
This page documents the public C++ APIs provided by emscripten.h.

Emscripten uses existing/familiar APIs where possible (for example: SDL). This API provides C++ support for capabilities that are specific to JavaScript or the browser environment, or for which there is no existing API.

Inline assembly/JavaScript

Guide material for the following APIs can be found in Calling JavaScript from C/C++.



Convenient syntax for inline assembly/JavaScript.

This allows you to declare JavaScript in your C code “inline”, which is then executed when your compiled code is run in the browser. For example, the following C code would display two alerts if it was compiled with Emscripten and run in the browser:

EM_ASM( alert(‘hai’));
alert(‘bai’)); )


  • Double-quotes (”) cannot be used in the inline assembly/JavaScript. Single-quotes (‘) can be used, as shown above.
  • Newlines (\n, \r etc.) are supported in the inline Javascript. Note that any platform-specific issues with line endings in normal JavaScript also apply to inline JavaScript declared using EM_ASM.
  • You can’t access C variables with EM_ASM, nor receive a value back. Instead use EM_ASM_ARGS, EM_ASM_INT, or EM_ASM_DOUBLE.
  • As of 1.30.4, EM_ASM contents appear as normal JS, outside of the compiled code. Previously we had them as a string that was eval``ed. The newer approach avoids the overhead of ``eval, and also allows for better optimization of EM_ASM contents by things like closure compiler, as their contents are now visible. Note that this means that closure compiler will optimize them as if they were written together with the rest of the codebase, which is a change from before - you may need to use safety quotes in some places (a['b'] instead of a.b).
EM_ASM_(code, ...)
EM_ASM_ARGS(code, ...)
EM_ASM_INT(code, ...)
EM_ASM_DOUBLE(code, ...)

Input-output versions of EM_ASM.

EM_ASM_ (an extra “_” is added) or EM_ASM_ARGS allow values (int or double) to be sent into the code.

If you also want a return value, EM_ASM_INT receives arguments (of int or double type) and returns an int; EM_ASM_DOUBLE does the same and returns a double.

Arguments arrive as $0, $1 etc. The output value should be returned:

int x = EM_ASM_INT({
  console.log('I received: ' + [$0, $1]);
  return $0 + $1;
}, calc(), otherCalc());

Note the { and }.

If you just want to receive an output value (int or double) but not pass any values, you can use EM_ASM_INT_V or EM_ASM_DOUBLE_V, respectively.

Calling JavaScript From C/C++

Guide material for the following APIs can be found in Calling JavaScript from C/C++.

Function pointer types for callbacks

The following types are used to define function callback signatures used in a number of functions in this file.


General function pointer type for use in callbacks with no parameters.

Defined as:

typedef void (*em_callback_func)(void)

Generic function pointer type for use in callbacks with a single void* parameter.

This type is used to define function callbacks that need to pass arbitrary data. For example, emscripten_set_main_loop_arg() sets user-defined data, and passes it to a callback of this type on completion.

Defined as:

typedef void (*em_arg_callback_func)(void*)

General function pointer type for use in callbacks with a C string (const char *) parameter.

This type is used for function callbacks that need to be passed a C string. For example, it is used in emscripten_async_wget() to pass the name of a file that has been asynchronously loaded.

Defined as:

typedef void (*em_str_callback_func)(const char *)


void emscripten_run_script(const char *script)

Interface to the underlying JavaScript engine. This function will eval() the given script.

  • script (const char*) – The script to evaluate.
Return type:


int emscripten_run_script_int(const char *script)

Interface to the underlying JavaScript engine. This function will eval() the given script.

  • script (const char*) – The script to evaluate.

The result of the evaluation, as an integer.

Return type:


char *emscripten_run_script_string(const char *script)

Interface to the underlying JavaScript engine. This function will eval() the given script. Note that this overload uses a single buffer shared between calls.

  • script (const char*) – The script to evaluate.

The result of the evaluation, as a string.

Return type:


void emscripten_async_run_script(const char *script, int millis)

Asynchronously run a script, after a specified amount of time.

  • script (const char*) – The script to evaluate.
  • millis (int) – The amount of time before the script is run, in milliseconds.
Return type:


void emscripten_async_load_script(const char *script, em_callback_func onload, em_callback_func onerror)

Asynchronously loads a script from a URL.

This integrates with the run dependencies system, so your script can call addRunDependency multiple times, prepare various asynchronous tasks, and call removeRunDependency on them; when all are complete (or if there were no run dependencies to begin with), onload is called. An example use for this is to load an asset module, that is, the output of the file packager.

  • script (const char*) – The script to evaluate.
  • onload (em_callback_func) – A callback function, with no parameters, that is executed when the script has fully loaded.
  • onerror (em_callback_func) – A callback function, with no parameters, that is executed if there is an error in loading.
Return type:


Browser Execution Environment

Guide material for the following APIs can be found in Emscripten Runtime Environment.


void emscripten_set_main_loop(em_callback_func func, int fps, int simulate_infinite_loop)

Set a C function as the main event loop.

If the main loop function needs to receive user-defined data, use emscripten_set_main_loop_arg() instead.

The JavaScript environment will call that function at a specified number of frames per second. Setting 0 or a negative value as the fps will instead use the browser’s requestAnimationFrame mechanism to call the main loop function. This is HIGHLY recommended if you are doing rendering, as the browser’s requestAnimationFrame will make sure you render at a proper smooth rate that lines up properly with the the browser and monitor. If you do not render at all in your application, then you should pick a specific frame rate that makes sense for your code.

If simulate_infinite_loop is true, the function will throw an exception in order to stop execution of the caller. This will lead to the main loop being entered instead of code after the call to emscripten_set_main_loop() being run, which is the closest we can get to simulating an infinite loop (we do something similar in glutMainLoop in GLUT). If this parameter is false, then the behavior is the same as it was before this parameter was added to the API, which is that execution continues normally. Note that in both cases we do not run global destructors, atexit, etc., since we know the main loop will still be running, but if we do not simulate an infinite loop then the stack will be unwound. That means that if simulate_infinite_loop is false, and you created an object on the stack, it will be cleaned up before the main loop is called for the first time.


There can be only one main loop function at a time. To change the main loop function, first cancel the current loop, and then call this function to set another.


See emscripten_set_main_loop_expected_blockers(), emscripten_pause_main_loop(), emscripten_resume_main_loop() and emscripten_cancel_main_loop() for information about blocking, pausing, and resuming the main loop.


Calling this function overrides the effect of any previous calls to emscripten_set_main_loop_timing() by applying the timing mode specified by the parameter fps. To specify a different timing mode, call the function emscripten_set_main_loop_timing() after setting up the main loop.

  • func (em_callback_func) – C function to set as main event loop.
  • fps (int) – Number of frames per second that the JavaScript will call the function. Setting int <=0 (recommended) uses the browser’s requestAnimationFrame mechanism to call the function.
  • simulate_infinite_loop (int) – If true, this function will throw an exception in order to stop execution of the caller.
void emscripten_set_main_loop_arg(em_arg_callback_func func, void *arg, int fps, int simulate_infinite_loop)

Set a C function as the main event loop, passing it user-defined data.

See also

The information in emscripten_set_main_loop() also applies to this function.

  • func (em_arg_callback_func) – C function to set as main event loop. The function signature must have a void* parameter for passing the arg value.
  • arg (void*) – User-defined data passed to the main loop function, untouched by the API itself.
  • fps (int) – Number of frames per second at which the JavaScript will call the function. Setting int <=0 (recommended) uses the browser’s requestAnimationFrame mechanism to call the function.
  • simulate_infinite_loop (int) – If true, this function will throw an exception in order to stop execution of the caller.
void emscripten_push_main_loop_blocker(em_arg_callback_func func, void *arg)
void emscripten_push_uncounted_main_loop_blocker(em_arg_callback_func func, void *arg)

Add a function that blocks the main loop.

The function is added to the back of a queue of events to be blocked; the main loop will not run until all blockers in the queue complete.

In the “counted” version, blockers are counted (internally) and Module.setStatus is called with some text to report progress (setStatus is a general hook that a program can define in order to show processing updates).


  • Main loop blockers block the main loop from running, and can be counted to show progress. In contrast, emscripten_async_calls are not counted, do not block the main loop, and can fire at specific time in the future.
  • func (em_arg_callback_func) – The main loop blocker function. The function signature must have a void* parameter for passing the arg value.
  • arg (void*) – User-defined arguments to pass to the blocker function.
Return type:


void emscripten_pause_main_loop(void)
void emscripten_resume_main_loop(void)

Pause and resume the main loop.

Pausing and resuming the main loop is useful if your app needs to perform some synchronous operation, for example to load a file from the network. It might be wrong to run the main loop before that finishes (the original code assumes that), so you can break the code up into asynchronous callbacks, but you must pause the main loop until they complete.


These are fairly low-level functions. emscripten_push_main_loop_blocker() (and friends) provide more convenient alternatives.

void emscripten_cancel_main_loop(void)

Cancels the main event loop.

See also emscripten_set_main_loop() and emscripten_set_main_loop_arg() for information about setting and using the main loop.

int emscripten_set_main_loop_timing(int mode, int value)

Specifies the scheduling mode that the current main loop tick function will be called with.

This function can be used to interactively control the rate at which Emscripten runtime drives the main loop specified by calling the function emscripten_set_main_loop(). In native development, this corresponds with the “swap interval” or the “presentation interval” for 3D rendering. The new tick interval specified by this function takes effect immediately on the existing main loop, and this function must be called only after setting up a main loop via emscripten_set_main_loop().

  • mode (int) –

    The timing mode to use. Allowed values are EM_TIMING_SETTIMEOUT, EM_TIMING_RAF.

    param int value:
     The timing value to activate for the main loop. This value interpreted differently according to the ``mode``parameter:
    • If mode is EM_TIMING_SETTIMEOUT, then value specifies the number of milliseconds to wait between subsequent ticks to the main loop and updates occur independent of the vsync rate of the display (vsync off). This method uses the JavaScript setTimeout function to drive the animation.
    • If mode is EM_TIMING_RAF, then updates are performed using the requestAnimationFrame function (with vsync enabled), and this value is interpreted as a “swap interval” rate for the main loop. The value of 1 specifies the runtime that it should render at every vsync (typically 60fps), whereas the value 2 means that the main loop callback should be called only every second vsync (30fps). As a general formula, the value n means that the main loop is updated at every n’th vsync, or at a rate of 60/n for 60Hz displays, and 120/n for 120Hz displays.
    return:The value 0 is returned on success, and a nonzero value is returned on failure. A failure occurs if there is no main loop active before calling this function.


    Browsers heavily optimize towards using requestAnimationFrame for animation instead of setTimeout. Because of that, for best experience across browsers, calling this function with mode=EM_TIMING_RAF and value=1 will yield best results. Using the JavaScript setTimeout function is known to cause stutter and generally worse experience than using the requestAnimationFrame function.


    There is a functional difference between setTimeout and requestAnimationFrame: If the user minimizes the browser window or hides your application tab, browsers will typically stop calling requestAnimationFrame callbacks, but setTimeout-based main loop will continue to be run, although with heavily throttled intervals. See setTimeout on MDN <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WindowTimers.setTimeout#Inactive_tabs> for more information.

void emscripten_set_main_loop_timing(int *mode, int *value)
Returns the current main loop timing mode that is in effect. For interpretation of the values, see the documentation of the function emscripten_set_main_loop_timing(). The timing mode is controlled by calling the functions emscripten_set_main_loop_timing() and emscripten_set_main_loop().
  • *mode (int) –

    If not null, the used timing mode is returned here.

  • *value (int) –

    If not null, the used timing value is returned here.

void emscripten_set_main_loop_expected_blockers(int num)

Sets the number of blockers that are about to be pushed.

The number is used for reporting the relative progress through a set of blockers, after which the main loop will continue.

For example, a game might have to run 10 blockers before starting a new level. The operation would first set this value as ‘10’ and then push the 10 blockers. When the 3rd blocker (say) completes, progress is displayed as 3/10.

  • num (int) – The number of blockers that are about to be pushed.
void emscripten_async_call(em_arg_callback_func func, void *arg, int millis)

Call a C function asynchronously, that is, after returning control to the JavaScript event loop.

This is done by a setTimeout.

When building natively this becomes a simple direct call, after SDL_Delay (you must include SDL.h for that).

If millis is negative, the browser’s requestAnimationFrame mechanism is used.

  • func (em_arg_callback_func) – The C function to call asynchronously. The function signature must have a void* parameter for passing the arg value.
  • arg (void*) – User-defined argument to pass to the C function.
  • millis (int) – Timeout before function is called.
void emscripten_exit_with_live_runtime(void)

Exits the program immediately, but leaves the runtime alive so that you can continue to run code later (so global destructors etc., are not run). Note that the runtime is kept alive automatically when you do an asynchronous operation like emscripten_async_call(), so you don’t need to call this function for those cases.

void emscripten_force_exit(int status)

Shuts down the runtime and exits (terminates) the program, as if you called exit().

The difference is that emscripten_force_exit will shut down the runtime even if you previously called emscripten_exit_with_live_runtime() or otherwise kept the runtime alive. In other words, this method gives you the option to completely shut down the runtime after it was kept alive beyond the completion of main().

  • status (int) – The same as for the libc function exit().
double emscripten_get_device_pixel_ratio(void)

Returns the value of window.devicePixelRatio.

Return type:double
Returns:The pixel ratio or 1.0 if not supported.
void emscripten_set_canvas_size(int width, int height)

Resizes the pixel width and height of the <canvas> element on the Emscripten web page.

  • width (int) – New pixel width of canvas element.
  • height (int) – New pixel height of canvas element.
void emscripten_get_canvas_size(int * width, int * height, int * isFullscreen)

Gets the current pixel width and height of the <canvas> element as well as whether the canvas is fullscreen or not.

  • width (int*) – Pixel width of canvas element.
  • height (int*) – New pixel height of canvas element.
  • isFullscreen (int*) – If True (*int > 0), <canvas> is full screen.
double emscripten_get_now(void)

Returns the highest-precision representation of the current time that the browser provides.

This uses either Date.now or performance.now. The result is not an absolute time, and is only meaningful in comparison to other calls to this function.

Return type:double
Returns:The current time, in milliseconds (ms).
float emscripten_random(void)

Generates a random number in the range 0-1. This maps to Math.random().

Return type:float
Returns:A random number.

Emscripten Asynchronous File System API



Function pointer type for the onload callback of emscripten_async_wget_data() (specific values of the parameters documented in that method).

Defined as:

typedef void (*em_async_wget_onload_func)(void*, void*, int)

Function pointer type for the onload callback of emscripten_async_wget2() (specific values of the parameters documented in that method).

Defined as:

typedef void (*em_async_wget2_onload_func)(void*, const char*)

Function pointer type for the onerror and onprogress callbacks of emscripten_async_wget2() (specific values of the parameters documented in that method).

Defined as:

typedef void (*em_async_wget2_onstatus_func)(void*, int)

Function pointer type for the onload callback of emscripten_async_wget2_data() (specific values of the parameters documented in that method).

Defined as:

typedef void (*em_async_wget2_data_onload_func)(void*, void *, unsigned*)

Function pointer type for the onerror callback of emscripten_async_wget2_data() (specific values of the parameters documented in that method).

Defined as:

typedef void (*em_async_wget2_data_onerror_func)(void*, int, const char*)

Function pointer type for the onprogress callback of emscripten_async_wget2_data() (specific values of the parameters documented in that method).

Defined as:

typedef void (*em_async_wget2_data_onprogress_func)(void*, int, int)

Function pointer type for the onload callback of emscripten_async_prepare_data() (specific values of the parameters documented in that method).

Defined as:

typedef void (*em_async_prepare_data_onload_func)(void*, const char*)


void emscripten_wget(const char* url, const char* file)

Load file from url in synchronously. For the asynchronous version, see the emscripten_async_wget().

In addition to fetching the URL from the network, the contents are prepared so that the data is usable in IMG_Load and so forth (we synchronously do the work to make the browser decode the image or audio etc.).

This function is blocking; it won’t return until all operations are finished. You can then open and read the file if it succeeded.

To use this function, you will need to compile your application with the linker flag -s ASYNCIFY=1

  • char* url (const) – The URL to load.
  • char* file (const) – The name of the file created and loaded from the URL. If the file already exists it will be overwritten.
void emscripten_async_wget(const char* url, const char* file, em_str_callback_func onload, em_str_callback_func onerror)

Loads a file from a URL asynchronously.

In addition to fetching the URL from the network, the contents are prepared so that the data is usable in IMG_Load and so forth (we asynchronously do the work to make the browser decode the image or audio etc.).

When the file is ready the onload callback will be called. If any error occurs onerror will be called. The callbacks are called with the file as their argument.

  • char* url (const) – The URL to load.
  • char* file (const) – The name of the file created and loaded from the URL. If the file already exists it will be overwritten.
  • onload (em_str_callback_func) –

    Callback on successful load of the file. The callback function parameter value is:

    • (const char)* : The name of the file that was loaded from the URL.
  • onerror (em_str_callback_func) –

    Callback in the event of failure. The callback function parameter value is:

    • (const char)* : The name of the file that failed to load from the URL.
void emscripten_async_wget_data(const char* url, void *arg, em_async_wget_onload_func onload, em_arg_callback_func onerror)

Loads a buffer from a URL asynchronously.

This is the “data” version of emscripten_async_wget().

Instead of writing to a file, this function writes to a buffer directly in memory. This avoids the overhead of using the emulated file system; note however that since files are not used, it cannot do the ‘prepare’ stage to set things up for IMG_Load and so forth (IMG_Load etc. work on files).

When the file is ready then the onload callback will be called. If any error occurred onerror will be called.

  • url (const char*) – The URL of the file to load.
  • arg (void*) – User-defined data that is passed to the callbacks, untouched by the API itself. This may be be used by a callback to identify the associated call.
  • onload (em_async_wget_onload_func) –

    Callback on successful load of the URL into the buffer. The callback function parameter values are:

    • (void)* : Equal to arg (user defined data).
    • (void)* : A pointer to a buffer with the data. Note that, as with the worker API, the data buffer only lives during the callback; it must be used or copied during that time.
    • (int) : The size of the buffer, in bytes.
  • onerror (em_arg_callback_func) –

    Callback in the event of failure. The callback function parameter values are:

    • (void)* : Equal to arg (user defined data).
int emscripten_async_wget2(const char* url, const char* file, const char* requesttype, const char* param, void *arg, em_async_wget2_onload_func onload, em_async_wget2_onstatus_func onerror, em_async_wget2_onstatus_func onprogress)

Loads a file from a URL asynchronously.

This is an experimental “more feature-complete” version of emscripten_async_wget().

In addition to fetching the URL from the network, the contents are prepared so that the data is usable in IMG_Load and so forth (we asynchronously do the work to make the browser decode the image, audio, etc.).

When the file is ready the onload callback will be called with the object pointers given in arg and file. During the download the onprogress callback is called.

  • url (const char*) – The URL of the file to load.
  • file (const char*) – The name of the file created and loaded from the URL. If the file already exists it will be overwritten.
  • requesttype (const char*) – ‘GET’ or ‘POST’.
  • param (const char*) – Request parameters for POST requests (see requesttype). The parameters are specified in the same way as they would be in the URL for an equivalent GET request: e.g. key=value&key2=value2.
  • arg (void*) – User-defined data that is passed to the callbacks, untouched by the API itself. This may be be used by a callback to identify the associated call.
  • onload (em_async_wget2_onload_func) –

    Callback on successful load of the file. The callback function parameter values are:

    • (void)* : Equal to arg (user defined data).
    • (const char)* : The file passed to the original call.
  • onerror (em_async_wget2_onstatus_func) –

    Callback in the event of failure. The callback function parameter values are:

    • (void)* : Equal to arg (user defined data).
    • (int) : The HTTP status code.
  • onprogress (em_async_wget2_onstatus_func) –

    Callback during load of the file. The callback function parameter values are:

    • (void)* : Equal to arg (user defined data).
    • (int) : The progress (percentage completed).

A handle to request (int) that can be used to abort the request.

int emscripten_async_wget2_data(const char* url, const char* requesttype, const char* param, void *arg, int free, em_async_wget2_data_onload_func onload, em_async_wget2_data_onerror_func onerror, em_async_wget2_data_onprogress_func onprogress)

Loads a buffer from a URL asynchronously.

This is the “data” version of emscripten_async_wget2(). It is an experimental “more feature complete” version of emscripten_async_wget_data().

Instead of writing to a file, this function writes to a buffer directly in memory. This avoids the overhead of using the emulated file system; note however that since files are not used, it cannot do the ‘prepare’ stage to set things up for IMG_Load and so forth (IMG_Load etc. work on files).

In addition to fetching the URL from the network, the contents are prepared so that the data is usable in IMG_Load and so forth (we asynchronously do the work to make the browser decode the image or audio etc.).

When the file is ready the onload callback will be called with the object pointers given in arg, a pointer to the buffer in memory, and an unsigned integer containing the size of the buffer. During the download the onprogress callback is called with progress information. If an error occurs, onerror will be called with the HTTP status code and a string containing the status description.

  • url (const char*) – The URL of the file to load.
  • requesttype (const char*) – ‘GET’ or ‘POST’.
  • param (const char*) – Request parameters for POST requests (see requesttype). The parameters are specified in the same way as they would be in the URL for an equivalent GET request: e.g. key=value&key2=value2.
  • arg (void*) – User-defined data that is passed to the callbacks, untouched by the API itself. This may be be used by a callback to identify the associated call.
  • int free (const) – Tells the runtime whether to free the returned buffer after onload is complete. If false freeing the buffer is the receiver’s responsibility.
  • onload (em_async_wget2_data_onload_func) –

    Callback on successful load of the file. The callback function parameter values are:

    • (void)* : Equal to arg (user defined data).
    • (void)* : A pointer to the buffer in memory.
    • (unsigned) : The size of the buffer (in bytes).
  • onerror (em_async_wget2_data_onerror_func) –

    Callback in the event of failure. The callback function parameter values are:

    • (void)* : Equal to arg (user defined data).
    • (int) : The HTTP error code.
    • (const char)* : A string with the status description.
  • onprogress (em_async_wget2_data_onprogress_func) –

    Callback called (regularly) during load of the file to update progress. The callback function parameter values are:

    • (void)* : Equal to arg (user defined data).
    • (int) : The number of bytes loaded.
    • (int) : The total size of the data in bytes, or zero if the size is unavailable.

A handle to request (int) that can be used to abort the request.

emscripten_async_wget2_abort(int handle)

Abort an asynchronous request raised using emscripten_async_wget2() or emscripten_async_wget2_data().

  • handle (int) – A handle to request to be aborted.
void emscripten_async_prepare_data(char* data, int size, const char *suffix, void *arg, em_async_prepare_data_onload_func onload, em_arg_callback_func onerror)

Prepares a buffer of data asynchronously. This is a “data” version of emscripten_async_prepare(), which receives raw data as input instead of a filename (this can prevent the need to write data to a file first).

When file is loaded then the onload callback will be called. If any error occurs onerror will be called.

onload also receives a second parameter, which is a ‘fake’ filename which you can pass into IMG_Load (it is not an actual file, but it identifies this image for IMG_Load to be able to process it). Note that the user of this API is responsible for free() ing the memory allocated for the fake filename.

  • data (char*) – The buffer of data to prepare.
  • suffix (const char*) – The file suffix, e.g. ‘png’ or ‘jpg’.
  • arg (void*) – User-defined data that is passed to the callbacks, untouched by the API itself. This may be be used by a callback to identify the associated call.
  • onload (em_async_prepare_data_onload_func) –

    Callback on successful preparation of the file. The callback function parameter values are:

    • (void)* : Equal to arg (user defined data).
    • (const char)* : A ‘fake’ filename which you can pass into IMG_Load. See above for more information.
  • onerror (em_arg_callback_func) –

    Callback in the event of failure. The callback function parameter value is:

    • (void)* : Equal to arg (user defined data).

Emscripten Asynchronous IndexedDB API

IndexedDB is a browser API that lets you store data persistently, that is, you can save data there and load it later when the user re-visits the web page. IDBFS provides one way to use IndexedDB, through the Emscripten filesystem layer. The emscripten_idb_* methods listed here provide an alternative API, directly to IndexedDB, thereby avoiding the overhead of the filesystem layer.
void emscripten_idb_async_load(const char *db_name, const char *file_id, void* arg, em_async_wget_onload_func onload, em_arg_callback_func onerror)

Loads data from local IndexedDB storage asynchronously. This allows use of persistent data, without the overhead of the filesystem layer.

When the data is ready then the onload callback will be called. If any error occurred onerror will be called.

  • db_name – The IndexedDB database from which to load.
  • file_id – The identifier of the data to load.
  • arg (void*) – User-defined data that is passed to the callbacks, untouched by the API itself. This may be be used by a callback to identify the associated call.
  • onload (em_async_wget_onload_func) –

    Callback on successful load of the URL into the buffer. The callback function parameter values are:

    • (void)* : Equal to arg (user defined data).
    • (void)* : A pointer to a buffer with the data. Note that, as with the worker API, the data buffer only lives during the callback; it must be used or copied during that time.
    • (int) : The size of the buffer, in bytes.
  • onerror (em_arg_callback_func) –

    Callback in the event of failure. The callback function parameter values are:

    • (void)* : Equal to arg (user defined data).
void emscripten_idb_async_store(const char *db_name, const char *file_id, void* ptr, int num, void* arg, em_arg_callback_func onstore, em_arg_callback_func onerror);

Stores data to local IndexedDB storage asynchronously. This allows use of persistent data, without the overhead of the filesystem layer.

When the data has been stored then the onstore callback will be called. If any error occurred onerror will be called.

  • db_name – The IndexedDB database from which to load.
  • file_id – The identifier of the data to load.
  • ptr – A pointer to the data to store.
  • num – How many bytes to store.
  • arg (void*) – User-defined data that is passed to the callbacks, untouched by the API itself. This may be be used by a callback to identify the associated call.
  • onload (em_async_wget_onload_func) –

    Callback on successful load of the URL into the buffer. The callback function parameter values are:

    • (void)* : Equal to arg (user defined data).
  • onerror (em_arg_callback_func) –

    Callback in the event of failure. The callback function parameter values are:

    • (void)* : Equal to arg (user defined data).
void emscripten_idb_async_delete(const char *db_name, const char *file_id, void* arg, em_arg_callback_func ondelete, em_arg_callback_func onerror)

Deletes data from local IndexedDB storage asynchronously.

When the data has been deleted then the ondelete callback will be called. If any error occurred onerror will be called.

  • db_name – The IndexedDB database.
  • file_id – The identifier of the data.
  • arg (void*) – User-defined data that is passed to the callbacks, untouched by the API itself. This may be be used by a callback to identify the associated call.
  • ondelete (em_arg_callback_func) –

    Callback on successful delete

    • (void)* : Equal to arg (user defined data).
  • onerror (em_arg_callback_func) –

    Callback in the event of failure. The callback function parameter values are:

    • (void)* : Equal to arg (user defined data).
void emscripten_idb_async_exists(const char *db_name, const char *file_id, void* arg, em_arg_callback_func oncheck, em_arg_callback_func onerror)

Checks if data with a certain ID exists in the local IndexedDB storage asynchronously.

When the data has been checked then the oncheck callback will be called. If any error occurred onerror will be called.

  • db_name – The IndexedDB database.
  • file_id – The identifier of the data.
  • arg (void*) – User-defined data that is passed to the callbacks, untouched by the API itself. This may be be used by a callback to identify the associated call.
  • oncheck (em_arg_callback_func) –

    Callback on successful check, with arguments

    • (void)* : Equal to arg (user defined data).
    • int : Whether the file exists or not.
  • onerror (em_arg_callback_func) –

    Callback in the event of failure. The callback function parameter values are:

    • (void)* : Equal to arg (user defined data).
int emscripten_async_prepare(const char* file, em_str_callback_func onload, em_str_callback_func onerror)

Prepares a file asynchronously.

This does just the preparation part of emscripten_async_wget(). That is, it works on file data already present and performs any required asynchronous operations (for example, decoding images for use in IMG_Load, decoding audio for use in Mix_LoadWAV, etc.).

Once the operations are complete (the file is prepared), the onload callback will be called. If any error occurs onerror will be called. The callbacks are called with the file as their argument.

  • file (const char*) – The name of the file to prepare.
  • onload (em_str_callback_func) –

    Callback on successful preparation of the file. The callback function parameter value is:

    • (const char)* : The name of the file that was prepared.
  • onerror (em_str_callback_func) –

    Callback in the event of failure. The callback function parameter value is:

    • (const char)* : The name of the file for which the prepare failed.

0 if successful, -1 if the file does not exist

Return type:




Forces LLVM to not dead-code-eliminate a function.

This also exports the function, as if you added it to EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS.

For example:

void EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE my_function() { printf("I am being kept alive\n"); }

Worker API


int worker_handle

A wrapper around web workers that lets you create workers and communicate with them.

Note that the current API is mainly focused on a main thread that sends jobs to workers and waits for responses, i.e., in an asymmetrical manner, there is no current API to send a message without being asked for it from a worker to the main thread.


Function pointer type for the callback from emscripten_call_worker() (specific values of the parameters documented in that method).

Defined as:

typedef void (*em_worker_callback_func)(char*, int, void*)


worker_handle emscripten_create_worker(const char * url)

Creates a worker.

A worker must be compiled separately from the main program, and with the BUILD_AS_WORKER flag set to 1.

  • url (const char*) – The URL of the worker script.

A handle to the newly created worker.

Return type:


void emscripten_destroy_worker(worker_handle worker)

Destroys a worker. See emscripten_create_worker()

  • worker (worker_handle) – A handle to the worker to be destroyed.
void emscripten_call_worker(worker_handle worker, const char *funcname, char *data, int size, em_worker_callback_func callback, void *arg)

Asynchronously calls a worker.

The worker function will be called with two parameters: a data pointer, and a size. The data block defined by the pointer and size exists only during the callback: it cannot be relied upon afterwards. If you need to keep some of that information outside the callback, then it needs to be copied to a safe location.

The called worker function can return data, by calling emscripten_worker_respond(). When the worker is called, if a callback was given it will be called with three arguments: a data pointer, a size, and an argument that was provided when calling emscripten_call_worker() (to more easily associate callbacks to calls). The data block defined by the data pointer and size behave like the data block in the worker function — it exists only during the callback.

  • worker (worker_handle) – A handle to the worker to be called.
  • funcname (const char*) – The name of the function in the worker. The function must be a C function (so no C++ name mangling), and must be exported (EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS).
  • data (char*) – The address of a block of memory to copy over.
  • size (int) – The size of the block of memory.
  • callback (em_worker_callback_func) –

    Worker callback with the response. This can be null. The callback function parameter values are:

    • (char)* : The data pointer provided in emscripten_call_worker().
    • (int) : The size of the block of data.
    • (void)* : Equal to arg (user defined data).
  • arg (void*) – An argument (user data) to be passed to the callback
void emscripten_worker_respond(char *data, int size)
void emscripten_worker_respond_provisionally(char *data, int size)

Sends a response when in a worker call (that is, when called by the main thread using emscripten_call_worker()).

Both functions post a message back to the thread which called the worker. The emscripten_worker_respond_provisionally() variant can be invoked multiple times, which will queue up messages to be posted to the worker’s creator. Eventually, the _respond variant must be invoked, which will disallow further messages and free framework resources previously allocated for this worker call.


Calling the provisional version is optional, but you must call the non-provisional version to avoid leaks.

  • data (char*) – The message to be posted.
  • size (int) – The size of the message, in bytes.
int emscripten_get_worker_queue_size(worker_handle worker)

Checks how many responses are being waited for from a worker.

This only counts calls to emscripten_call_worker() that had a callback (calls with null callbacks are ignored), and where the response has not yet been received. It is a simple way to check on the status of the worker to see how busy it is, and do basic decisions about throttling.


The number of responses waited on from a worker.

Return type:


Logging utilities



If specified, logs directly to the browser console/inspector window. If not specified, logs via the application Module.


If specified, prints a warning message.


If specified, prints an error message. If neither EM_LOG_WARN or EM_LOG_ERROR is specified, an info message is printed. EM_LOG_WARN and EM_LOG_ERROR are mutually exclusive.


If specified, prints a call stack that contains file names referring to original C sources using source map information.


If specified, prints a call stack that contains file names referring to lines in the built .js/.html file along with the message. The flags EM_LOG_C_STACK and EM_LOG_JS_STACK can be combined to output both untranslated and translated file and line information.


If specified, C/C++ function names are de-mangled before printing. Otherwise, the mangled post-compilation JavaScript function names are displayed.


If specified, the pathnames of the file information in the call stack will be omitted.


If specified, prints out the actual values of the parameters the functions were invoked with.


int emscripten_get_compiler_setting(const char *name)

Returns the value of a compiler setting.

For example, to return the integer representing the value of PRECISE_F32 during compilation:


For values containing anything other than an integer, a string is returned (you will need to cast the int return value to a char*).

Some useful things this can do is provide the version of Emscripten (“EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION”), the optimization level (“OPT_LEVEL”), debug level (“DEBUG_LEVEL”), etc.

For this command to work, you must build with the following compiler option (as we do not want to increase the build size with this metadata):

  • name (const char*) – The compiler setting to return.

The value of the specified setting. Note that for values other than an integer, a string is returned (cast the int return value to a char*).

Return type:


void emscripten_debugger()

Emits debugger.

This is inline in the code, which tells the JavaScript engine to invoke the debugger if it gets there.

void emscripten_log(int flags, ...)

Prints out a message to the console, optionally with the callstack information.

  • flags (int) – A binary OR of items from the list of EM_LOG_xxx flags that specify printing options.
  • ... – A printf-style “format, ...” parameter list that is parsed according to the printf formatting rules.
int emscripten_get_callstack(int flags, char *out, int maxbytes)

Programmatically obtains the current callstack.

To query the amount of bytes needed for a callstack without writing it, pass 0 to out and maxbytes, in which case the function will return the number of bytes (including the terminating zero) that will be needed to hold the full callstack. Note that this might be fully accurate since subsequent calls will carry different line numbers, so it is best to allocate a few bytes extra to be safe.

  • flags (int) – A binary OR of items from the list of EM_LOG_xxx flags that specify printing options. The flags EM_LOG_CONSOLE, EM_LOG_WARN and EM_LOG_ERROR do not apply in this function and are ignored.
  • out (char*) – A pointer to a memory region where the callstack string will be written to. The string outputted by this function will always be null-terminated.
  • maxbytes (int) – The maximum number of bytes that this function can write to the memory pointed to by out. If there is not enough space, the output will be truncated (but always null-terminated).

The number of bytes written (not number of characters, so this will also include the terminating zero).

Return type:


char *emscripten_get_preloaded_image_data(const char *path, int *w, int *h)

Gets preloaded image data and the size of the image.

The function returns pointer to loaded image or NULL — the pointer should be free()‘d. The width/height of the image are written to the w and h parameters if the data is valid.

  • path – Full path/filename to the file containing the preloaded image.
  • w (int*) – Width of the image (if data is valid).
  • h (int*) – Height of the image (if data is valid).

const char*


A pointer to the preloaded image or NULL.

Return type:


char *emscripten_get_preloaded_image_data_from_FILE(FILE *file, int *w, int *h)

Gets preloaded image data from a C FILE*.

  • file (FILE*) – The FILE containing the preloaded image.
  • w (int*) – Width of the image (if data is valid).
  • h (int*) – Height of the image (if data is valid).

const char*


A pointer to the preloaded image or NULL.

Return type:


Socket event registration

The functions in this section register callback functions for receiving socket events. These events are analogous to WebSocket events but are emitted after the internal Emscripten socket processing has occurred. This means, for example, that the message callback will be triggered after the data has been added to the recv_queue, so that an application receiving this callback can simply read the data using the file descriptor passed as a parameter to the callback. All of the callbacks are passed a file descriptor (fd) representing the socket that the notified activity took place on. The error callback also takes an int representing the socket error number (errno) and a char* that represents the error message (msg).

Only a single callback function may be registered to handle any given event, so calling a given registration function more than once will cause the first callback to be replaced. Similarly, passing a NULL callback function to any emscripten_set_socket_*_callback call will de-register the callback registered for that event.

The userData pointer allows arbitrary data specified during event registration to be passed to the callback, this is particularly useful for passing this pointers around in Object Oriented code.

In addition to being able to register network callbacks from C it is also possible for native JavaScript code to directly use the underlying mechanism used to implement the callback registration. For example, the following code shows simple logging callbacks that are registered by default when SOCKET_DEBUG is enabled:

Module['websocket']['on']('error', function(error) {console.log('Socket error ' + error);});
Module['websocket']['on']('open', function(fd) {console.log('Socket open fd = ' + fd);});
Module['websocket']['on']('listen', function(fd) {console.log('Socket listen fd = ' + fd);});
Module['websocket']['on']('connection', function(fd) {console.log('Socket connection fd = ' + fd);});
Module['websocket']['on']('message', function(fd) {console.log('Socket message fd = ' + fd);});
Module['websocket']['on']('close', function(fd) {console.log('Socket close fd = ' + fd);});

Most of the JavaScript callback functions above get passed the file descriptor of the socket that triggered the callback, the on error callback however gets passed an array that contains the file descriptor, the error code and an error message.


The underlying JavaScript implementation doesn’t pass userData. This is mostly of use to C/C++ code and the emscripten_set_socket_*_callback calls simply create a closure containing the userData and pass that as the callback to the underlying JavaScript event registration mechanism.

Callback functions


Function pointer for emscripten_set_socket_open_callback(), and the other socket functions (except emscripten_set_socket_error_callback()). This is defined as:

typedef void (*em_socket_callback)(int fd, void *userData);
  • fd (int) – The file descriptor of the socket that triggered the callback.
  • userData (void*) – The userData originally passed to the event registration function.

Function pointer for the emscripten_set_socket_error_callback(), defined as:

typedef void (*em_socket_error_callback)(int fd, int err, const char* msg, void *userData);
  • fd (int) – The file descriptor of the socket that triggered the callback.
  • err (int) – The code for the error that occurred.
  • msg (int) – The message for the error that occurred.
  • userData (void*) – The userData originally passed to the event registration function.


void emscripten_set_socket_error_callback(void *userData, em_socket_error_callback *callback)

Triggered by a WebSocket error.

See Socket event registration for more information.

  • userData (void*) – Arbitrary user data to be passed to the callback.
  • callback (em_socket_error_callback*) – Pointer to a callback function. The callback returns a file descriptor, error code and message, and the arbitrary userData passed to this function.
void emscripten_set_socket_open_callback(void *userData, em_socket_callback callback)

Triggered when the WebSocket has opened.

See Socket event registration for more information.

  • userData (void*) – Arbitrary user data to be passed to the callback.
  • callback (em_socket_callback) – Pointer to a callback function. The callback returns a file descriptor and the arbitrary userData passed to this function.
void emscripten_set_socket_listen_callback(void *userData, em_socket_callback callback)

Triggered when listen has been called (synthetic event).

See Socket event registration for more information.

  • userData (void*) – Arbitrary user data to be passed to the callback.
  • callback (em_socket_callback) – Pointer to a callback function. The callback returns a file descriptor and the arbitrary userData passed to this function.
void emscripten_set_socket_connection_callback(void *userData, em_socket_callback callback)

Triggered when the connection has been established.

See Socket event registration for more information.

  • userData (void*) – Arbitrary user data to be passed to the callback.
  • callback (em_socket_callback) – Pointer to a callback function. The callback returns a file descriptor and the arbitrary userData passed to this function.
void emscripten_set_socket_message_callback(void *userData, em_socket_callback callback)

Triggered when data is available to be read from the socket.

See Socket event registration for more information.

  • userData (void*) – Arbitrary user data to be passed to the callback.
  • callback (em_socket_callback) – Pointer to a callback function. The callback returns a file descriptor and the arbitrary userData passed to this function.
void emscripten_set_socket_close_callback(void *userData, em_socket_callback callback)

Triggered when the WebSocket has closed.

See Socket event registration for more information.

  • userData (void*) – Arbitrary user data to be passed to the callback.
  • callback (em_socket_callback) – Pointer to a callback function. The callback returns a file descriptor and the arbitrary userData passed to this function.

Unaligned types



Unaligned types. These may be used to force LLVM to emit unaligned loads/stores in places in your code where SAFE_HEAP found an unaligned operation.

For usage examples see tests/core/test_set_align.c.


It is better to avoid unaligned operations, but if you are reading from a packed stream of bytes or such, these types may be useful!

Emterpreter-Async functions

Emterpreter-async functions are asynchronous functions that appear synchronously in C, the linker flags -s EMTERPRETIFY -s EMTERPRETIFY_ASYNC=1 are required to use these functions. See Emterpreter for more details.


void emscripten_sleep(unsigned int ms)

Sleep for ms milliseconds. This is a normal “synchronous” sleep, which blocks all other operations while it runs. In other words, if there are other async events waiting to happen, they will not happen during this sleep, which makes sense as conceptually this code is on the stack (that’s how it looks in the C source code). If you do want things to happen while sleeping, see emscripten_sleep_with_yield.

void emscripten_sleep_with_yield(unsigned int ms)

Sleep for ms milliseconds, while allowing other asynchronous operations, e.g. caused by emscripten_async_call, to run normally, during this sleep. Note that this method does still block the main loop, as otherwise it could recurse, if you are calling this method from it. Even so, you should use this method carefully: the order of execution is potentially very confusing this way.


void emscripten_wget_data(const char* url, void** pbuffer, int* pnum, int *perror);

Synchronously fetches data off the network, and stores it to a buffer in memory, which is allocated for you. You must free the buffer, or it will leak!

  • url – The URL to fetch from
  • pbuffer – An out parameter that will be filled with a pointer to a buffer containing the data that is downloaded. This space has been malloced for you, and you must free it, or it will leak!
  • pnum – An out parameter that will be filled with the size of the downloaded data.
  • perror – An out parameter that will be filled with a non-zero value if an error occurred.


void emscripten_idb_load(const char *db_name, const char *file_id, void** pbuffer, int* pnum, int *perror);

Synchronously fetches data from IndexedDB, and stores it to a buffer in memory, which is allocated for you. You must free the buffer, or it will leak!

  • db_name – The name of the database to load from
  • file_id – The name of the file to load
  • pbuffer – An out parameter that will be filled with a pointer to a buffer containing the data that is downloaded. This space has been malloced for you, and you must free it, or it will leak!
  • pnum – An out parameter that will be filled with the size of the downloaded data.
  • perror – An out parameter that will be filled with a non-zero value if an error occurred.
void emscripten_idb_store(const char *db_name, const char *file_id, void* ptr, int num, int *perror);

Synchronously stores data to IndexedDB.

  • db_name – The name of the database to store to
  • file_id – The name of the file to store
  • buffer – A pointer to the data to store
  • num – How many bytes to store
  • perror – An out parameter that will be filled with a non-zero value if an error occurred.
void emscripten_idb_delete(const char *db_name, const char *file_id, int *perror);

Synchronously deletes data from IndexedDB.

  • db_name – The name of the database to delete from
  • file_id – The name of the file to delete
  • perror – An out parameter that will be filled with a non-zero value if an error occurred.
void emscripten_idb_exists(const char *db_name, const char *file_id, int* pexists, int *perror);

Synchronously checks if a file exists in IndexedDB.

  • db_name – The name of the database to check in
  • file_id – The name of the file to check
  • perror – An out parameter that will be filled with a non-zero value if the file exists in that database.
  • perror – An out parameter that will be filled with a non-zero value if an error occurred.
void emscripten_idb_load(const char *db_name, const char *file_id, void** pbuffer, int* pnum, int *perror);

Asyncify functions

Asyncify functions are asynchronous functions that appear synchronously in C, the linker flag -s ASYNCIFY=1 is required to use these functions. See Asyncify for more details.



A handle to the structure used by coroutine supporting functions.
