The C++ APIs in bind.h define (HamishW-Replace with description.)
Guide documentation for this API can be found in Embind.
Table of Contents
HamishW Confirm this is correct.
This define is used to bind C++ classes, functions and other constructs to JavaScript. It is used differently depending on the construct being mapped — see the embind guide for examples.
Parameters name: | |
This is a label to mark a group of related bindings (for example EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS(physics), EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS(components), etc.) |
HamishW-Replace with description. Note this is a strongly typed enum. I can’t see better way in Sphinx to represent it.
HamishW-Replace with description.
HamishW-Replace with description.
HamishW-Replace with description.
Currently only allow_raw_pointers policy is supported. Eventually we hope to implement Boost.Python-like raw pointer policies for managing object ownership.
This policy is used to whitelist raw pointers.
HamishW Add description.
HamishW Add description. Note from source: “This type is temporary, it will be changed when arg policies are reworked”
HamishW Nicer title ?
// Prototype
template<typename Signature>
typename std::add_pointer<Signature>::type select_overload(typename std::add_pointer<Signature>::type fn)
HamishW Add description.
:param typename std::add_pointer<Signature>::type fn: HamishW Add description.
Returns: | HamishW Add description. |
// Prototype
template<typename Signature, typename ClassType>
typename internal::MemberFunctionType<ClassType, Signature>::type select_overload(Signature (ClassType::*fn))
HamishW Add description.
:param Signature (ClassType::fn): **HamishW* Add description.
Returns: | HamishW Add description. |
// Prototype
template<typename ClassType, typename ReturnType, typename... Args>
auto select_const(ReturnType (ClassType::*method)(Args...) const)
HamishW Add description.
:param ReturnType (ClassType::method)(Args...) const: **HamishW* Add description.
Returns: | HamishW Add description. |
// Prototype
template<typename LambdaType>
typename internal::CalculateLambdaSignature<LambdaType>::type optional_override(const LambdaType& fp)
HamishW Add description.
Parameters const LambdaType& fp: | |
HamishW Add description. | |
Returns: | HamishW Add description. |
HamishW Add description.
Parameters void* p: | |
HamishW Add description. | |
Returns: | HamishW Add description. |
HamishW Add description.
Parameters void* p: | |
HamishW Add description. | |
Returns: | HamishW Add description. |
template<typename ReturnType, typename... Args, typename... Policies>
void function(const char* name, ReturnType (*fn)(Args...), Policies...)
Registers a function to export to JavaScript. This is called from within an EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS() block.
For example to export the function lerp()
// quick_example.cpp
#include <emscripten/bind.h>
using namespace emscripten;
float lerp(float a, float b, float t) {
return (1 - t) * a + t * b;
function("lerp", &lerp);
HamishW Check description. Note that Sphinx could not cope with the prototype, so have moved it into the body above.
Parameters: |
HamishW Add description.
A typedef of ClassType, the typename of the templated type for the class.
Constructor. HamishW Add description.
Parameters const char* name: | |
HamishW Add description. |
Destructor. HamishW Add description.
HamishW Add description.
:param ElementType InstanceType::field: **HamishW* Add description. Note that ElementType and InstanceType are typenames (templated types). :returns: HamishW Add description.
HamishW Add description.
Parameters: |
Returns: | HamishW Add description. |
HamishW Add description.
Parameters index<Index>: | |
HamishW Add description. Note that Index is an integer template parameter. | |
Returns: | HamishW Add description. |
HamishW Add description.
A typedef of ClassType, the typename of the templated type for the class.
Constructor. HamishW Add description.
Parameters const char* name: | |
HamishW Add description. |
Destructor. HamishW Add description.
HamishW Add description.
Parameters const char* fieldName: | |
HamishW Add description. |
:param FieldType InstanceType::field: **HamishW* Add description.
Returns: | HamishW Add description. |
HamishW Add description.
Parameters: |
Returns: | HamishW Add description. |
HamishW Add description.
Parameters: |
Returns: | HamishW Add description. |
template<typename PointerType>
struct default_smart_ptr_trait
HamishW Add description.
HamishW Add description.
Returns: | HamishW Add description. |
HamishW Add description.
Parameters void* v: | |
HamishW Add description. | |
Returns: | HamishW Add description. |
HamishW Add description.
Returns: | HamishW Add description. Note that the PointerType returned is a typename (templated type). |
template<typename PointerType>
struct smart_ptr_trait : public default_smart_ptr_trait<PointerType>
HamishW Add description. Note from source is: // specialize if you have a different pointer type
typedef typename PointerType::element_type element_type;
HamishW Add description. A typedef for the PointerType::element_type, where PointerType is a typename (templated type).
HamishW Add description.
Parameters const PointerType& ptr: | |
HamishW Add description. Note that PointerType is a typename (templated type) | |
Returns: | HamishW Add description. |
template<typename PointeeType>
struct smart_ptr_trait<std::shared_ptr<PointeeType>>
HamishW Add description.
HamishW Add description. A typedef to std::shared_ptr<PointeeType>, where PointeeType is a typename (templated type).
HamishW Add description. A typedef for the PointerType::element_type.
HamishW Add description.
Parameters const PointerType& ptr: | |
HamishW Add description. | |
Returns: | HamishW Add description. |
HamishW Add description.
Returns: | HamishW Add description. |
HamishW Add description.
Parameters PointeeType* p: | |
HamishW Add description. Note that PointeeType is a typename (templated type). |
:param internal::EM_VAL v: HamishW Add description. :returns: HamishW Add description.
HamishW Add description.
Returns: | HamishW Add description. |
HamishW Note, did not include private class val_deleter. I am assuming all private classes are internal. Delete this Chad when read!
HamishW Add description if needed. Note from source “// abstract classes”
template<typename T>
class wrapper : public T, public internal::WrapperBase
HamishW Add description.
HamishW Add description. A typedef of T, the typename of the templated type for the class.
template<typename... Args>
explicit wrapper(val&& wrapped, Args&&... args)
: T(std::forward<Args>(args)...)
, wrapped(std::forward<val>(wrapped))
Constructor. HamishW Add description.
Parameters: |
Returns: | HamishW Add description. |
Destructor. HamishW Add description.
Constructor. HamishW Add description.
Parameters: |
Returns: | HamishW Add description. Note that ReturnType is a typename (templated type). |
HamishW Add description. Note that this is actually a define, but I’ve implemented it as a function, because that is how it behaves, and it allows me to have the T as shown, which isn’t possible on Sphinx type declaration.
Parameters T: | HamishW Add description. |
HamishW Add description.
HamishW Add description. A typedef of BaseClass, the typename of the templated type for the class.
HamishW Add description. Note, is templated function which takes typename ClassType.
HamishW Add description.
Returns: | HamishW Add description. |
HamishW I don’t understand this C++, so not sure how to document. Putting code here for Chad to advise on how to document
template<typename ClassType>
using Upcaster = BaseClass* (*)(ClassType*);
template<typename ClassType>
using Downcaster = ClassType* (*)(BaseClass*);
template<typename ClassType>
static Upcaster<ClassType> getUpcaster()
HamishW Add description.
Returns: | HamishW Add description. |
template<typename ClassType>
static Downcaster<ClassType> getDowncaster()
HamishW Add description.
Returns: | HamishW Add description. |
template<typename From, typename To>
static To* convertPointer(From* ptr)
HamishW Add description.
Parameters From* ptr: | |
HamishW Add description. | |
Returns: | HamishW Add description. |
HamishW Add description.
HamishW Add description. Note that this is a template struct taking typename ... ConstructorArgs.
HamishW Add description. Note that this is a templated class with typename parameters ClassType and BaseSpecifier.
HamishW Add description. A typedef of ClassType (a typename for the class).
HamishW Add description. A typedef of BaseSpecifier (a typename for the class).
HamishW Don’t know what do do with this:
class_() = delete;
EMSCRIPTEN_ALWAYS_INLINE explicit class_(const char* name)
Constructor. HamishW Add description.
Parameters const char* name: | |
HamishW Add description. | |
Returns: | HamishW Add description. |
template<typename PointerType>
EMSCRIPTEN_ALWAYS_INLINE const class_& smart_ptr(const char* name) const
HamishW Add description.
Parameters const char* name: | |
HamishW Add description. | |
Returns: | A const reference to the current object. This allows chaining of the class_ functions that define the binding in the EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS() block. |
template<typename... ConstructorArgs, typename... Policies>
EMSCRIPTEN_ALWAYS_INLINE const class_& constructor(Policies... policies) const
Zero-argument form of the class constructor. This invokes the natural constructor with the arguments specified in the template. See External constructors for more information.
HamishW Check description. Note that prototype moved into block as was breaking Sphinx.
Parameters Policies... policies: | |
Policy for managing raw pointer object ownership. Currently must be allow_raw_pointers. | |
Returns: | A const reference to the current object. This allows chaining of the class_ functions that define the binding in the EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS() block. |
template<typename... Args, typename ReturnType, typename... Policies>
EMSCRIPTEN_ALWAYS_INLINE const class_& constructor(ReturnType (*factory)(Args...), Policies...) const
Class constructor for objects that use a factory function to create the object. See External constructors for more information.
Parameters: |
Returns: | A const reference to the current object. This allows chaining of the class_ functions that define the binding in the EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS() block. |
template<typename SmartPtr, typename... Args, typename... Policies>
EMSCRIPTEN_ALWAYS_INLINE const class_& smart_ptr_constructor(const char* smartPtrName, SmartPtr (*factory)(Args...), Policies...) const
HamishW Add description. Note that Sphinx could NOT cope with the prototype, so have pulled it into the body of the text.
Parameters: |
Returns: | A const reference to the current object. This allows chaining of the class_ functions that define the binding in the EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS() block. |
template<typename WrapperType, typename PointerType, typename... ConstructorArgs>
EMSCRIPTEN_ALWAYS_INLINE const class_& allow_subclass(
const char* wrapperClassName,
const char* pointerName,
::emscripten::constructor<ConstructorArgs...> = ::emscripten::constructor<>()
) const
HamishW Add description.
Parameters: |
:param ::emscripten::constructor<ConstructorArgs...> constructor): HamishW Add description. :returns: A const reference to the current object. This allows chaining of the class_ functions that define the binding in the EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS() block.
template<typename WrapperType, typename... ConstructorArgs>
EMSCRIPTEN_ALWAYS_INLINE const class_& allow_subclass(
const char* wrapperClassName,
::emscripten::constructor<ConstructorArgs...> constructor = ::emscripten::constructor<>()
) const
HamishW Add description. Explain how this constructor differs from other one.
Parameters const char* wrapperClassName: | |
HamishW Add description. |
:param ::emscripten::constructor<ConstructorArgs...> constructor): HamishW Add description.
Returns: | A const reference to the current object. This allows chaining of the class_ functions that define the binding in the EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS() block. |
template<typename ReturnType, typename... Args, typename... Policies>
EMSCRIPTEN_ALWAYS_INLINE const class_& function(const char* methodName, ReturnType (ClassType::*memberFunction)(Args...), Policies...) const
This method is for declaring a method belonging to a class.
On the JavaScript side this is a function that gets bound as a property of the prototype. For example .function("myClassMember", &MyClass::myClassMember) would bind myClassMember to MyClass.prototype.myClassMember in the JavaScript.
HamishW Check description. Note prototype moved to “prototype” block above because syntax broke Sphinx. Also explain how this method differs from the other overloads.
Parameters const char* methodName: | |
HamishW Add description. |
:param ReturnType (ClassType::memberFunction)(Args...): **HamishW* Add description. Note that ReturnType is a template typename for this function and ClassType is a template typename for the class. :param typename... Policies: Policy for managing raw pointer object ownership. Currently must be allow_raw_pointers. :returns: A const reference to the current object. This allows chaining of the class_ functions that define the binding in the EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS() block.
template<typename ReturnType, typename... Args, typename... Policies>
EMSCRIPTEN_ALWAYS_INLINE const class_& function(const char* methodName, ReturnType (ClassType::*memberFunction)(Args...) const, Policies...) const
HamishW Add description. Note, prototype moved into block above as it broke Sphinx. Also this only differs by a const on the ReturnType from the previous function
Parameters const char* methodName: | |
HamishW Add description. |
:param ReturnType (ClassType::memberFunction)(Args...) const: **HamishW* Add description. Note that ReturnType is a template typename for this function and ClassType is a template typename for the class. :param typename... Policies: Policy for managing raw pointer object ownership. Currently must be allow_raw_pointers. :returns: A const reference to the current object. This allows chaining of the class_ functions that define the binding in the EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS() block.
template<typename ReturnType, typename ThisType, typename... Args, typename... Policies>
EMSCRIPTEN_ALWAYS_INLINE const class_& function(const char* methodName, ReturnType (*function)(ThisType, Args...), Policies...) const
HamishW Add description. Note, prototype moved into block above as it broke Sphinx.
Parameters: |
Returns: | A const reference to the current object. This allows chaining of the class_ functions that define the binding in the EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS() block. |
template<typename FieldType, typename = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_function<FieldType>::value>::type>
EMSCRIPTEN_ALWAYS_INLINE const class_& property(const char* fieldName, const FieldType ClassType::*field) const
HamishW Add description. Note, signature copied to prototype block above because proper signature broke Sphinx. Also because it is useful to include the template information.
Parameters const char* fieldName: | |
HamishW Add description. |
:param const FieldType ClassType::field: **HamishW* Add description.
Returns: | A const reference to the current object. This allows chaining of the class_ functions that define the binding in the EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS() block. |
template<typename FieldType, typename = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_function<FieldType>::value>::type>
EMSCRIPTEN_ALWAYS_INLINE const class_& property(const char* fieldName, FieldType ClassType::*field) const
HamishW Add description.
Parameters const char* fieldName: | |
HamishW Add description. |
:param FieldType ClassType::field: **HamishW* Add description.
Returns: | A const reference to the current object. This allows chaining of the class_ functions that define the binding in the EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS() block. |
template<typename Getter>
EMSCRIPTEN_ALWAYS_INLINE const class_& property(const char* fieldName, Getter getter) const
HamishW Add description.
Parameters: |
Returns: | A const reference to the current object. This allows chaining of the class_ functions that define the binding in the EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS() block. |
template<typename Getter, typename Setter>
EMSCRIPTEN_ALWAYS_INLINE const class_& property(const char* fieldName, Getter getter, Setter setter) const
HamishW Add description. Note that this is a function template taking typenames Setter and Getter: template<typename Getter, typename Setter>
Parameters: |
Returns: | A const reference to the current object. This allows chaining of the class_ functions that define the binding in the EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS() block. |
template<typename ReturnType, typename... Args, typename... Policies>
EMSCRIPTEN_ALWAYS_INLINE const class_& class_function(const char* methodName, ReturnType (*classMethod)(Args...), Policies...) const
This method is for declaring a static function belonging to a class.
On the JavaScript side this is a function that gets bound as a property of the constructor. For example .class_function("myStaticFunction", &MyClass::myStaticFunction) binds myStaticFunction to MyClass.myStaticFunction.
HamishW Check description. Note prototype moved to “prototype” block above because syntax broke Sphinx.
Parameters: |
Returns: | A const reference to the current object. This allows chaining of the class_ functions that define the binding in the EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS() block. |
template<typename T>
class_<std::vector<T>> register_vector(const char* name)
HamishW Check description.
A function to register a std::vector<T>.
Parameters const char* name: | |
HamishW Add description. | |
Returns: | HamishW Add description. |
template<typename K, typename V>
class_<std::map<K, V>> register_map(const char* name)
HamishW Check description.
A function to register a std::map<K, V>.
Parameters const char* name: | |
HamishW Add description. | |
Returns: | HamishW Add description. |
template<typename EnumType>
class enum_
Registers an enum to export to JavaScript. This is called from within an EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS() block and works with both C++98 enums and C++11 “enum classes”. See Enums for more information.
HamishW Add description. A typedef of EnumType (a typename for the class).
Constructor. HamishW Add description.
Parameters const char* name: | |
HamishW Add description. | |
Returns: | HamishW Add description. |
Registers an enum value. HamishW Check description.
Parameters: |
Returns: | A reference to the current object. This allows chaining of multiple enum values in the EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS() block. |
template<typename ConstantType>
void constant(const char* name, const ConstantType& v)
HamishW Check description.
Registers a constant to export to JavaScript. This is called from within an EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS() block.
EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS(my_constant_example) {
Parameters: |