Portability Guidelines

Emscripten can be used to compile almost any portable C++/C code to JavaScript.

This section explains what types of code are non-portable (or more difficult to port), and what code can be compiled but will run slowly. Developers can use this information for evaluating the effort to port and re-write code.

Code that cannot be compiled

The following types of code would need to be re-written in order to work with Emscripten. (While in theory it might be possible for Emscripten to work around these issues using emulation, it would be very slow.)

  • Code that is multi-threaded and uses shared state. JavaScript has threads (web workers), but they cannot share state — instead they pass messages.


    Should the JavaScript standards bodies add shared state to web workers, multithreaded code would become possible to support.

  • Code that relies on endianness is non-portable (both on native builds on different CPUs and using Emscripten).

  • Code that relies on x86 alignment behavior. x86 allows unaligned reads and writes (so for example you can read a 16-bit value from a non-even address), but other architectures do not (ARM will raise SIGILL). For Emscripten-generated JavaScript the behavior is undefined. If you build your code with SAFE_HEAP=1 then you will get a clear runtime exception, see Debugging.

  • Code that uses low-level features of the native environment, for example native stack manipulation in conjunction with setjmp/longjmp (we support normal setjmp/longjmp, but not with stack replacing, etc.)

  • Code that scans registers or the stack. This won’t work because a variable in a register or on the stack may be held in a JavaScript local variable (which cannot be scanned).


    Code of this type might be used for conservative garbage collection. You can do conservative scanning when there is no other code on the stack, e.g. from an iteration of the main event loop.

Code that compiles but might run slowly


Understanding these issues can be helpful when optimising code.

The following types of code will compile, but may not run as fast as expected:

  • 64-bit int variables. Mathematical operations (+, -, *, /) are slow because they are emulated (bitwise operations are reasonably fast). JavaScript does not have a native 64-bit int type so this is unavoidable.
  • C++ Exceptions. In JavaScript such code generally makes the JavaScript engine turn off various optimizations. For that reason exceptions are turned off by default in -O1 and above. To re-enable them, run emcc with -s DISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=0 (see src/settings.js).
  • setjmp also prevents relooping around it, forcing us to emulate control flow using a less efficient approach.