Manually Integrating Emscripten into Visual Studio 2010


The vs-tool plugin is installed automatically by the Windows NSIS Installer Emscripten SDK if Visual Studio 2010 is present on the target system at install time. These instructions are only needed if you’re manually building from source, or for some other reason cannot use the SDK.

vs-tool is an MSBuild plugin that tells Visual Studio how to use the Fastcomp (LLVM + Clang) and Emscripten toolchain. The plugin allows existing Visual Studio .sln files to be directly built through the IDE using emcc. The Microsoft compiler property pages are replaced by Fastcomp- and emcc- specific options.

The following instructions explain how to manually set up vs-tool.


Currently (August 2014) vs-tool only supports Visual Studio 2010.

Install the vs-tool plugin

  1. Install Visual Studio 2010.


    The Express version has not been tested, but should work. Get in touch if you have any problems integrating with VS2010 Express!

  2. Clone the juj/vs-tool repository from github:

    git clone
  3. Install the vs-tool plugin:

    1. Navigate to the vs-tool folder in the repository clone.
    2. Copy the folders Clang and Emscripten to C:/Program Files (x86)/MSBuild/Microsoft.Cpp/v4.0/Platforms/.
  4. Set up the required environment variables for vs-tool.

    1. Open the Environment Variables setting:

      • Windows 7: Open Control Panel | System | Advanced System Settings | Environment Variables.
      • Windows 8: Right click on the Windows menu icon | System | Advanced System Settings | Environment Variables.
    2. Create a new environment variable CLANG_BIN and set it to point to the folder where you built Fastcomp (path to clang.exe) — for example:

      SETX CLANG_BIN C:/Projects/llvm-build/bin/Release

      This variable is how vs-tool locates the folder containing your Fastcomp compiler. Alternatively, this path can be set on a per-project basis in the Visual Studio project property pages.

    3. Create a new environment variable EMSCRIPTEN and set it to point to the Emscripten git repository root folder (the path where you copied emcc.exe and the other exe files), for example:

      SETX EMSCRIPTEN C:/Projects/emscripten

      This variable is how vs-tool locates the Emscripten compiler. This path can also be overridden on a per-project basis in the Visual Studio property pages.

    4. Create a new environment variable EMCC_WEBBROWSER_EXE and set it to point to an executable you want to use to browse web pages generated using Emscripten via Visual Studio. This process is spawned when you tap Start (Ctrl-F5) in Visual Studio for an Emscripten-targeted project:

      SETX EMCC_WEBBROWSER_EXE C:/Program Files (x86)/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe
  5. Now you are all set to start developing Emscripten-based projects using Visual Studio.

Test the installation

To test the installation, open and build the Visual Studio solution file /emscripten/tests/msvc10/tests_msvc10.sln.

That project builds a few select samples from inside the Emscripten tests/ folder (“hello world”, “hello gles”, etc.), and is a good verification of the integration.

Learn more

To start working with Emscripten using the IDE, see Getting started using Emscripten from Visual Studio.