Emscripten Test Suite

Emscripten has a comprehensive test suite, which covers virtually all Emscripten functionality. These tests are an excellent resource for developers as they provide practical examples of most features, and are known to build successfully on the master branch. There are also benchmark tests that can be used to test how close Emscripten is getting to native speed.

This article explains how to run the test and benchmark suite, and provides an overview of what tests are available.

Running the whole test suite

The whole core test suite can be run using the script tests/runner.py:

python tests/runner.py


  • The core test suite is not the entire test suite, see emscripten-test-suite-modes
  • This may take several hours.
  • Node.js cannot run all of the tests in the suite; if you need to run them all, you should get a recent trunk version of the SpiderMonkey shell. On Windows you can install and activate SpiderMonkey using the Emscripten SDK (emsdk).

Running a specific test

You can also use runner.py to run different parts of the test suite, or individual tests. For example, you would run test named test_hello_world as shown:

python tests/runner.py test_hello_world

Tests in the “core” test suite (tests/test_core.py) can be run as above. Other tests may need a prefix, for example browser.test_cubegeom for a test in tests/test_browser.py. You can also specify an optional prefix for tests in core, to run them with extra options, for example asm2.test_hello_world will run hello_world using asm2 opts (basically -O2). See more examples in Common tests.

Running a bunch of random tests

You can run a random subset of the test suite, using something like

python tests/runner.py random100

Replace 100 with another number as you prefer. This will run that number of random tests, and tell you the statistical likelihood of almost all the test suite passing assuming those tests do. This works just like election surveys do - given a small sample, we can predict fairly well that so-and-so percent of the public will vote for candidate A. In our case, the “candidates” are pass or fail, and we can predict how much of the test suite will pass given that sample. Assuming the sample tests all pass, we can say with high likelihood that most of the test suite will in fact pass. (Of course, this is no guarantee, and even a single test failure is serious, however, this gives a quick estimate that your patch does not cause significant and obvious breakage.)

Core test modes

By default, calling the test runner without arguments will run the core test suite

python tests/runner.py

The core test suite includes default (no optimizations), asm1 (-O1 optimizations), and a bunch of other optimization and compiler flags, each of which is a different “mode”. The core test suite is the bulk of the entire test suite, and it runs each test in each of those modes.

You can also run a specific mode or test in a mode, or a specific test across all modes:

# Run all tests in asm1 mode    (-O1 optimizations).
python tests/runner.py asm1

# Run one test in asm1 mode     (-O1 optimizations).
python tests/runner.py asm1.test_hello_world

# Run one test in all modes.
python tests/runner.py ALL.test_hello_world

The core test modes are documented at the end of /tests/test_core.py.

The core tests are the bulk of the entire test suite, in both number and time to run. To speed them up, you can run them in parallel using /tests/parallel_test_core.py. That runs the test modes using a python process pool, emitting their outputs and stderrs to *.out, *.err for each mode.

Non-core test modes

The main non-core test modes are other, browser, sockets, interactive, sanity. See Common tests for how to run them.

Benchmark tests

You can view Emscripten’s current benchmark test results online. These are created by compiling a sequence of benchmarks and running them several times, then reporting averaged statistics including a comparison of how fast the same code runs when compiled to a native executable.

You can run the tests yourself using the following command:

python tests/runner.py benchmark

Common tests

Below is a list of some common tests/example commands. These include a comment explaining what each test does.

# Run all (core) tests
python tests/runner.py

# Run hello world test, in default mode
python tests/runner.py test_hello_world

# Run it in asm1 mode
python tests/runner.py asm1.test_hello_world

# Run it in all modes
python tests/runner.py ALL.test_hello_world

# Run all (core) tests in asm1 mode
python tests/runner.py asm1

# Run all "other" tests - that have no mode
python tests/runner.py other

# Run a specific test in "other"
python tests/runner.py other.test_static_link

# Run all browser tests
python tests/runner.py browser

# Run a specific browser test
python tests/runner.py browser.test_sdlglshader

# Run all network tests. Note that you can also run specific tests (sockets.test_*)
python tests/runner.py sockets

# Run all sanity tests. Note that you can also run specific tests (sanity.test_*)
python tests/runner.py sanity

# Run all benchmarks. Note that you can also run specific tests (benchmark.test_*)
python tests/runner.py benchmark

Debugging test failures

Setting the Debug mode (EMCC_DEBUG) is useful for debugging tests, as it emits debug output and intermediate files from the compilation process:

# On Windows, use "set" to set and un-set the EMCC_DEBUG environment variable:
python tests/runner.py test_hello_world

# On Linux, you can do this all in one line
EMCC_DEBUG=1 python tests/runner.py test_hello_world

# EMCC_DEBUG=2 generates additional debug information.
EMCC_DEBUG=2 python tests/runner.py test_hello_world

You can also specify EM_SAVE_DIR=1 in the environment to save the temporary directory that the test runner uses into /tmp/emscripten_temp/. This is a test suite-specific feature, and is useful for tests that create temporary files.

The Debugging topic provides more guidance on how to debug Emscripten-generated code.