufferRef MemBuf)
void LLVMDisposeObjectFile (LLVMObjectFileRef ObjectFile)
LLVMSectionIteratorRef LLVMGetSections (LLVMObjectFileRef ObjectFile)
void LLVMDisposeSectionIterator (LLVMSectionIteratorRef SI)
LLVMBool LLVMIsSectionIteratorAtEnd (LLVMObjectFileRef ObjectFile, LLVMSectionIteratorRef SI)
void LLVMMoveToNextSection (LLVMSectionIteratorRef SI)
void LLVMMoveToContainingSection (LLVMSectionIteratorRef Sect, LLVMSymbolIteratorRef Sym)
LLVMSymbolIteratorRef LLVMGetSymbols (LLVMObjectFileRef ObjectFile)
void LLVMDisposeSymbolIterator (LLVMSymbolIteratorRef SI)
LLVMBool LLVMIsSymbolIteratorAtEnd (LLVMObjectFileRef ObjectFile, LLVMSymbolIteratorRef SI)
void LLVMMoveToNextSymbol (LLVMSymbolIteratorRef SI)
const char * LLVMGetSectionName (LLVMSectionIteratorRef SI)
uint64_t LLVMGetSectionSize (LLVMSectionIteratorRef SI)
const char * LLVMGetSectionContents (LLVMSectionIteratorRef SI)
uint64_t LLVMGetSectionAddress (LLVMSectionIteratorRef SI)
LLVMBool LLVMGetSectionContainsSymbol (LLVMSectionIteratorRef SI, LLVMSymbolIteratorRef Sym)
LLVMRelocationIteratorRef LLVMGetRelocations (LLVMSectionIteratorRef Section)
void LLVMDisposeRelocationIterator (LLVMRelocationIteratorRef RI)
LLVMBool LLVMIsRelocationIteratorAtEnd (LLVMSectionIteratorRef Section, LLVMRelocationIteratorRef RI)
void LLVMMoveToNextRelocation (LLVMRelocationIteratorRef RI)
const char * LLVMGetSymbolName (LLVMSymbolIteratorRef SI)
uint64_t LLVMGetSymbolAddress (LLVMSymbolIteratorRef SI)
uint64_t LLVMGetSymbolSize (LLVMSymbolIteratorRef SI)
uint64_t LLVMGetRelocationAddress (LLVMRelocationIteratorRef RI)
uint64_t LLVMGetRelocationOffset (LLVMRelocationIteratorRef RI)
LLVMSymbolIteratorRef LLVMGetRelocationSymbol (LLVMRelocationIteratorRef RI)
uint64_t LLVMGetRelocationType (LLVMRelocationIteratorRef RI)
const char * LLVMGetRelocationTypeName (LLVMRelocationIteratorRef RI)
const char * LLVMGetRelocationValueString (LLVMRelocationIteratorRef RI)

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct LLVMOpaqueObjectFile* LLVMObjectFileRef

Definition at line 37 of file Object.h.

typedef struct LLVMOpaqueRelocationIterator* LLVMRelocationIteratorRef

Definition at line 40 of file Object.h.

typedef struct LLVMOpaqueSectionIterator* LLVMSectionIteratorRef

Definition at line 38 of file Object.h.

typedef struct LLVMOpaqueSymbolIterator* LLVMSymbolIteratorRef

Definition at line 39 of file Object.h.

Function Documentation

Definition at line 74 of file Object.cpp.

References llvm::unwrap().

Definition at line 169 of file Object.cpp.

References llvm::unwrap().

Definition at line 85 of file Object.cpp.

References llvm::unwrap().

Definition at line 112 of file Object.cpp.

References llvm::unwrap().

Definition at line 206 of file Object.cpp.

References llvm::report_fatal_error(), and llvm::unwrap().

Definition at line 213 of file Object.cpp.

References llvm::getOffset(), llvm::report_fatal_error(), and llvm::unwrap().

Definition at line 164 of file Object.cpp.

References llvm::unwrap(), and llvm::wrap().

Definition at line 220 of file Object.cpp.

References llvm::unwrap(), and llvm::wrap().

Definition at line 148 of file Object.cpp.

References llvm::report_fatal_error(), and llvm::unwrap().

Definition at line 155 of file Object.cpp.

References llvm::report_fatal_error(), and llvm::unwrap().

Definition at line 141 of file Object.cpp.

References llvm::StringRef::data(), llvm::report_fatal_error(), and llvm::unwrap().

Definition at line 134 of file Object.cpp.

References llvm::report_fatal_error(), and llvm::unwrap().

Definition at line 191 of file Object.cpp.

References llvm::report_fatal_error(), and llvm::unwrap().

Definition at line 198 of file Object.cpp.

References llvm::report_fatal_error(), and llvm::unwrap().

Definition at line 173 of file Object.cpp.

References llvm::unwrap().

Definition at line 99 of file Object.cpp.

References llvm::report_fatal_error(), and llvm::unwrap().

Definition at line 178 of file Object.cpp.

References llvm::unwrap().

Definition at line 95 of file Object.cpp.

References llvm::unwrap().

Definition at line 122 of file Object.cpp.

References llvm::unwrap().