Symbols   A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  
G — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the G key (71).
gain — Property, class
The amount by which the microphone boosts the signal.
gap — Property, class spark.components.HGroup
The horizontal space between layout elements.
gap — Property, class spark.components.VGroup
The vertical space between layout elements.
gap — Property, class spark.components.supportClasses.ButtonBarHorizontalLayout
The horizontal space between layout elements.
gap — Property, class spark.layouts.HorizontalLayout
The horizontal space between layout elements.
gap — Property, class spark.layouts.VerticalLayout
The vertical space between layout elements.
gc() — Static Method , class flash.system.System
Forces the garbage collection process.
generalClipboard — Static Property, class flash.desktop.Clipboard
The operating system clipboard.
generateFilterRect(sourceRect:flash.geom:Rectangle, filter:flash.filters:BitmapFilter) — method, class flash.display.BitmapData
Determines the destination rectangle that the applyFilter() method call affects, given a BitmapData object, a source rectangle, and a filter object.
generation — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow
The generation number for this TextFlow object.
generator — Property, class mx.core.ClassFactory
The Class that the newInstance() method uses to generate objects from this factory object.
genre — Property, class
The genre of the song; corresponds to the ID3 2.0 tag TCON.
GEOMETRY — Constant Static Property, class flashx.textLayout.compose.FlowDamageType
Value is used to set the validity property if the line has been invalidated by other lines moving around.
get — Statement
Defines a getter, which is a method that can be read like a property.
GET — Constant Static Property, class
Specifies that the URLRequest object is a GET.
getAbsoluteStart(controller:flashx.textLayout.container:ContainerController) — method, class flashx.textLayout.compose.StandardFlowComposer
Returns the absolute position of the first content element in the specified ContainerController object.
getAbsoluteStart() — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement
Returns the start location of the element in the text flow as an absolute index.
get_accDefaultAction(childID:uint) — method, class flash.accessibility.AccessibilityImplementation
MSAA method for returning the default action of the component that this AccessibilityImplementation represents or of one of its child elements.
get_accFocus() — method, class flash.accessibility.AccessibilityImplementation
MSAA method for returning the unsigned integer ID of the child element, if any, that has child focus within the component.
get_accName(childID:uint) — method, class flash.accessibility.AccessibilityImplementation
MSAA method for returning the name for the component that this AccessibilityImplementation represents or for one of its child elements.
get_accRole(childID:uint) — method, class flash.accessibility.AccessibilityImplementation
MSAA method for returning the system role for the component that this AccessibilityImplementation represents or for one of its child elements.
get_accSelection() — method, class flash.accessibility.AccessibilityImplementation
MSAA method for returning an array containing the IDs of all child elements that are selected.
get_accState(childID:uint) — method, class flash.accessibility.AccessibilityImplementation
IAccessible method for returning the current runtime state of the component that this AccessibilityImplementation represents or of one of its child elements.
get_accValue(childID:uint) — method, class flash.accessibility.AccessibilityImplementation
MSAA method for returning the runtime value of the component that this AccessibilityImplementation represents or of one of its child elements.
getAffectedProperties() — method, class mx.effects.Effect
Returns an Array of Strings, where each String is the name of a property that is changed by this effect.
getAffectedProperties() — method, interface mx.effects.IEffect
Returns an Array of Strings, where each String is the name of a property that is changed by this effect.
getAffectedProperties() — method, class mx.effects.MaskEffect
Returns the component properties modified by this effect.
getAirHelperClass(className:String) — Static Method , class mx.automation.AutomationHelper
getAirWindow(windowId:String) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager2
getAirWindowUniqueId(newWindow:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager2
getAirWindowUniqueIdFromAutomationIdPart(objectIdPart:mx.automation:AutomationIDPart) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager2
getAirWindowUniqueIdFromObjectIdString(objectId:String) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager2
getAllDataPoints() — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase
Returns an array of HitData objects representing the chart items in the underlying objects that implement the IChartElement2 interface.
getAllDataPoints() — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartElement
Returns an array of HitData of the items of all the underlying ChartElements whose dataTips are to be shown when showAllDataTips is set to true on chart
getAllDataPoints() — method, interface mx.charts.chartClasses.IChartElement2
Returns an array of HitData of the items of all the underlying objects that implement IChartElement2 whose dataTips are to be shown when showAllDataTips is set to true on chart.
getApplicationNameFromAutomationIdPart(objectID:mx.automation:AutomationIDPart) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager2
getAppTitle() — Static Method , class mx.automation.AutomationHelper
getArgDescriptors(target:mx.automation:IAutomationObject) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationEventDescriptor
Returns an Array of argument descriptors for this event.
getArgDescriptors(obj:mx.automation:IAutomationObject) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationMethodDescriptor
Returns an Array of argument descriptors for this method.
getAssociatedFactory(object:Object) — Static Method , class mx.modules.ModuleManager
See if the referenced object is associated with (or, in the managed ApplicationDomain of) a known IFlexModuleFactory implementation.
getAssociationProperties() — method, class com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.AbstractEntityMetadata
Returns the names of all association properties.
getAssociationProperties() — method, interface com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.IModelType
Returns the names of all association properties.
getAtomBidiLevel(atomIndex:int) — method, class flash.text.engine.TextLine
Gets the bidirectional level of the atom at the specified index.
getAtomBounds(atomIndex:int) — method, class flash.text.engine.TextLine
Gets the bounds of the atom at the specified index relative to the text line.
getAtomCenter(atomIndex:int) — method, class flash.text.engine.TextLine
Gets the center of the atom as measured along the baseline at the specified index.
getAtomGraphic(atomIndex:int) — method, class flash.text.engine.TextLine
Gets the graphic of the atom at the specified index, or null if the atom is a character.
getAtomIndexAtCharIndex(charIndex:int) — method, class flash.text.engine.TextLine
Returns the index of the atom containing the character specified by the charIndex parameter, or -1 if the character does not contribute to any atom in the line.
getAtomIndexAtPoint(stageX:Number, stageY:Number) — method, class flash.text.engine.TextLine
Returns the index of the atom at the point specified by the x and y parameters, or -1 if no atom exists at that point.
getAtomTextBlockBeginIndex(atomIndex:int) — method, class flash.text.engine.TextLine
Gets the text block begin index of the atom at the specified index.
getAtomTextBlockEndIndex(atomIndex:int) — method, class flash.text.engine.TextLine
Gets the text block end index of the atom at the specified index.
getAtomTextRotation(atomIndex:int) — method, class flash.text.engine.TextLine
Gets the rotation of the atom at the specified index.
getAtomWordBoundaryOnLeft(atomIndex:int) — method, class flash.text.engine.TextLine
Indicates whether a word boundary occurs to the left of the atom at the specified index.
getAttribute(name:String) — method, class mx.rpc.livecycle.DocumentReference
Return the value of the specified attribute.
getAttributeByQName(xml:XML, attrQName:QName) — Static Method , class mx.utils.XMLUtil
Returns the XML value of an attribute matching the given QName
getAttributeMask() — method, class
Bit mask representing the attributes of this managed association.
getAutomationChildAt(index:int) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationObject
Provides the automation object at the specified index.
getAutomationChildAt(index:int) — method, class mx.automation.delegates.containers.ApplicationAutomationImpl
getAutomationChildAt(index:int) — method, class mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu
Provides the automation object at the specified index.
getAutomationChildAt(index:int) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
Provides the automation object at the specified index.
getAutomationChildAt(index:int) — method, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip
Provides the automation object at the specified index.
getAutomationChildren() — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationObject
Provides the automation object list .
getAutomationChildren() — method, class mx.automation.delegates.containers.ApplicationAutomationImpl
getAutomationChildren() — method, class mx.automation.delegates.flashflexkit.FlexContentHolderAutomationImpl
getAutomationChildren() — method, class mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu
Provides the automation object list .
getAutomationChildren() — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
Provides the automation object list .
getAutomationChildren() — method, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip
Provides the automation object list .
getAutomationChildrenArray(object:Object) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager2
getAutomationClassName(obj:mx.automation:IAutomationObject) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager
Returns the text to display as the type of the object.
getAutomationComposite(obj:mx.automation:IAutomationObject) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationObjectHelper
Returns the parent of the composite object.
getAutomationName(obj:mx.automation:IAutomationObject) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager
Returns the text to display as the description for the object.
getAutomationValueForData(data:Object) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationTabularData
Returns the values being displayed by the component for the given data.
getAvailableProperties() — method, class com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.AbstractEntityMetadata
Returns the names of all available properties of this instance as determined by variants.
getAvailableProperties() — method, interface com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.IModelInstance
Returns the names of all available properties of this instance as determined by variants.
getAxis(dimension:String) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase
Retrieves the Axis instance for a particular dimension of the chart.
getAxis(dimension:String) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.DataTransform
Retrieves the axis instance responsible for transforming the data dimension specified by the dimension parameter.
getAxis(dimension:String) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.Series
You typically retrieve the Axis instance directly through a named property (such as for a Cartesian-based series horizontalAxis, verticalAxis, or radiusAxis).
getAxis(axisOridnal:int) — method, interface mx.olap.IOLAPQuery
Gets an axis from the query.
getAxis(axisOrdinal:int) — method, interface mx.olap.IOLAPResult
Returns an axis of the query result.
getAxis(axisOrdinal:int) — method, class mx.olap.OLAPQuery
Gets an axis from the query.
getAxis(axisOrdinal:int) — method, class mx.olap.OLAPResult
Returns an axis of the query result.
getBaselinePosition(baseline:String) — method, class flash.text.engine.TextLine
Gets the position of the specified baseline, relative to TextBlock.baselineZero.
getBoolean(bundleName:String, resourceName:String, locale:String) — method, interface mx.resources.IResourceManager
Gets the value of a specified resource as a Boolean.
getBounds(targetCoordinateSpace:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class flash.display.DisplayObject
Returns a rectangle that defines the area of the display object relative to the coordinate system of the targetCoordinateSpace object.
getBounds() — method, class flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowLine
Returns the bounds of the line as a rectangle.
getBounds(targetCoordinateSpace:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter
getBounds(targetCoordinateSpace:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, interface mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject
Returns a rectangle that defines the area of the display object relative to the coordinate system of the targetCoordinateSpace object.
getBoundsXAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, interface mx.core.ILayoutElement
Returns the x coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size.
getBoundsXAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
Returns the x coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size.
getBoundsXAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip
Returns the x coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size.
getBoundsXAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class spark.core.SpriteVisualElement
Returns the x coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size.
getBoundsXAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class spark.primitives.Ellipse
Returns the x coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size.
getBoundsXAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class spark.primitives.Path
Returns the x coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size.
getBoundsXAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class spark.primitives.Rect
Returns the x coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size.
getBoundsXAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement
Returns the x coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size.
getBoundsYAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, interface mx.core.ILayoutElement
Returns the y coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size.
getBoundsYAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
Returns the y coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size.
getBoundsYAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip
Returns the y coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size.
getBoundsYAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class spark.core.SpriteVisualElement
Returns the y coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size.
getBoundsYAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class spark.primitives.Ellipse
Returns the y coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size.
getBoundsYAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class spark.primitives.Path
Returns the y coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size.
getBoundsYAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class spark.primitives.Rect
Returns the y coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size.
getBoundsYAtSize(width:Number, height:Number, postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement
Returns the y coordinate of the element's bounds at the specified element size.
getBundleNamesForLocale(locale:String) — method, interface mx.resources.IResourceManager
Returns an Array of Strings specifying the bundle names for all ResourceBundle objects that exist in the ResourceManager and that belong to the specified locale.
getCacheData( — method, class
Returns an ArrayCollection or a single managed object (SMO) from the the local store.
getCacheDescriptors(view:mx.collections:ListCollectionView, options:uint, item:Object) — method, class
This method will fill the specified ListCollectionView with CacheDataDescriptor(s).
getCacheIDs(view:mx.collections:ListCollectionView) — method, class
This method will fill the specified ListCollectionView with all cache identifiers previously used in the application.
getCacheIDs(view:mx.collections:ListCollectionView) — method, class
This method will fill the specified ListCollectionView with all cache identifiers previously used in the application.
getCacheKey(... rest) — Static Method , class mx.skins.halo.HaloColors
Returns a unique hash key based on the colors that are passed in.
getCamera(name:String) — Static Method , class
Returns a reference to a Camera object for capturing video.
getCell(x:int, y:int) — method, interface mx.olap.IOLAPResult
Returns a cell at the specified location in the query result.
getCell(x:int, y:int) — method, class mx.olap.OLAPResult
Returns a cell at the specified location in the query result.
getCellRendererInfo(row:mx.olap:IOLAPAxisPosition, column:mx.olap:IOLAPAxisPosition) — method, class mx.controls.OLAPDataGrid
Decide which renderer to use for the particular cell.
getChannel(id:String, clustered:Boolean) — Static Method , class mx.messaging.config.ServerConfig
Returns a shared instance of the configured Channel.
getChannelSet(destinationId:String) — Static Method , class mx.messaging.config.ServerConfig
Returns a shared ChannelSet for use with the specified destination belonging to the service that handles the specified message type.
getCharAtPosition(relativePosition:int) — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement
Returns the character at the specified position, relative to this FlowElement object.
getCharBoundaries(charIndex:int) — method, class flash.text.TextField
Returns a rectangle that is the bounding box of the character.
getCharBoundaries(charIndex:int) — method, interface mx.core.IUITextField
Returns a rectangle that is the bounding box of the character.
getCharBoundaries(charIndex:int) — method, class mx.core.TLFTextField
This method has not been implemented in TLFTextField because very few components use it in TextField.
getCharCodeAtPosition(relativePosition:int) — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement
Returns the character code at the specified position, relative to this FlowElement.
getCharIndexAtPoint(x:Number, y:Number) — method, class flash.text.TextField
Returns the zero-based index value of the character at the point specified by the x and y parameters.
getCharIndexAtPoint(x:Number, y:Number) — method, interface mx.core.IUITextField
Returns the zero-based index value of the character at the point specified by the x and y parameters.
getCharIndexAtPoint(x:Number, y:Number) — method, class mx.core.TLFTextField
This method has not been implemented in TLFTextField because very few components use it in TextField.
getChildAt(index:int) — method, class flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer
Returns the child display object instance that exists at the specified index.
getChildAt(index:int) — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowGroupElement
Returns the FlowElement child at the specified index.
getChildAt(index:int) — method, class mx.core.Container
Gets the nth child component object.
getChildAt(index:int) — method, interface mx.core.IChildList
Gets the child DisplayObject at the specified index in this child list.
getChildAt(index:int) — method, interface mx.core.IContainer
Returns the child display object instance that exists at the specified index.
getChildBridgeProvider( — method, interface mx.core.ISWFBridgeGroup
Gets the owner of a bridge and also the DisplayObject that loaded the child.
getChildBridgeProvider( — method, class mx.core.SWFBridgeGroup
Gets the owner of a bridge and also the DisplayObject that loaded the child.
getChildBridges() — method, interface mx.core.ISWFBridgeGroup
Gets all of the child bridges in this group.
getChildBridges() — method, class mx.core.SWFBridgeGroup
Gets all of the child bridges in this group.
getChildByName(name:String) — method, class flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer
Returns the child display object that exists with the specified name.
getChildByName(name:String) — method, class mx.core.Container
Returns the child whose name property is the specified String.
getChildByName(name:String) — method, interface mx.core.IChildList
Gets the child DisplayObject with the specified name in this child list.
getChildByName(name:String) — method, interface mx.core.IContainer
Returns the child display object that exists with the specified name.
getChildIDArray() — method, class flash.accessibility.AccessibilityImplementation
Returns an array containing the unsigned integer IDs of all child elements in the AccessibilityImplementation.
getChildIndex(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer
Returns the index position of a child DisplayObject instance.
getChildIndex(child:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement) — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowGroupElement
Searches in children for the specified FlowElement object and returns its index position.
getChildIndex(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class mx.core.Container
Gets the zero-based index of a specific child.
getChildIndex(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, interface mx.core.IChildList
Gets the index of a specific child in this child list.
getChildIndex(child:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, interface mx.core.IContainer
Returns the index position of a child DisplayObject instance.
getChildren(obj:mx.automation:IAutomationObject, ignoreShowInHierarchy:Boolean) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager
Returns all children of this object that are visible within the testing hierarchy.
getChildren(node:Object) — method, class mx.collections.HierarchicalCollectionView
Returns a collection of children, if they exist.
getChildren(node:Object) — method, class mx.collections.HierarchicalData
Returns an Object representing the node's children.
getChildren(node:Object) — method, interface mx.collections.IHierarchicalCollectionView
Returns a collection of children, if they exist.
getChildren(node:Object) — method, interface mx.collections.IHierarchicalData
Returns an Object representing the node's children.
getChildren(node:Object, model:Object) — method, interface mx.controls.menuClasses.IMenuDataDescriptor
Provides access to a node's children.
getChildren(node:Object, model:Object) — method, class mx.controls.treeClasses.DefaultDataDescriptor
Provides access to a node's children.
getChildren(node:Object, model:Object) — method, interface mx.controls.treeClasses.ITreeDataDescriptor
Provides access to a node's children, returning a collection view of children if they exist.
getChildren() — method, class mx.core.Container
Returns an Array of DisplayObject objects consisting of the content children of the container.
getChildrenFromIDPart(obj:mx.automation:IAutomationObject, part:mx.automation:AutomationIDPart, ignoreShowInHierarchy:Boolean) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager
Returns all children of this object that are visible within the testing hierarchy and meet the criteria in the automation part.
getClass(bundleName:String, resourceName:String, locale:String) — method, interface mx.resources.IResourceManager
Gets the value of a specified resource as a Class.
getClass(type:Object) — method, class mx.rpc.xml.SchemaTypeRegistry
Looks for a registered Class for the given type.
getClassByAlias(aliasName:String) — Package Function,
Looks up a class that previously had an alias registered through a call to the registerClassAlias() method.
getClassInfo(obj:Object, excludes:Array, options:Object) — Static Method , class mx.utils.ObjectUtil
Returns information about the class, and properties of the class, for the specified Object.
getClassInfo(obj:Object, excludes:Array, options:Object) — Static Method , class mx.utils.RPCObjectUtil
Returns information about the class, and properties of the class, for the specified Object.
getClassStyleDeclarations() — method, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer
Finds the type selectors for this UIComponent instance.
getClassStyleDeclarations() — method, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridItemRenderer
Returns an Array of CSSStyleDeclaration objects for the type selector that applies to this component, or null if none exist.
getClassStyleDeclarations() — method, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.TLFDataGridItemRenderer
Returns an Array of CSSStyleDeclaration objects for the type selector that applies to this component, or null if none exist.
getClassStyleDeclarations() — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
Finds the type selectors for this UIComponent instance.
getClassStyleDeclarations() — method, interface mx.styles.IStyleClient
Returns an Array of CSSStyleDeclaration objects for the type selector that applies to this component, or null if none exist.
getClassStyleDeclarations() — method, class mx.styles.StyleProxy
Returns an Array of CSSStyleDeclaration objects for the type selector that applies to this component, or null if none exist.
getCollectionBase(propertyName:String) — method, class com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.AbstractEntityMetadata
Gets the base type of a collection property
getCollectionBase(propertyName:String) — method, interface com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.IModelType
Gets the base type of a collection property
getCollectionClass(type:Object) — method, class mx.rpc.xml.SchemaTypeRegistry
Returns the Class for the collection type represented by the given Qname or String.
getCollectionProperties() — method, class com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.AbstractEntityMetadata
Returns the names of all collection properties.
getCollectionProperties() — method, interface com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.IModelType
Returns the names of all collection properties.
getColorBoundsRect(mask:uint, color:uint, findColor:Boolean) — method, class flash.display.BitmapData
Determines a rectangular region that either fully encloses all pixels of a specified color within the bitmap image (if the findColor parameter is set to true) or fully encloses all pixels that do not include the specified color (if the findColor parameter is set to false).
getColorName(colorName:Object) — Static Method , class mx.styles.StyleManager
Returns the numeric RGB color value that corresponds to the specified color string.
getColorNames(colors:Array) — Static Method , class mx.styles.StyleManager
Converts each element of the colors Array from a color name to a numeric RGB color value.
getColumnAt(index:int) — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.ColumnState
Returns the area that a column takes within the container.
getCommonCharacterFormat() — method, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.ISelectionManager
Gets the character format attributes that are common to all characters in the current selection.
getCommonCharacterFormat() — method, class flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager
Gets the character format attributes that are common to all characters in the current selection.
getCommonContainerFormat() — method, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.ISelectionManager
Gets the container format attributes that are common to all containers in the current selection.
getCommonContainerFormat() — method, class flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager
Gets the container format attributes that are common to all containers in the current selection.
getCommonParagraphFormat() — method, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.ISelectionManager
Gets the paragraph format attributes that are common to all paragraphs in the current selection.
getCommonParagraphFormat() — method, class flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager
Gets the paragraph format attributes that are common to all paragraphs in the current selection.
getCompatibleIUIComponent(obj:Object) — Static Method , class mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter
Call getCompatibleIUIComponent when you need to work with an IUIComponent that reports width, height, min, max, explicit, measured, etc.
getComplexProperty(name, value) — method, class mx.utils.ObjectProxy
Provides a place for subclasses to override how a complex property that needs to be either proxied or daisy chained for event bubbling is managed.
getComputedFontMetrics() — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowLeafElement
Returns the FontMetrics object for the span.
getConflict(item:Object) — method, class
If there is an outstanding conflict for the given object, returns that conflict.
getConflict() — method, interface
Returns the conflict created with a previous call to the conflict() method.
getConflictingProperties(,, serverObject:Object) — method, class
Returns an array of property names that conflict between the client's version of an item and the server's version.
getConstraintValue(constraintName:String) — method, class mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter
Returns the specified constraint value.
getConstraintValue(constraintName:String) — method, interface mx.core.IConstraintClient
Returns the specified constraint value.
getConstraintValue(constraintName:String) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
Returns a layout constraint value, which is the same as getting the constraint style for this component.
getConstraintValue(constraintName:String) — method, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip
Returns the specified constraint value.
getContent() — method, class mx.resources.ResourceBundle
When a properties file is compiled into a resource bundle, the MXML compiler autogenerates a subclass of ResourceBundle.
getContentBounds() — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController
Returns the area that the text occupies, as reflected by the last compose or update operation.
getContentBounds() — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager
Creates a rectangle that shows where the last call to either the compose() method or the updateContainer() method placed the text.
getContentBounds() — method, class flashx.textLayout.factory.TextLineFactoryBase
The smallest rectangle in which the layed-out content fits.
getContents() — Static Method , class flashx.textLayout.edit.TextClipboard
Gets any text on the system clipboard as a TextScrap object.
getControllerAt(index:int) — method, interface flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer
Returns the ContainerController object at the specified index.
getControllerAt(index:int) — method, class flashx.textLayout.compose.StandardFlowComposer
Returns the ContainerController object at the specified index.
getControllerIndex(controller:flashx.textLayout.container:ContainerController) — method, interface flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer
Returns the index of the specified ContainerController object.
getControllerIndex(controller:flashx.textLayout.container:ContainerController) — method, class flashx.textLayout.compose.StandardFlowComposer
Returns the index of the specified ContainerController object.
getCube(name:String) — method, interface mx.olap.IOLAPSchema
Returns a cube specified by name.
getCube(name:String) — method, class mx.olap.OLAPSchema
Returns a cube specified by name.
getCuePointByName(name:String) — method, class mx.controls.videoClasses.CuePointManager
Search for a cue point with specified name.
getCuePoints() — method, class mx.controls.videoClasses.CuePointManager
Returns an Array of all cue points.
getCurrentDataValue(data:Object, property:String) — method, class mx.controls.DataGrid
getCurrentRendererState() — method, class spark.components.supportClasses.ItemRenderer
Returns the name of the state to be applied to the renderer.
getCurrentSkinState() — method, class spark.components.Application
Returns the name of the state to be applied to the skin.
getCurrentSkinState() — method, class spark.components.Panel
Returns the name of the state to be applied to the skin.
getCurrentSkinState() — method, class spark.components.Spinner
Returns the name of the state to be applied to the skin.
getCurrentSkinState() — method, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableComponent
Returns the name of the state to be applied to the skin.
getCurrentSkinState() — method, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableContainerBase
Returns the name of the state to be applied to the skin.
getCurrentSkinState() — method, class spark.components.windowClasses.TitleBar
Returns the name of the state to be applied to the skin.
getCustomService(name:String) — method, interface
Retrieves a user provided implementation of a custom service declared in a model.
getData(format:String, transferMode:String) — method, class flash.desktop.Clipboard
Gets the clipboard data if data in the specified format is present.
getData(node:Object) — method, class mx.collections.HierarchicalData
Returns data from a node.
getData(node:Object) — method, interface mx.collections.IHierarchicalData
Returns data from a node.
getData(node:Object, model:Object) — method, interface mx.controls.menuClasses.IMenuDataDescriptor
Returns a node's data.
getData(node:Object, model:Object) — method, class mx.controls.treeClasses.DefaultDataDescriptor
Returns a node's data.
getData(node:Object, model:Object) — method, interface mx.controls.treeClasses.ITreeDataDescriptor
Gets the data from a node.
getDataManager(destination:String) — method, class
Finds the data manager for a specified destination.
getDataManager(destination:String) — method, class
getDataManager(destination:String) — method, class
getDataProperties() — method, class com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.AbstractEntityMetadata
Returns the names of all data properties for an Entity; regardless of whether they are currently available or not.
getDataProperties() — method, interface com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.IModelType
Returns the names of all data properties for an Entity; regardless of whether they are currently available or not.
getDataServiceAdapter(destination:String) — method, class
Looks up an associated data service adapter.
getDate() — method, class Date
Returns the day of the month (an integer from 1 to 31) specified by a Date object according to local time.
getDay() — method, class Date
Returns the day of the week (0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, and so on) specified by this Date according to local time.
getDay(date:Date) — Static Method , class com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.DateTimeFunc
This function returns the int day value of a Date param.
getDayUTC(date:Date) — Static Method , class com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.DateTimeFunc
This function returns the int day value of a Date param.
getDefaultApplication(extension:String) — method, class flash.desktop.NativeApplication
Gets the default application for opening files with the specified extension.
getDefinition(name:String) — method, class flash.system.ApplicationDomain
Gets a public definition from the specified application domain.
getDefinitionByName(name:String) — Package Function, flash.utils
Returns a reference to the class object of the class specified by the name parameter.
getDefinitionByName(name:String) — method, interface mx.managers.ISystemManager
Converts the given String to a Class or package-level Function.
getDefinitionByName(name:String) — method, class mx.managers.SystemManager
Converts the given String to a Class or package-level Function.
getDefinitionByName(name:String) — method, class mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager
Converts the given String to a Class or package-level Function.
getDependantInvalidConstraints(propertyName:String) — method, class com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.AbstractEntityMetadata
Returns an array of currently invalid constraints whose values may change as a result of propertyName changing.
getDependantInvalidConstraints(propertyName:String) — method, interface com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.IModelInstance
Returns an array of currently invalid constraints whose values may change as a result of propertyName changing.
getDependants(propertyName:String) — method, class com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.AbstractEntityMetadata
Gets all derived properties whose values may change as a result of this date property's value changing
getDependants(propertyName:String) — method, interface com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.IModelType
Gets all derived properties whose values may change as a result of this date property's value changing
getDependedOnServices() — method, class com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.AbstractEntityMetadata
Gets the names of all services that derived properties of this entity depend on for their calculations
getDependedOnServices() — method, interface com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.IModelType
Gets the names of all services that derived properties of this entity depend on for their calculations
getDescendants(name) — method, class flash.utils.Proxy
Overrides the use of the descendant operator.
getDescriptorForEvent( — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationClass
Returns an IAutomationEventDescriptor object for the specified event object.
getDescriptorForEventByName(eventName:String) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationClass
Returns an IAutomationEventDescriptor object from the event's name.
getDescriptorForMethodByName(methodName:String) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationClass
Returns an IAutomationMethodDescriptorfrom object from the method's name.
getDestination(obj:Object) — Static Method , class
Returns the destination the specified object is associated with.
getDirectoryListing() — method, class flash.filesystem.File
Returns an array of File objects corresponding to files and directories in the directory represented by this File object.
getDirectoryListingAsync() — method, class flash.filesystem.File
Asynchronously retrieves an array of File objects corresponding to the contents of the directory represented by this File object.
getDividerAt(i:int) — method, class mx.containers.DividedBox
Returns a reference to the specified BoxDivider object in this DividedBox container.
getDragManagerProxy() — Static Method , class mx.automation.delegates.DragManagerAutomationImpl
getDRMManager() — Static Method , class
Returns an instance of the singleton DRMManager object.
getDynamicPartAt(partName:String, index:int) — method, class spark.components.supportClasses.SkinnableComponent
Returns a specific instance of a dynamic part.
getElementAt(index:int) — method, class flash.text.engine.GroupElement
Retrieves an element from within the group.
getElementAt(index:int) — method, class mx.core.Container
Returns the visual element at the specified index.
getElementAt(index:int) — method, interface mx.core.IVisualElementContainer
Returns the visual element at the specified index.
getElementAt(index:int) — method, class mx.flash.ContainerMovieClip
Returns the viewport if there is a viewport and the index passed in is 0.
getElementAt(index:int) — method, class spark.components.Scroller
Returns the viewport if there is a viewport and the index passed in is 0.
getElementAt(index:int) — method, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer
Returns the visual element at the specified index.
getElementAt(index:int) — method, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase
Returns the visual element at the specified index.
getElementAtCharIndex(charIndex:int) — method, class flash.text.engine.GroupElement
Returns the element containing the character specified by the charIndex parameter.
getElementBounds(renderData:Object) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase
Fills in the elementBounds, bounds, and visibleBounds properties of a renderData structure that is generated by this series.
getElementBounds(renderData:Object) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.Series
Fills in the elementBounds, bounds, and visibleBounds properties of a renderData structure that is generated by this series.
getElementBounds(renderData:Object) — method, class mx.charts.series.BubbleSeries
Fills in the elementBounds, bounds, and visibleBounds properties of a renderData structure that is generated by this series.
getElementBounds(renderData:Object) — method, class mx.charts.series.PieSeries
getElementBounds(index:int) — method, class spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase
Returns the specified element's layout bounds as a Rectangle or null if the index is invalid, the corresponding element is null, includeInLayout=false, or if this layout's target property is null.
getElementBoundsAboveScrollRect(scrollRect:flash.geom:Rectangle) — method, class spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase
Returns the bounds of the first layout element that either spans or is above the scrollRect's top edge.
getElementBoundsBelowScrollRect(scrollRect:flash.geom:Rectangle) — method, class spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase
Returns the bounds of the first layout element that either spans or is below the scrollRect's bottom edge.
getElementBoundsLeftOfScrollRect(scrollRect:flash.geom:Rectangle) — method, class spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase
Returns the bounds of the first layout element that either spans or is to the left of the scrollRect's left edge.
getElementBoundsRightOfScrollRect(scrollRect:flash.geom:Rectangle) — method, class spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase
Returns the bounds of the first layout element that either spans or is to the right of the scrollRect's right edge.
getElementByID(idName:String) — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow
Returns an element whose id property matches the idName parameter.
getElementFromPoint(x:int, y:int) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager
Returns the automation object under the given coordinate.
getElementFromPoint2(x:int, y:int, windowId:String) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager2
getElementIndex(element:flash.text.engine:ContentElement) — method, class flash.text.engine.GroupElement
Returns the index of the element specified by the element parameter.
getElementIndex(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — method, class mx.core.Container
Returns the index position of a visual element.
getElementIndex(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — method, interface mx.core.IVisualElementContainer
Returns the index position of a visual element.
getElementIndex(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — method, class mx.flash.ContainerMovieClip
Returns the 0 if the element passed in is the viewport.
getElementIndex(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — method, class spark.components.Scroller
Returns 0 if the element passed in is the viewport.
getElementIndex(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — method, class spark.components.SkinnableContainer
Returns the index position of a visual element.
getElementIndex(element:mx.core:IVisualElement) — method, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase
Returns the index position of a visual element.
getElementRelativeStart(ancestorElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowElement) — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement
Returns the start of this element relative to an ancestor element.
getElementsByStyleName(styleNameValue:String) — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow
Returns all elements that have styleName set to styleNameValue.
getEntityName() — method, class com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.AbstractEntityMetadata
Gets the Entity's name for a given value object.
getEntityName() — method, interface com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.IModelType
Gets the Entity's name for a given value object.
getEvents(host:Object, name:String, commitOnly:Boolean) — Static Method , class mx.binding.utils.ChangeWatcher
Returns all the binding events for all bindable properties in the host object.
getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight() — method, class mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter
getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight() — method, interface mx.core.IUIComponent
A convenience method for determining whether to use the explicit or measured height
getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight() — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
A convenience method for determining whether to use the explicit or measured height
getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight() — method, class mx.core.UITLFTextField
A convenience method for determining whether to use the explicit or measured height
getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight() — method, class mx.core.UITextField
A convenience method for determining whether to use the explicit or measured height
getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight() — method, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip
A convenience method for determining whether to use the explicit or measured height
getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight() — method, class mx.managers.SystemManager
A convenience method for determining whether to use the explicit or measured height.
getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth() — method, class mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter
getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth() — method, interface mx.core.IUIComponent
A convenience method for determining whether to use the explicit or measured width
getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth() — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
A convenience method for determining whether to use the explicit or measured width
getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth() — method, class mx.core.UITLFTextField
A convenience method for determining whether to use the explicit or measured width
getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth() — method, class mx.core.UITextField
A convenience method for determining whether to use the explicit or measured width
getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth() — method, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip
A convenience method for determining whether to use the explicit or measured width
getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth() — method, class mx.managers.SystemManager
A convenience method for determining whether to use the explicit or measured width.
getExporter(format:String) — Static Method , class flashx.textLayout.conversion.TextConverter
Creates an export filter.
getFeedback() — Static Method , class mx.managers.DragManager
Returns the current drag and drop feedback.
getFieldSortInfo(column:mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses:AdvancedDataGridColumn) — method, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx
Returns a SortInfo instance containing sorting information for the column.
getFieldSortInfo() — method, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridHeaderRenderer
Returns the sort information for this column from the AdvancedDataGrid control so that the control can display the column's number in the sort sequence, and whether the sort is ascending or descending.
getFieldSortInfo() — method, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridSortItemRenderer
Returns the sort information for this column from the AdvancedDataGrid control so that the control can display the column's number in the sort sequence, and whether the sort is ascending or descending.
getFirstCharInParagraph(charIndex:int) — method, class flash.text.TextField
Given a character index, returns the index of the first character in the same paragraph.
getFirstCharInParagraph(charIndex:int) — method, interface mx.core.IUITextField
Given a character index, returns the index of the first character in the same paragraph.
getFirstCharInParagraph(charIndex:int) — method, class mx.core.TLFTextField
This method has not been implemented in TLFTextField because very few components use it in TextField.
getFirstItem(direction:String) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart
Gets the first item in the chart, with respect to the axes.
getFirstItem(direction:String) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase
Gets the first item in the chart, with respect to the axes.
getFirstItem(direction:String) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarChart
Gets the first item in the chart, with respect to the axes.
getFirstLeaf() — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowGroupElement
Returns the first FlowLeafElement descendant of this group.
getFirstTextLineChildIndex() — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController
Gets the index at which the first text line must appear in its parent.
getFocus() — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
Gets the object that currently has focus.
getFocus() — method, class mx.managers.FocusManager
Gets the IFocusManagerComponent component that currently has the focus.
getFocus() — method, interface mx.managers.IFocusManager
Gets the IFocusManagerComponent component that currently has the focus.
getFocus() — method, class mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager
Return the object the player sees as having focus.
getFocusedSelectionFormat() — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager
Returns the focusedSelectionFormat - by default get it from the configuration.
getFontMetrics() — method, class flash.text.engine.ElementFormat
Returns a FontMetrics object with properties which describe the emBox, strikethrough position, strikethrough thickness, underline position, and underline thickness for the font specified by fontDescription and fontSize.
getFontStyles() — method, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridSortItemRenderer
Gets font styles from the AdvancedDataGrid control and uses them to initialize the corresponding font styles for this render.
getFormatOfRange(requestedFormats:Vector$String, anchorPosition:int, activePosition:int) — method, class spark.components.RichEditableText
Returns a TextLayoutFormat object specifying the formats for the specified range of characters.
getFormatOfRange(requestedFormats:Vector$String, anchorPosition:int, activePosition:int) — method, class spark.components.TextArea
Returns a TextLayoutFormat object specifying the formats for the specified range of characters.
getFormattedCellValue(label:String, row:mx.olap:IOLAPAxisPosition, col:mx.olap:IOLAPAxisPosition) — method, class mx.controls.OLAPDataGrid
Applies the formatting associated with a particular cell to a String value.
getFullURL(rootURL:String, url:String) — Static Method , class mx.utils.URLUtil
Converts a potentially relative URL to a fully-qualified URL.
getFullYear() — method, class Date
Returns the full year (a four-digit number, such as 2000) of a Date object according to local time.
getGetterInvocationCount(obj:Object, qname:QName) — Package Function, flash.sampler
Returns the number of times a get function was executed.
getGroupName(node:Object) — method, interface mx.controls.menuClasses.IMenuDataDescriptor
Returns the name of the radio button group to which the node belongs, if any.
getGroupName(node:Object) — method, class mx.controls.treeClasses.DefaultDataDescriptor
Returns the name of the radio button group to which the node belongs, if any.
getGuardedProperties() — method, class com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.AbstractEntityMetadata
Returns the names of all guarded properties for an Entity; regardless of whether they are currently available or not.
getGuardedProperties() — method, interface com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.IModelType
Returns the names of all guarded properties for an Entity; regardless of whether they are currently available or not.
getHeader(qname:QName, headerName:String) — method, class mx.rpc.soap.AbstractWebService
Returns a header if a match is found based on QName, localName, and URI.
getHeader(qname:QName, headerName:String) — method, class mx.rpc.soap.Operation
Returns a header if a match is found based on QName localName and URI.
getHeaderAt(index:int) — method, class mx.containers.Accordion
Returns a reference to the navigator button for a child container.
getHeaderHeight() — method, class mx.containers.Panel
Returns the height of the header.
getHeaderRenderer(c:mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses:AdvancedDataGridColumn) — method, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBase
Returns the header item renderer.
getHeaders() — method, class mx.rpc.http.AbstractOperation
Returns the HTTP request headers.
getHierarchicalCollectionAdaptor(hierarchicalData:mx.collections:ICollectionView, uidFunction:Function, openItems:Object, model:Object) — method, class mx.controls.treeClasses.DefaultDataDescriptor
Returns an ICollectionView instance that makes the hierarchical data appear as if it was a linear ICollectionView instance.
getHierarchicalCollectionAdaptor(hierarchicalData:mx.collections:ICollectionView, uidFunction:Function, openItems:Object, model:Object) — method, interface mx.controls.treeClasses.ITreeDataDescriptor2
Returns an ICollectionView instance that makes the hierarchical data appear as if it was a linear ICollectionView instance.
getHistoryAt(position:uint) — method, class flash.html.HTMLLoader
Returns the history entry at the specified position.
getHistoryAt(position:int) — method, class mx.controls.HTML
Returns the HTMLHistoryItem at the specified position in this control's history list.
getHorizontalScrollPositionDelta(navigationUnit:uint) — method, class spark.components.RichEditableText
Returns the amount to add to the viewport's current horizontalScrollPosition to scroll by the requested scrolling unit.
getHorizontalScrollPositionDelta(navigationUnit:uint) — method, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase
getHorizontalScrollPositionDelta(navigationUnit:uint) — method, interface spark.core.IViewport
Returns the amount to add to the viewport's current horizontalScrollPosition to scroll by the requested scrolling unit.
getHorizontalScrollPositionDelta(navigationUnit:uint) — method, class spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase
Returns the change to the horizontal scroll position to handle different scrolling options.
getHour(date:Date) — Static Method , class com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.DateTimeFunc
This function returns the int hour value of a Date param.
getHours() — method, class Date
Returns the hour (an integer from 0 to 23) of the day portion of a Date object according to local time.
getHourUTC(date:Date) — Static Method , class com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.DateTimeFunc
This function returns the int hour value of a Date param.
getIdentityMap() — method, class com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.AbstractEntityMetadata
Returns a map of identity property names to their current values
getIdentityMap() — method, interface com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.IModelInstance
Returns a map of identity property names to their current values
getImageReference(id:String) — method, class flash.text.TextField
Returns a DisplayObject reference for the given id, for an image or SWF file that has been added to an HTML-formatted text field by using an <img> tag.
getImageReference(id:String) — method, interface mx.core.IUITextField
Returns a DisplayObject reference for the given id, for an image or SWF file that has been added to an HTML-formatted text field by using an <img> tag.
getImageReference(id:String) — method, class mx.core.TLFTextField
This method has not been implemented in TLFTextField because very few components use it in TextField.
getImplementation(interfaceName:String) — method, interface mx.core.IFlexModuleFactory
Get the implementation for an interface.
getImporter(format:String, config:flashx.textLayout.elements:IConfiguration) — Static Method , class flashx.textLayout.conversion.TextConverter
Creates an import filter.
getInactiveSelectionFormat() — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager
Returns the inactiveSelectionFormat - by default get it from the configuration This can be overridden in the subclass to supply a different SelectionFormat
getIndent(position:mx.olap:IOLAPAxisPosition, m:mx.olap:IOLAPMember, mIndex:int) — method, class mx.controls.OLAPDataGrid
Returns the indent, in pixels, of the label in a renderer.
getInstance() — method, class mx.core.DeferredInstanceFromClass
Creates and returns an instance of the class specified in the DeferredInstanceFromClass constructor, if it does not yet exist; otherwise, returns the already-created class instance.
getInstance() — method, class mx.core.DeferredInstanceFromFunction
Returns a reference to an instance of the desired object.
getInstance() — method, interface mx.core.IDeferredInstance
Creates an instance Object from a class or function, if the instance does not yet exist.
getInstance() — Static Method , class mx.managers.BrowserManager
Returns the sole instance of this Singleton class; creates it if it does not already exist.
getInstance() — Static Method , class mx.managers.CursorManager
Each mx.core.Window instance in an AIR application has its own CursorManager instance.
getInstance() — Static Method , class mx.managers.LayoutManager
Returns the sole instance of this singleton class, creating it if it does not already exist.
getInstance() — Static Method , class mx.messaging.FlexClient
Returns the sole instance of this singleton class, creating it if it does not already exist.
getInstance() — Static Method , class mx.resources.ResourceManager
Gets the single instance of the ResourceManager class.
getInstance() — Static Method , class mx.rpc.xml.SchemaTypeRegistry
Returns the sole instance of this singleton class, creating it if it does not already exist.
getInstance() — Static Method , class mx.utils.XMLNotifier
Get the singleton instance of the XMLNotifier.
getInstance() — Static Method , class spark.effects.interpolation.HSBInterpolator
Returns the singleton of this class.
getInstance() — Static Method , class spark.effects.interpolation.NumberInterpolator
Returns the singleton of this class.
getInstance() — Static Method , class spark.effects.interpolation.RGBInterpolator
Returns the singleton of this class.
getInt(bundleName:String, resourceName:String, locale:String) — method, interface mx.resources.IResourceManager
Gets the value of a specified resource as an int.
getInvocationCount(obj:Object, qname:QName) — Package Function, flash.sampler
Returns the number of times a method was executed.
getItem(name:String) — Static Method , class
Returns the data for the item with the given name in the encrypted local store.
getItem(identity:Object, defaultValue:Object) — method, class
Makes an asynchronous request for an item matching the specified identity.
getItem(, identity:Object, defaultValue:Object, — method, class
Called to retrieve an individual item by identity from the adapter.
getItemAt(index:int) — method, class flash.display.NativeMenu
Gets the menu item at the specified index.
getItemAt(index:int) — method, class flash.ui.ContextMenu
Gets the menu item at the specified index.
getItemAt(index:int, prefetch:int) — method, class mx.collections.ArrayList
Get the item at the specified index.
getItemAt(index:int, prefetch:int) — method, class mx.collections.AsyncListView
Returns the value of list.getItemAt(index).
getItemAt(index:int, prefetch:int) — method, interface mx.collections.IList
Gets the item at the specified index.
getItemAt(index:int, prefetch:int) — method, class mx.collections.ListCollectionView
Gets the item at the specified index.
getItemByName(name:String) — method, class flash.display.NativeMenu
Gets the menu item with the specified name.
getItemIndex(item:flash.display:NativeMenuItem) — method, class flash.display.NativeMenu
Gets the position of the specified item.
getItemIndex(item:flash.display:NativeMenuItem) — method, class flash.ui.ContextMenu
Gets the position of the specified item.
getItemIndex(item:Object) — method, class mx.collections.ArrayList
Return the index of the item if it is in the list such that getItemAt(index) == item.
getItemIndex(item:Object) — method, class mx.collections.AsyncListView
Returns the index of the item if it is in the list such that getItemAt(index) == item.
getItemIndex(item:Object) — method, interface mx.collections.IList
Returns the index of the item if it is in the list such that getItemAt(index) == item.
getItemIndex(item:Object) — method, class mx.collections.ListCollectionView
Returns the index of the item if it is in the list such that getItemAt(index) == item.
getItemIndex(item:Object, source:Array) — Static Method , class mx.utils.ArrayUtil
Returns the index of the item in the Array.
getItemRendererFactory(forHeader:Boolean, data:Object) — method, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn
Return the appropriate factory, using the default factory if none specified.
getItemRendererFactory(data:Object) — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase
Return the appropriate factory, using the default factory if none specified.
getItems(, ids:Array, — method, class
Adapter method called when a list of items for a specific destination need to be fetched.
getItemsInRegion(value:flash.geom:Rectangle) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase
Gets all the chart items that are within the defined rectangular region.
getItemsInRegion(r:flash.geom:Rectangle) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase
Gets all the items that are in a rectangular region for the series.
getItemsInRegion(r:flash.geom:Rectangle) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.Series
Gets all the items that are in a rectangular region for the series.
getJustifierForLocale(locale:String) — Static Method , class flash.text.engine.TextJustifier
Constructs a default TextJustifier subclass appropriate to the specified locale.
getKeyProperty(property:String) — method, class
Returns the value associated with the specified property key.
getLabelEstimate() — method, class mx.charts.CategoryAxis
Determines the range to estimate what the axis labels should be.
getLabelEstimate() — method, interface mx.charts.chartClasses.IAxis
Determines the range to estimate what the axis labels should be.
getLabelEstimate() — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.NumericAxis
Determines the range to estimate what the axis labels should be.
getLabels(minimumAxisLength:Number) — method, class mx.charts.CategoryAxis
Gets the labels text that is rendered.
getLabels(minimumAxisLength:Number) — method, interface mx.charts.chartClasses.IAxis
Gets the labels text that is rendered.
getLabels(minimumAxisLength:Number) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.NumericAxis
Gets the labels text that is rendered.
getLastItem(direction:String) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart
Gets the last chart item in the chart, with respect to the axes.
getLastItem(direction:String) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase
Gets the last chart item in the chart, with respect to the axes.
getLastItem(direction:String) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarChart
Gets the last chart item in the chart, with respect to the axes.
getLastLeaf() — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowGroupElement
Returns the last FlowLeafElement descendent of this group.
getLayerAt(index:int) — method, class mx.core.DesignLayer
Returns the DesignLayer child at the specified index.
getLayoutBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, interface mx.core.ILayoutElement
Returns the element's layout height.
getLayoutBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
Returns the element's layout height.
getLayoutBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip
getLayoutBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class spark.core.SpriteVisualElement
Returns the element's layout height.
getLayoutBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement
Returns the element's layout height.
getLayoutBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, interface mx.core.ILayoutElement
Returns the element's layout width.
getLayoutBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
Returns the element's layout width.
getLayoutBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip
Returns the element's layout width.
getLayoutBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class spark.core.SpriteVisualElement
Returns the element's layout width.
getLayoutBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement
getLayoutBoundsX(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, interface mx.core.ILayoutElement
Returns the x coordinate that the element uses to draw on screen.
getLayoutBoundsX(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
Returns the x coordinate that the element uses to draw on screen.
getLayoutBoundsX(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip
Returns the x coordinate that the element uses to draw on screen.
getLayoutBoundsX(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class spark.core.SpriteVisualElement
Returns the x coordinate that the element uses to draw on screen.
getLayoutBoundsX(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement
Returns the x coordinate that the element uses to draw on screen.
getLayoutBoundsY(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, interface mx.core.ILayoutElement
Returns the y coordinate that the element uses to draw on screen.
getLayoutBoundsY(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
Returns the y coordinate that the element uses to draw on screen.
getLayoutBoundsY(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip
getLayoutBoundsY(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class spark.core.SpriteVisualElement
Returns the y coordinate that the element uses to draw on screen.
getLayoutBoundsY(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement
Returns the y coordinate that the element uses to draw on screen.
getLayoutMatrix() — method, interface mx.core.ILayoutElement
Returns the transform matrix that is used to calculate the component's layout relative to its siblings.
getLayoutMatrix() — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
Returns the transform matrix that is used to calculate the component's layout relative to its siblings.
getLayoutMatrix() — method, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip
Returns the transform matrix that is used to calculate the component's layout relative to its siblings.
getLayoutMatrix() — method, class spark.core.SpriteVisualElement
Returns the transform matrix that is used to calculate the component's layout relative to its siblings.
getLayoutMatrix() — method, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement
Returns the transform matrix that is used to calculate the component's layout relative to its siblings.
getLayoutMatrix3D() — method, interface mx.core.ILayoutElement
Returns the layout transform Matrix3D for this element.
getLayoutMatrix3D() — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
Returns the layout transform Matrix3D for this element.
getLayoutMatrix3D() — method, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip
Returns the layout transform Matrix3D for this element.
getLayoutMatrix3D() — method, class spark.core.SpriteVisualElement
Returns the layout transform Matrix3D for this element.
getLayoutMatrix3D() — method, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement
Returns the layout transform Matrix3D for this element.
getLevelString(value:uint) — Static Method , class mx.logging.LogEvent
Returns a string value representing the level specified.
getLineAt(index:int) — method, class flashx.textLayout.compose.FlowComposerBase
Returns the line with the specified line number.
getLineAt(index:int) — method, interface flashx.textLayout.compose.IFlowComposer
Returns the line with the specified line number.
getLineAt(index:int) — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager
Return the TextLine at the index from array of composed lines.
getLineForReuse() — Static Method , class flashx.textLayout.compose.TextLineRecycler
Return a TextLine from the pool for reuse.
getLineIndexAtPoint(x:Number, y:Number) — method, class flash.text.TextField
Returns the zero-based index value of the line at the point specified by the x and y parameters.
getLineIndexAtPoint(x:Number, y:Number) — method, interface mx.core.IUITextField
Returns the zero-based index value of the line at the point specified by the x and y parameters.
getLineIndexAtPoint(x:Number, y:Number) — method, class mx.core.TLFTextField
This method has not been implemented in TLFTextField because very few components use it in TextField.
getLineIndexOfChar(charIndex:int) — method, class flash.text.TextField
Returns the zero-based index value of the line containing the character specified by the charIndex parameter.
getLineIndexOfChar(charIndex:int) — method, interface mx.core.IUITextField
Returns the zero-based index value of the line containing the character specified by the charIndex parameter.
getLineIndexOfChar(charIndex:int) — method, class mx.core.TLFTextField
This method has not been implemented in TLFTextField because very few components use it in TextField.
getLineLength(lineIndex:int) — method, class flash.text.TextField
Returns the number of characters in a specific text line.
getLineLength(lineIndex:int) — method, interface mx.core.IUITextField
Returns the number of characters in a specific text line.
getLineLength(lineIndex:int) — method, class mx.core.TLFTextField
This method has not been implemented in TLFTextField because very few components use it in TextField.
getLineMetrics(lineIndex:int) — method, class flash.text.TextField
Returns metrics information about a given text line.
getLineMetrics(lineIndex:int) — method, class mx.controls.Label
Returns a TextLineMetrics object with information about the text position and measurements for a line of text in the control.
getLineMetrics(lineIndex:int) — method, class mx.controls.TextArea
Returns a TextLineMetrics object with information about the text position and measurements for a line of text in the control.
getLineMetrics(lineIndex:int) — method, class mx.controls.TextInput
Returns a TextLineMetrics object with information about the text position and measurements for a line of text in the control.
getLineMetrics(lineIndex:int) — method, interface mx.core.IUITextField
Returns metrics information about a given text line.
getLineMetrics(lineIndex:int) — method, class mx.core.TLFTextField
Returns metrics information about a given text line.
getLineOffset(lineIndex:int) — method, class flash.text.TextField
Returns the character index of the first character in the line that the lineIndex parameter specifies.
getLineOffset(lineIndex:int) — method, interface mx.core.IUITextField
Returns the character index of the first character in the line that the lineIndex parameter specifies.
getLineOffset(lineIndex:int) — method, class mx.core.TLFTextField
This method has not been implemented in TLFTextField because very few components use it in TextField.
getLineText(lineIndex:int) — method, class flash.text.TextField
Returns the text of the line specified by the lineIndex parameter.
getLineText(lineIndex:int) — method, interface mx.core.IUITextField
Returns the text of the line specified by the lineIndex parameter.
getLineText(lineIndex:int) — method, class mx.core.TLFTextField
This method has not been implemented in TLFTextField because very few components use it in TextField.
getLoaderInfoByDefinition(object:Object) — Static Method , class flash.display.LoaderInfo
Returns the LoaderInfo object associated with a SWF file defined as an object.
getLocal(name:String, localPath:String, secure:Boolean) — Static Method , class
Returns a reference to a locally persistent shared object that is only available to the current client.
getLocales() — method, interface mx.resources.IResourceManager
Returns an Array of Strings specifying all locales for which ResourceBundle objects exist in the ResourceManager.
getLocalItem(identity:Object) — method, class
Looks up the supplied item with the given identity.
getLocalName(xmlNode:flash.xml:XMLNode) — Static Method , class mx.rpc.xml.SimpleXMLDecoder
Returns the local name of an XMLNode.
getLogger(category:String) — Static Method , class mx.logging.Log
Returns the logger associated with the specified category.
getMainApplication() — Static Method , class mx.automation.AutomationHelper
getMappedByProperty(associationProperty:String) — method, class com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.AbstractEntityMetadata
Returns the mappedBy property for the passed-in association property; returns null if the passed-in assocaition property is not mappedBy a property; returns null of the passed-in property is not an association property;
getMappedByProperty(associationProperty:String) — method, interface com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.IModelType
Returns the mappedBy property for the passed-in association property; returns null if the passed-in assocaition property is not mappedBy a property; returns null of the passed-in property is not an association property;
getMaxBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, interface mx.core.ILayoutElement
Returns the element's maximum height.
getMaxBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
Returns the element's maximum height.
getMaxBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip
getMaxBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class spark.core.SpriteVisualElement
Returns the element's maximum height.
getMaxBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement
Returns the element's maximum height.
getMaxBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, interface mx.core.ILayoutElement
Returns the element's maximum width.
getMaxBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
Returns the element's maximum width.
getMaxBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip
Returns the element's maximum width.
getMaxBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class spark.core.SpriteVisualElement
Returns the element's maximum width.
getMaxBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement
Returns the element's maximum width.
getMemberNames(o:Object, instanceNames:Boolean) — Package Function, flash.sampler
Returns an object containing all members of a specified object, including private members.
getMenuAt(index:int) — method, class mx.controls.MenuBar
Returns a reference to the Menu object at the specified MenuBar item index, where 0 is the Menu contained at the leftmost MenuBar item index.
getMessage(messageId:String) — method, class
Returns the message with the given id.
getMessageResponder(agent:mx.messaging:MessageAgent, message:mx.messaging.messages:IMessage) — method, class mx.messaging.Channel
Returns the appropriate MessageResponder for the Channel's send() method.
GET_METHOD — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.messages.HTTPRequestMessage
Indicates that the method used for this request should be "get".
getMicrophone(index:int) — Static Method , class
Returns a reference to a Microphone object for capturing audio.
getMilliseconds() — method, class Date
Returns the milliseconds (an integer from 0 to 999) portion of a Date object according to local time.
getMinBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, interface mx.core.ILayoutElement
Returns the element's minimum height.
getMinBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
Returns the element's minimum height.
getMinBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip
getMinBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class spark.core.SpriteVisualElement
Returns the element's minimum height.
getMinBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement
Returns the element's minimum height.
getMinBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, interface mx.core.ILayoutElement
Returns the element's minimum width.
getMinBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
Returns the element's minimum width.
getMinBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip
Returns the element's minimum width.
getMinBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class spark.core.SpriteVisualElement
Returns the element's minimum width.
getMinBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement
Returns the element's minimum width.
getMinute(date:Date) — Static Method , class com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.DateTimeFunc
This function returns the int minute value of a Date param.
getMinutes() — method, class Date
Returns the minutes (an integer from 0 to 59) portion of a Date object according to local time.
getMinuteUTC(date:Date) — Static Method , class com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.DateTimeFunc
This function returns the int minute value of a Date param.
getMirrorRegion( — method, class flash.text.engine.TextLine
Returns the first TextLineMirrorRegion on the line whose mirror property matches that specified by the mirror parameter, or null if no match exists.
getMissingInterpolationValues(sourceProps:Object, srcCache:Array, destProps:Object, destCache:Array, index:Number, customData:Object) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.HLOCSeriesBase
Fills in missing values in an interpolation structure.
getMissingInterpolationValues(sourceProps:Object, srcCache:Array, destProps:Object, destCache:Array, index:Number, customData:Object) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.Series
Fills in missing values in an interpolation structure.
getMissingInterpolationValues(sourceProps:Object, srcCache:Array, destProps:Object, destCache:Array, index:Number, customData:Object) — method, class mx.charts.series.BubbleSeries
Fills in missing values in an interpolation structure.
getMissingInterpolationValues(sourceProps:Object, srcCache:Array, destProps:Object, destCache:Array, index:Number, customData:Object) — method, class mx.charts.series.PieSeries
getModule(url:String) — Static Method , class mx.modules.ModuleManager
Get the IModuleInfo interface associated with a particular URL.
getMonth() — method, class Date
Returns the month (0 for January, 1 for February, and so on) portion of this Date according to local time.
getMonth(date:Date) — Static Method , class com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.DateTimeFunc
This function returns the int month value of a Date param.
getMonthUTC(date:Date) — Static Method , class com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.DateTimeFunc
This function returns the int month value of a Date param.
getMouseX(item:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationMouseSimulator
Called when a DisplayObject retrieves the mouseX property.
getMouseY(item:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationMouseSimulator
Called when a DisplayObject retrieves mouseY property.
getNamespaceForPrefix(prefix:String) — method, class flash.xml.XMLNode
Returns the namespace URI that is associated with the specified prefix for the node.
getNavigationDestinationIndex(currentIndex:int, navigationUnit:uint, arrowKeysWrapFocus:Boolean) — method, class spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase
Delegation method that determines which item to navigate to based on the current item in focus and user input in terms of NavigationUnit.
getNextFocusManagerComponent(backward:Boolean) — method, class mx.managers.FocusManager
Returns the IFocusManagerComponent that would receive focus if the user pressed the Tab key to navigate to another component.
getNextFocusManagerComponent(backward:Boolean) — method, interface mx.managers.IFocusManager
Returns the IFocusManagerComponent that would receive focus if the user pressed the Tab key to navigate to another component.
getNextItem(direction:String) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart
Gets the chart item next to the currently focused item in the chart, with respect to the axes.
getNextItem(direction:String) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase
Gets the chart item next to the currently focused item in the chart, with respect to the axes.
getNextItem(direction:String) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarChart
Gets the chart item next to the currently focused item in the chart, with respect to the axes.
getNextLeaf(limitElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowGroupElement) — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowLeafElement
Returns the next FlowLeafElement object.
getNextParagraph() — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement
Returns the paragraph that follows this one, or null if there are no more paragraphs.
getNextSibling() — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement
Returns the next FlowElement sibling in the text flow hierarchy.
getNodeDepth(node:Object) — method, class mx.collections.HierarchicalCollectionView
Returns the depth of the node in the collection.
getNodeDepth(node:Object) — method, interface mx.collections.IHierarchicalCollectionView
Returns the depth of the node in the collection.
getNodeDepth(node:Object, iterator:mx.collections:IViewCursor, model:Object) — method, class mx.controls.treeClasses.DefaultDataDescriptor
Returns the depth of the node, meaning the number of ancestors it has.
getNodeDepth(node:Object, iterator:mx.collections:IViewCursor, model:Object) — method, interface mx.controls.treeClasses.ITreeDataDescriptor2
Returns the depth of the node, meaning the number of ancestors it has.
getNumber(bundleName:String, resourceName:String, locale:String) — method, interface mx.resources.IResourceManager
Gets the value of a specified resource as a Number.
getObject(bundleName:String, resourceName:String, locale:String) — method, interface mx.resources.IResourceManager
Gets the value of a specified resource as an Object.
getObjectsUnderPoint(point:flash.geom:Point) — method, class flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer
Returns an array of objects that lie under the specified point and are children (or grandchildren, and so on) of this DisplayObjectContainer instance.
getObjectsUnderPoint(point:flash.geom:Point) — method, interface mx.core.IChildList
Returns an array of DisplayObjects that lie under the specified point and are in this child list.
getObjectsUnderPoint(point:flash.geom:Point) — method, interface mx.core.IContainer
Returns an array of objects that lie under the specified point and are children (or grandchildren, and so on) of this DisplayObjectContainer instance.
getOperation(name:String) — method, class mx.rpc.AbstractService
Returns an Operation of the given name.
getOperation(name:String) — method, class mx.rpc.remoting.RemoteObject
Returns an Operation of the given name.
getOperation(name:String) — method, class mx.rpc.remoting.mxml.RemoteObject
Returns an Operation of the given name.
getOperation(name:String) — method, class mx.rpc.soap.WebService
Returns an Operation of the given name.
getOperation(name:String) — method, class mx.rpc.soap.mxml.WebService
Returns an Operation of the given name.
GET_OPERATION — Constant Static Property, class
This operation requests that the remote destination get a specific managed object based on its unique ID.
getOperationAsString(op:uint) — Static Method , class
Provides a description of the operation specified.
getOperationAsString(op:uint) — Static Method , class mx.messaging.messages.CommandMessage
Provides a description of the operation specified.
GET_OR_CREATE_OPERATION — Constant Static Property, class
This operation requests an item with the specified identity from the remote destination.
getPageInformation(view:mx.collections:ListCollectionView) — method, class
Returns page information for the specified collection.
getParagraph() — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement
Returns the ParagraphElement object associated with this element.
getParagraphLength(charIndex:int) — method, class flash.text.TextField
Given a character index, returns the length of the paragraph containing the given character.
getParagraphLength(charIndex:int) — method, interface mx.core.IUITextField
Given a character index, returns the length of the paragraph containing the given character.
getParagraphLength(charIndex:int) — method, class mx.core.TLFTextField
This method has not been implemented in TLFTextField because very few components use it in TextField.
getParent(obj:mx.automation:IAutomationObject, parentToStopAt:mx.automation:IAutomationObject, ignoreShowInHierarchy:Boolean) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager
Returns the next parent that is visible within the automation hierarchy.
getParent(node:Object) — method, class mx.collections.GroupingCollection
Returns the parent of a node.
getParent(node:Object) — method, class mx.collections.GroupingCollection2
Returns the parent of a node.
getParent(node:Object, collection:mx.collections:ICollectionView, model:Object) — method, class mx.controls.treeClasses.DefaultDataDescriptor
Returns the parent of the node The parent of a top-level node is null.
getParent(node:Object, collection:mx.collections:ICollectionView, model:Object) — method, interface mx.controls.treeClasses.ITreeDataDescriptor2
Returns the parent of the node The parent of a top-level node is null.
GET_PARENT_FLEX_MODULE_FACTORY_REQUEST — Constant Static Property, class
Dispatched from a sub-application or module to find the module factory of its parent application or module.
getParentItem(node:Object) — method, class mx.collections.HierarchicalCollectionView
Returns the parent of a node.
getParentItem(node:Object) — method, interface mx.collections.IHierarchicalCollectionView
Returns the parent of a node.
getParentItem(item:Object) — method, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid
Returns the parent of a child item.
getParentItem(item:Object) — method, class mx.controls.Tree
Returns the known parent of a child item.
getPendingOperation(item:Object) — method, class
Returns the pending operation in the message cache for the specified item.
getPercentLoaded(loaded:Number, total:Number) — method, class mx.preloaders.DownloadProgressBar
Returns the percentage value of the application loaded.
getPixel(x:int, y:int) — method, class flash.display.BitmapData
Returns an integer that represents an RGB pixel value from a BitmapData object at a specific point (x, y).
getPixel32(x:int, y:int) — method, class flash.display.BitmapData
Returns an ARGB color value that contains alpha channel data and RGB data.
getPixels(rect:flash.geom:Rectangle) — method, class flash.display.BitmapData
Generates a byte array from a rectangular region of pixel data.
getPopoupChildObject(index:int) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager2
getPopoupChildren() — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager2
getPopoupChildrenCount() — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager2
getPort(url:String) — Static Method , class mx.utils.URLUtil
Returns the port number from the specified URL.
getPreferredBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, interface mx.core.ILayoutElement
Returns the element's preferred height.
getPreferredBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
Returns the element's preferred height.
getPreferredBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip
getPreferredBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class spark.core.SpriteVisualElement
Returns the element's preferred height.
getPreferredBoundsHeight(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement
Returns the element's preferred height.
getPreferredBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, interface mx.core.ILayoutElement
Returns the element's preferred width.
getPreferredBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
Returns the element's preferred width.
getPreferredBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip
Returns the element's preferred width.
getPreferredBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class spark.core.SpriteVisualElement
Returns the element's preferred width.
getPreferredBoundsWidth(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement
Returns the element's preferred width.
getPreferredLocaleChain() — method, interface mx.resources.IResourceManager
Returns an Array of Strings specifying all locales for which ResourceBundle objects exist in the ResourceManager, ordered using user preferences as reported by Capabilities.language or Capabilities.languages.
getPrefixForNamespace(ns:String) — method, class flash.xml.XMLNode
Returns the prefix that is associated with the specified namespace URI for the node.
getPreviousItem(direction:String) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart
Gets the chart item that is before the currently focused item in the chart, with respect to the axes.
getPreviousItem(direction:String) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartBase
Gets the chart item that is before the currently focused item in the chart, with respect to the axes.
getPreviousItem(direction:String) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.PolarChart
Gets the chart item that is before the currently focused item in the chart, with respect to the axes.
getPreviousLeaf(limitElement:flashx.textLayout.elements:FlowGroupElement) — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowLeafElement
Returns the previous FlowLeafElement object.
getPreviousParagraph() — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement
Returns the paragraph that precedes this one, or null, if this paragraph is the first one in the TextFlow.
getPreviousSibling() — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement
Returns the previous FlowElement sibling in the text flow hierarchy.
getProperties() — method, class com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.AbstractEntityMetadata
Returns the names of all properties for an Entity; regardless of whether they are currently available or not.
getProperties() — method, interface com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.IModelType
Returns the names of all properties for an Entity; regardless of whether they are currently available or not.
getProperties(obj:mx.automation:IAutomationObject, names:Array, forVerification:Boolean, forDescription:Boolean) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager
Returns the values for a set of properties.
getProperties(destinationId:String) — Static Method , class mx.messaging.config.ServerConfig
Returns the property information for the specified destination
getProperty(name) — method, class flash.utils.Proxy
Overrides any request for a property's value.
getProperty(name) — method, class
DataService must save the state of an unmanaged collection before a change to any of the contained items has been modified.
getProperty(, property:String, value:Boolean, useHierarchicalValues) — Static Method , class
This method is used to retrieve the a property from a managed object.
getProperty(name) — method, class mx.messaging.config.ConfigMap
Returns the specified property value of the proxied object.
getProperty(name) — method, class mx.utils.ObjectProxy
Returns the specified property value of the proxied object.
getProperty(name) — method, class mx.utils.OrderedObject
Returns the specified property value of the proxied object.
getPropertyDescriptors(objForInitialization:Object, forVerification:Boolean, forDescription:Boolean) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationClass
Returns the list of properties this class supports.
getPropertyLength(propertyName:String) — method, class com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.AbstractEntityMetadata
Returns the length set for the passed-in property; return zero if length was not set for the property.
getPropertyLength(propertyName:String) — method, interface com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.IModelType
Returns the length set for the passed-in property; return zero if length was not set for the property.
getPropertyValidationFailureMessages(propertyName:String) — method, class com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.AbstractEntityMetadata
Returns an array of localized error messages corresponding to the current set of failed validations for the given property.
getPropertyValidationFailureMessages(propertyName:String) — method, interface com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.IModelInstance
Returns an array of localized error messages corresponding to the current set of failed validations for the given property.
getProtocol(url:String) — Static Method , class mx.utils.URLUtil
Returns the protocol section of the specified URL.
getQualifiedClassName(value) — Package Function, flash.utils
Returns the fully qualified class name of an object.
getQualifiedSuperclassName(value) — Package Function, flash.utils
Returns the fully qualified class name of the base class of the object specified by the value parameter.
getQuarter(date:Date) — Static Method , class com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.DateTimeFunc
This function returns the int quarter value of a Date param.
getRadioButtonAt(index:int) — method, class mx.controls.RadioButtonGroup
Returns the RadioButton control at the specified index.
getRadioButtonAt(index:int) — method, class spark.components.RadioButtonGroup
Returns the RadioButton component at the specified index.
getRect(targetCoordinateSpace:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class flash.display.DisplayObject
Returns a rectangle that defines the boundary of the display object, based on the coordinate system defined by the targetCoordinateSpace parameter, excluding any strokes on shapes.
getRect(targetCoordinateSpace:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter
getRect(targetCoordinateSpace:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, interface mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject
Returns a rectangle that defines the boundary of the display object, based on the coordinate system defined by the targetCoordinateSpace parameter, excluding any strokes on shapes.
getRectangle(obj:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager
The display rectangle enclosing the DisplayObject.
getRelativeMatrix3D(relativeTo:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class flash.geom.Transform
Returns a Matrix3D object, which can transform the space of a specified display object in relation to the current display object's space.
getRelativeMatrix3D(relativeTo:flash.display:DisplayObject) — method, class mx.geom.Transform
getRelativePath(, useDotDot:Boolean) — method, class flash.filesystem.File
Finds the relative path between two File paths.
getRemote(name:String, remotePath:String, persistence:Object, secure:Boolean) — Static Method , class
Returns a reference to a shared object on Flash Media Server that multiple clients can access.
getRenderDataForTransition(type:String) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.Series
Captures the before and after states of the series for animation.
getRendererSemanticValue(target:Object, semanticProperty:String) — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase
Returns the value for a particular semantic property of an item renderer, or null if that property is not defined, while a data effect is running.
getRendererSemanticValue(target:Object, semanticProperty:String) — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase
Returns true or false to indicates whether the effect should play on the target.
getRendererSemanticValue(target:Object, semanticProperty:String) — method, interface mx.effects.IEffectTargetHost
Returns true or false to indicates whether the effect should play on the target.
getRepeaterItem(whichRepeater:int) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
Returns the item in the dataProvider that was used by the specified Repeater to produce this Repeater, or null if this Repeater isn't repeated.
getRequestContentType(operation:mx.rpc.http:AbstractOperation, obj:Object, contentType:String) — method, class mx.rpc.http.SerializationFilter
This method is called by the HTTP service just before a call is made.
getRequiredProperties() — method, class com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.AbstractEntityMetadata
Returns the names of all required properties.
getRequiredProperties() — method, interface com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.IModelType
Returns the names of all required properties.
getReservedOrFreeItemRenderer(data:Object) — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.AdvancedListBase
Retrieves an already-created item renderer not currently in use.
getReservedOrFreeItemRenderer(data:Object) — method, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase
Retrieves an already-created item renderer not currently in use.
getResolverForNewFlow(oldFlow:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextFlow, newFlow:flashx.textLayout.elements:TextFlow) — method, interface flashx.textLayout.elements.IFormatResolver
Returns the format resolver when a TextFlow is copied.
getResourceBundle(locale:String, bundleName:String) — method, interface mx.resources.IResourceManager
Returns a ResourceBundle with the specified locale and bundleName that has been previously added to the ResourceManager with addResourceBundle().
getResources() — method, class mx.rpc.xml.QualifiedResourceManager
Gets an Array of all resources.
getResourcesForNamespace(ns:Namespace) — method, class mx.rpc.xml.QualifiedResourceManager
Returns an Array of resources for a given target namespace.
getResourcesForURI(uri:String) — method, class mx.rpc.xml.QualifiedResourceManager
Returns an Array of resources for a given target URI.
getResult() — method, class
Provides access to a SQLResult object containing the results of the statement execution, including any result rows from a SELECT statement, and other information about the statement execution for all executed statements.
getRoot() — method, class mx.collections.GroupingCollection
Return super.source, if the grouping property is set, and an ICollectionView instance that refers to super.source if not.
getRoot() — method, class mx.collections.GroupingCollection2
Return super.source, if the grouping property is set, and an ICollectionView instance that refers to super.source if not.
getRoot() — method, class mx.collections.HierarchicalData
Returns the root data item.
getRoot() — method, interface mx.collections.IHierarchicalData
Returns the root data item.
getRootDirectories() — Static Method , class flash.filesystem.File
Returns an array of File objects, listing the file system root directories.
getRowHeight(itemData:Object) — method, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBase
Returns the row height.
getSampleCount() — Package Function, flash.sampler
Returns the number of samples collected.
getSamples() — Package Function, flash.sampler
Returns an object of memory usage Sample instances from the last sampling session.
getSandboxRoot() — method, interface mx.managers.ISystemManager
Gets the system manager that is the root of all top level system managers in this SecurityDomain.
getSandboxRoot() — method, class mx.managers.SystemManager
Go up the parent chain to get the top level system manager in this SecurityDomain.
getSandboxRoot() — method, class mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager
Go up our parent chain to get the top level system manager in this SecurityDomain
getSchemaResult() — method, class
Provides access to the result of a call to the loadSchema() method.
getScreensForRectangle(rect:flash.geom:Rectangle) — Static Method , class flash.display.Screen
Returns the (possibly empty) set of screens that intersect the provided rectangle.
getScrollDelta(numLines:int) — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController
Figure out the scroll distance required to scroll up or down by the specified number of lines.
getScrollDelta(numLines:int) — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager
Figure out the scroll distance required to scroll up or down by the specified number of lines.
getScrollPositionDeltaToElement(index:int) — method, class spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase
Computes the verticalScrollPosition and horizontalScrollPosition deltas needed to scroll the element at the specified index into view.
getScrollRect() — method, class spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase
Returns the bounds of the target's scroll rectangle in layout coordinates.
getSecond(date:Date) — Static Method , class com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.DateTimeFunc
This function returns the int second value of a Date param.
getSecondAxis(dimension:String) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart
Retrieves the axis instance for a particular secondary dimension of the chart.
getSeconds() — method, class Date
Returns the seconds (an integer from 0 to 59) portion of a Date object according to local time.
getSecondUTC(date:Date) — Static Method , class com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.DateTimeFunc
This function returns the int second value of a Date param.
getSelected(beginIndex:int, endIndex:int) — method, class flash.text.TextSnapshot
Returns a Boolean value that specifies whether a TextSnapshot object contains selected text in the specified range.
getSelectedText(includeLineEndings:Boolean) — method, class flash.text.TextSnapshot
Returns a string that contains all the characters specified by the corresponding setSelected() method.
getSelectionState() — method, interface flashx.textLayout.edit.ISelectionManager
Gets the SelectionState object of the current selection.
getSelectionState() — method, class flashx.textLayout.edit.SelectionManager
Gets the SelectionState object of the current selection.
getSeparator(i:int, seperators:Array, headerLines:mx.core:UIComponent) — method, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGridBaseEx
Returns the header separators between column headers, and populates the separators Array with the separators returned.
GET_SEQUENCE_ID_OPERATION — Constant Static Property, class
This operation requests a sequence id for a set of fill parameters.
getSerializationFilter() — method, class mx.rpc.http.AbstractOperation
Returns the serialization filter.
getServerName(url:String) — Static Method , class mx.utils.URLUtil
Returns the server name from the specified URL.
getServerNameWithPort(url:String) — Static Method , class mx.utils.URLUtil
Returns the domain and port information from the specified URL.
getService(name:String) — method, interface
Retrieves a service instance that has been generated and wrapped based on its declaration in a model.
getSetterInvocationCount(obj:Object, qname:QName) — Package Function, flash.sampler
Returns the number of times a set function was executed.
getSize(o) — Package Function, flash.sampler
Returns the size in memory of a specified object when used with the Flash Player or later debugger version.
GET_SIZE_REQUEST — Constant Static Property, class
Gets the size of the child SystemManager.
getSmallMessage() — method, interface mx.messaging.messages.ISmallMessage
This method must be implemented by subclasses that have a "small" form, typically achieved through the use of flash.utils.IExternalizable.
getSnapshot(target:mx.core:IUIComponent) — Static Method , class spark.utils.BitmapUtil
Creates a BitmapData representation of the target object.
getSOAPAction() — method, class mx.messaging.messages.SOAPMessage
Provides access to the name of the remote method/operation that will be called.
getStackTrace() — method, class Error
Returns the call stack for an error as a string at the time of the error's construction (for the debugger version of Flash Player and the AIR Debug Launcher (ADL) only; returns null if not using the debugger version of Flash Player or the ADL.
getStageStartPointInScreenCoords(windowId:String) — Static Method , class mx.automation.AutomationHelper
getStartPointInScreenCoordinates(windowId:String) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager2
getStartValue() — method, class mx.effects.effectClasses.ActionEffectInstance
Returns the starting state value that was saved by the saveStartValue() method.
getString(bundleName:String, resourceName:String, parameters:Array, locale:String) — method, interface mx.resources.IResourceManager
Gets the value of a specified resource as a String, after substituting specified values for placeholders.
getStringArray(bundleName:String, resourceName:String, locale:String) — method, interface mx.resources.IResourceManager
Gets the value of a specified resource as an Array of Strings.
getStrokeExtents(postLayoutTransform:Boolean) — method, class spark.primitives.supportClasses.GraphicElement
Returns the amount of pixels occupied by the stroke on each side of the element's bounds.
getStyle(propertyName:String) — method, class com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.AbstractEntityMetadata
Returns style object for property.
getStyle(propertyName:String) — method, interface com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.IModelInstance
Returns style object for property.
getStyle(styleName:String) — method, class flash.text.StyleSheet
Returns a copy of the style object associated with the style named styleName.
getStyle(styleProp:String) — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController
Returns the value of the style specified by the styleProp parameter.
getStyle(styleProp:String) — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement
Returns the value of the style specified by the styleProp parameter, which specifies the style name and can include any user style name.
getStyle(styleProp:String) — method, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer
Gets a style property that has been set anywhere in this component's style lookup chain.
getStyle(styleProp:String) — method, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridItemRenderer
Gets a style property that has been set anywhere in this component's style lookup chain.
getStyle(styleProp:String) — method, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.TLFDataGridItemRenderer
Gets a style property that has been set anywhere in this component's style lookup chain.
getStyle(styleProp:String) — method, interface mx.core.IUITextField
Gets a style property that has been set anywhere in this component's style lookup chain.
getStyle(styleProp:String) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
Gets a style property that has been set anywhere in this component's style lookup chain.
getStyle(styleProp:String) — method, class mx.core.UITLFTextField
Gets a style property that has been set anywhere in this component's style lookup chain.
getStyle(styleProp:String) — method, class mx.core.UITextField
Gets a style property that has been set anywhere in this component's style lookup chain.
getStyle(styleProp:String) — method, class mx.skins.ProgrammaticSkin
Returns the value of the specified style property.
getStyle(styleProp:String) — method, class mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration
Gets the value for a specified style property, as determined solely by this CSSStyleDeclaration.
getStyle(styleProp:String) — method, interface mx.styles.IStyleClient
Gets a style property that has been set anywhere in this component's style lookup chain.
getStyle(styleProp:String) — method, class mx.styles.StyleProxy
Gets a style property that has been set anywhere in this component's style lookup chain.
getStyleDeclaration(selector:String) — Static Method , class mx.styles.StyleManager
Gets the CSSStyleDeclaration object that stores the rules for the specified CSS selector.
getStyleManager(moduleFactory:mx.core:IFlexModuleFactory) — Static Method , class mx.styles.StyleManager
Returns the style manager for an object.
getSWFRoot(object:Object) — Static Method , class mx.managers.SystemManager
Returns the root DisplayObject of the SWF that contains the code for the given object.
getTabAt(index:int) — method, class mx.containers.TabNavigator
Returns the tab of the navigator's TabBar control at the specified index.
getTabularData(obj:mx.automation:IAutomationObject) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager
Returns the object implementing the IAutomationTabularData interface through which the tabular data can be obtained.
getText(beginIndex:int, endIndex:int, includeLineEndings:Boolean) — method, class flash.text.TextSnapshot
Returns a string that contains all the characters specified by the beginIndex and endIndex parameters.
getText(separator:String) — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager
Returns the current text using separator between paragraphs Calling the setter discards any attached TextFlow.
getText() — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement
Returns the text of the paragraph as a single string.
getTextFlow() — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager
The current TextFlow.
getTextFlow() — method, class flashx.textLayout.elements.FlowElement
Climbs the text flow hierarchy to return the root TextFlow object for the element.
getTextFormat(beginIndex:int, endIndex:int) — method, class flash.text.TextField
Returns a TextFormat object that contains formatting information for the range of text that the beginIndex and endIndex parameters specify.
getTextFormat(beginIndex:int, endIndex:int) — method, interface mx.core.IUITextField
Returns a TextFormat object that contains formatting information for the range of text that the beginIndex and endIndex parameters specify.
getTextFormat(beginIndex:int, endIndex:int) — method, class mx.core.TLFTextField
This method has been implemented in TLFTextField to simply return a copy of the defaultTextFormat, because TLFTextField does not support formatting a range.
getTextInRange(startIndex:int, endIndex:int) — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController
getTextLine(forceValid:Boolean) — method, class flashx.textLayout.compose.TextFlowLine
Returns the flash.text.engine.TextLine object for this line, which might be recreated if it does not exist due to garbage collection.
getTextLineAtCharIndex(charIndex:int) — method, class flash.text.engine.TextBlock
Returns the TextLine containing the character specified by the charIndex parameter.
getTextRunInfo(beginIndex:int, endIndex:int) — method, class flash.text.TextSnapshot
Returns an array of objects that contains information about a run of text.
getTextStyles() — method, class mx.core.UITLFTextField
Returns the TextFormat object that represents character formatting information for this UITextField object.
getTextStyles() — method, class mx.core.UITextField
Returns the TextFormat object that represents character formatting information for this UITextField object.
getThumbAt(index:int) — method, class mx.controls.sliderClasses.Slider
Returns the thumb object at the given index.
getTime() — method, class Date
Returns the number of milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970, universal time, for a Date object.
getTimer() — Package Function, flash.utils
Used to compute relative time.
getTimezoneOffset() — method, class Date
Returns the difference, in minutes, between universal time (UTC) and the computer's local time.
getTopApplicationIndex(objectList:Array) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager2
getTopLevelRoot() — method, interface mx.managers.ISystemManager
Attempts to get the system manager that is the in the main application.
getTopLevelRoot() — method, class mx.managers.SystemManager
Go up the parent chain to get the top level system manager.
getTopLevelRoot() — method, class mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager
Go up our parent chain to get the top level system manager.
getType(node:Object) — method, interface mx.controls.menuClasses.IMenuDataDescriptor
Returns the type identifier of a node.
getType(node:Object) — method, class mx.controls.treeClasses.DefaultDataDescriptor
Returns the type identifier of a node.
getUID(item:Object) — Static Method , class mx.utils.UIDUtil
Returns the UID (unique identifier) for the specified object.
getUint(bundleName:String, resourceName:String, locale:String) — method, interface mx.resources.IResourceManager
Gets the value of a specified resource as a uint.
getUITextFormat() — method, interface mx.core.IUITextField
Returns a UITextFormat object that contains formatting information for this component.
getUITextFormat() — method, class mx.core.UITLFTextField
Returns a UITextFormat object that contains formatting information for this component.
getUITextFormat() — method, class mx.core.UITextField
Returns a UITextFormat object that contains formatting information for this component.
getUndoManager() — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager
Returns the undo manager to use.
getUnfocusedSelectionFormat() — method, class flashx.textLayout.container.TextContainerManager
Returns the unfocusedSelectionFormat - by default get it from the configuration You can override this method in the subclass to supply a different SelectionFormat.
getUnguardedProperties() — method, class com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.AbstractEntityMetadata
Returns the names of all unguarded properties for an Entity.
getUnguardedProperties() — method, interface com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.IModelType
Returns the names of all unguarded properties for an Entity.
getUniqueApplicationId() — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationManager2
getUnqualifiedClassName(object:Object) — Static Method , class mx.utils.NameUtil
Returns the name of the specified object's class, such as "Button" This string does not include the package name.
getUTCDate() — method, class Date
Returns the day of the month (an integer from 1 to 31) of a Date object, according to universal time (UTC).
getUTCDay() — method, class Date
Returns the day of the week (0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, and so on) of this Date according to universal time (UTC).
getUTCFullYear() — method, class Date
Returns the four-digit year of a Date object according to universal time (UTC).
getUTCHours() — method, class Date
Returns the hour (an integer from 0 to 23) of the day of a Date object according to universal time (UTC).
getUTCMilliseconds() — method, class Date
Returns the milliseconds (an integer from 0 to 999) portion of a Date object according to universal time (UTC).
getUTCMinutes() — method, class Date
Returns the minutes (an integer from 0 to 59) portion of a Date object according to universal time (UTC).
getUTCMonth() — method, class Date
Returns the month (0 [January] to 11 [December]) portion of a Date object according to universal time (UTC).
getUTCSeconds() — method, class Date
Returns the seconds (an integer from 0 to 59) portion of a Date object according to universal time (UTC).
getValue(propertyName:String) — method, class com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.AbstractEntityMetadata
Gets the value of a property
getValue(propertyName:String) — method, interface com.adobe.fiber.valueobjects.IModelInstance
Gets the value of a property
getValue() — method, class mx.binding.utils.ChangeWatcher
Retrieves the current value of the watched property or property chain, or null if the host object is null.
getValue(fraction:Number) — method, class spark.effects.animation.MotionPath
Calculates and returns an interpolated value, given the elapsed time fraction.
getValueFromSource() — method, class mx.validators.Validator
Returns the Object to validate.
getValueFromTarget(target:Object, property:String) — method, class mx.effects.Effect
Called by the captureStartValues() method to get the value of a property from the target.
getValueFromTarget(target:Object, property:String) — method, class spark.effects.Fade
getValues(start:uint, end:uint) — method, interface mx.automation.IAutomationTabularData
Returns a matrix containing the automation values of all parts of the components.
getVector(rect:flash.geom:Rectangle) — method, class flash.display.BitmapData
Generates a vector array from a rectangular region of pixel data.
getVerticalScrollPositionDelta(navigationUnit:uint) — method, class spark.components.RichEditableText
Returns the amount to add to the viewport's current verticalScrollPosition to scroll by the requested scrolling unit.
getVerticalScrollPositionDelta(navigationUnit:uint) — method, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase
getVerticalScrollPositionDelta(navigationUnit:uint) — method, interface spark.core.IViewport
Returns the amount to add to the viewport's current verticalScrollPosition to scroll by the requested scrolling unit.
getVerticalScrollPositionDelta(navigationUnit:uint) — method, class spark.layouts.supportClasses.LayoutBase
Returns the change to the horizontal scroll position to handle different scrolling options.
getViewIndex() — method, class mx.collections.CursorBookmark
Gets the approximate index of the item represented by this bookmark in its view.
getVirtualElementAt(index:int, eltWidth:Number, eltHeight:Number) — method, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase
Layouts that honor the useVirtualLayout flag will use this method at updateDisplayList() time to get layout elements that are "in view", i.e.
getVisibleApplicationRect(allApplications:Boolean) — method, class mx.controls.SWFLoader
Get the bounds of the loaded application that are visible to the user on the screen.
getVisibleApplicationRect(allApplications:Boolean) — method, interface mx.core.ISWFLoader
Get the bounds of the loaded application that are visible to the user on the screen.
getVisibleApplicationRect(bounds:flash.geom:Rectangle) — method, interface mx.managers.ISystemManager
Get the bounds of the loaded application that are visible to the user on the screen.
getVisibleApplicationRect(bounds:flash.geom:Rectangle) — method, class mx.managers.SystemManager
Get the bounds of the loaded application that are visible to the user on the screen.
getVisibleApplicationRect(bounds:flash.geom:Rectangle) — method, class mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager
GET_VISIBLE_RECT_REQUEST — Constant Static Property, class
Requests that the parent SystemManager calculate the visible portion of the requesting SWF based on any DisplayObjects that might be clipping the requesting SWF.
getWindow(component:mx.core:UIComponent) — Static Method , class mx.core.Window
Returns the Window to which a component is parented.
getWindow(component:mx.core:UIComponent) — Static Method , class spark.components.Window
Returns the Window to which a component is parented.
getYear(date:Date) — Static Method , class com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.DateTimeFunc
This function returns the int year value of a Date param.
getYearUTC(date:Date) — Static Method , class com.adobe.fiber.runtime.lib.DateTimeFunc
This function returns the int year value of a Date param.
global — Property, class RegExp
Specifies whether to use global matching for the regular expression.
GlobalConfiguration — class, package flashx.textLayout.elements
Configuration that applies too all TextFlow objects
globalToContent(point:flash.geom:Point) — method, class mx.core.Container
Converts a Point object from global to content coordinates.
globalToContent(point:flash.geom:Point) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
Converts a Point object from global to content coordinates.
globalToLocal(point:flash.geom:Point) — method, class flash.display.DisplayObject
Converts the point object from the Stage (global) coordinates to the display object's (local) coordinates.
globalToLocal(point:flash.geom:Point) — method, class mx.containers.utilityClasses.PostScaleAdapter
globalToLocal(point:flash.geom:Point) — method, interface mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject
Converts the point object from the Stage (global) coordinates to the display object's (local) coordinates.
globalToLocal3D(point:flash.geom:Point) — method, class flash.display.DisplayObject
Converts a two-dimensional point from the Stage (global) coordinates to a three-dimensional display object's (local) coordinates.
globalToScreen(globalPoint:flash.geom:Point) — method, class flash.display.NativeWindow
Converts a point in pixel coordinates relative to the origin of the window stage (a global point in terms of the display list), to a point on the virtual desktop.
Glow — class, package mx.effects
The Glow effect lets you apply a visual glow effect to a component.
Glow(target:Object) — Constructor, class mx.effects.Glow
GlowFilter — final class, package flash.filters
The GlowFilter class lets you apply a glow effect to display objects.
GlowFilter — class, package spark.filters
The GlowFilter class lets you apply a glow effect to display objects.
GlowFilter(color:uint, alpha:Number, blurX:Number, blurY:Number, strength:Number, quality:int, inner:Boolean, knockout:Boolean) — Constructor, class flash.filters.GlowFilter
Initializes a new GlowFilter instance with the specified parameters.
GlowFilter(color:uint, alpha:Number, blurX:Number, blurY:Number, strength:Number, quality:int, inner:Boolean, knockout:Boolean) — Constructor, class spark.filters.GlowFilter
GlowInstance — class, package mx.effects.effectClasses
The GlowInstance class implements the instance class for the Glow effect.
GlowInstance(target:Object) — Constructor, class mx.effects.effectClasses.GlowInstance
gotoAndPlay(frame:Object, scene:String) — method, class flash.display.MovieClip
Starts playing the SWF file at the specified frame.
gotoAndStop(frame:Object, scene:String) — method, class flash.display.MovieClip
Brings the playhead to the specified frame of the movie clip and stops it there.
GradientBase — class, package
The GradientBase class is the base class for LinearGradient, LinearGradientStroke, and RadialGradient.
GradientBase() — Constructor, class
GradientBevelFilter — final class, package flash.filters
The GradientBevelFilter class lets you apply a gradient bevel effect to display objects.
GradientBevelFilter — class, package spark.filters
The GradientBevelFilter class lets you apply a gradient bevel effect to display objects.
GradientBevelFilter(distance:Number, angle:Number, colors:Array, alphas:Array, ratios:Array, blurX:Number, blurY:Number, strength:Number, quality:int, type:String, knockout:Boolean) — Constructor, class flash.filters.GradientBevelFilter
Initializes the filter with the specified parameters.
GradientBevelFilter(distance:Number, angle:Number, colors:Array, alphas:Array, ratios:Array, blurX:Number, blurY:Number, strength:Number, quality:int, type:String, knockout:Boolean) — Constructor, class spark.filters.GradientBevelFilter
GRADIENT_DIMENSION — Constant Static Property, class
Value of the width and height of the untransformed gradient
GradientEntry — class, package
The GradientEntry class defines the objects that control a transition as part of a gradient fill.
GradientEntry(color:uint, ratio:Number, alpha:Number) — Constructor, class
GradientFilter — class, package spark.filters
The base class for filters that provide gradient visual effects.
GradientFilter(colors:Array, alphas:Array, ratios:Array) — Constructor, class spark.filters.GradientFilter
GradientGlowFilter — final class, package flash.filters
The GradientGlowFilter class lets you apply a gradient glow effect to display objects.
GradientGlowFilter — class, package spark.filters
The GradientGlowFilter class lets you apply a gradient glow effect to display objects.
GradientGlowFilter(distance:Number, angle:Number, colors:Array, alphas:Array, ratios:Array, blurX:Number, blurY:Number, strength:Number, quality:int, type:String, knockout:Boolean) — Constructor, class flash.filters.GradientGlowFilter
Initializes the filter with the specified parameters.
GradientGlowFilter(distance:Number, angle:Number, colors:Array, alphas:Array, ratios:Array, blurX:Number, blurY:Number, strength:Number, quality:int, type:String, knockout:Boolean) — Constructor, class spark.filters.GradientGlowFilter
GradientStroke — class, package
The GradientStroke class lets you specify a gradient filled stroke.
GradientStroke(weight:Number, pixelHinting:Boolean, scaleMode:String, caps:String, joints:String, miterLimit:Number) — Constructor, class
GradientType — final class, package flash.display
The GradientType class provides values for the type parameter in the beginGradientFill() and lineGradientStyle() methods of the flash.display.Graphics class.
graphic — Property, class flash.text.engine.GraphicElement
The DisplayObject to be used as a graphic for the GraphicElement.
graphic — Property, class flashx.textLayout.elements.InlineGraphicElement
The embedded graphic.
Graphic — class, package spark.primitives
The Graphic control displays a set of graphic drawing commands.
Graphic() — Constructor, class spark.primitives.Graphic
GraphicElement — final class, package flash.text.engine
The GraphicElement class represents a graphic element in a TextBlock or GroupElement object.
GraphicElement — class, package spark.primitives.supportClasses
A base class for defining individual graphic elements.
GraphicElement(graphic:flash.display:DisplayObject, elementWidth:Number, elementHeight:Number, elementFormat:flash.text.engine:ElementFormat,, textRotation:String) — Constructor, class flash.text.engine.GraphicElement
Creates a new GraphicElement instance.
GRAPHIC_ELEMENT — Constant Static Property, class flash.text.engine.ContentElement
Indicates the presence a graphic element in the text.
graphics — Property, class flash.display.Shape
Specifies the Graphics object belonging to this Shape object, where vector drawing commands can occur.
graphics — Property, class flash.display.Sprite
Specifies the Graphics object that belongs to this sprite where vector drawing commands can occur.
graphics — Property, interface mx.core.IContainer
Specifies the Graphics object that belongs to this sprite where vector drawing commands can occur.
Graphics — final class, package flash.display
The Graphics class contains a set of methods that you can use to create a vector shape.
GraphicsBitmapFill — final class, package flash.display
Defines a bitmap fill.
GraphicsBitmapFill(bitmapData:flash.display:BitmapData, matrix:flash.geom:Matrix, repeat:Boolean, smooth:Boolean) — Constructor, class flash.display.GraphicsBitmapFill
Creates a new GraphicsBitmapFill object.
GraphicsEndFill — final class, package flash.display
Indicates the end of a graphics fill.
GraphicsEndFill() — Constructor, class flash.display.GraphicsEndFill
Creates an object to use with the Graphics.drawGraphicsData() method to end the fill, explicitly.
GraphicsGradientFill — final class, package flash.display
Defines a gradient fill.
GraphicsGradientFill(type:String, colors:Array, alphas:Array, ratios:Array, matrix:String, spreadMethod:Number, interpolationMethod, focalPointRatio) — Constructor, class flash.display.GraphicsGradientFill
Creates a new GraphicsGradientFill object.
GraphicsPath — final class, package flash.display
A collection of drawing commands and the coordinate parameters for those commands.
GraphicsPath(commands:Vector$int, data:Vector$Number, winding:String) — Constructor, class flash.display.GraphicsPath
Creates a new GraphicsPath object.
GraphicsPathCommand — final class, package flash.display
Defines the values to use for specifying path-drawing commands.
GraphicsPathWinding — final class, package flash.display
The GraphicsPathWinding class provides values for the flash.display.GraphicsPath.winding property and the flash.display.Graphics.drawPath() method to determine the direction to draw a path.
GraphicsShaderFill — final class, package flash.display
Defines a shader fill.
GraphicsShaderFill(shader:flash.display:Shader, matrix:flash.geom:Matrix) — Constructor, class flash.display.GraphicsShaderFill
Creates a new GraphicsShaderFill object.
GraphicsSolidFill — final class, package flash.display
Defines a solid fill.
GraphicsSolidFill(color:uint, alpha:Number) — Constructor, class flash.display.GraphicsSolidFill
Creates a new GraphicsSolidFill object.
GraphicsStroke — final class, package flash.display
Defines a line style or stroke.
GraphicsStroke(thickness:Number, pixelHinting:Boolean, scaleMode:String, caps:String, joints:String, miterLimit:Number, fill:flash.display:IGraphicsFill) — Constructor, class flash.display.GraphicsStroke
Creates a new GraphicsStroke object.
GraphicsTrianglePath — final class, package flash.display
Defines an ordered set of triangles that can be rendered using either (u,v) fill coordinates or a normal fill.
GraphicsTrianglePath(vertices:Vector$Number, indices:Vector$int, uvtData:Vector$Number, culling:String) — Constructor, class flash.display.GraphicsTrianglePath
Creates a new GraphicsTrianglePath object.
GraphicsUtil — class, package mx.utils
The Graphics class is an all-static class with utility methods related to the Graphics class.
GraphicsUtilities — class, package mx.charts.chartClasses
A set of internal graphics rendering utilities used by the various chart classes.
GREEN — Constant Static Property, class flash.display.BitmapDataChannel
The green channel.
greenMultiplier — Property, class flash.geom.ColorTransform
A decimal value that is multiplied with the green channel value.
greenOffset — Property, class flash.geom.ColorTransform
A number from -255 to 255 that is added to the green channel value after it has been multiplied by the greenMultiplier value.
grid — Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridSortItemRenderer
Returns a reference to the associated AdvancedDataGrid control.
Grid — class, package mx.containers
A Grid container lets you arrange children as rows and columns of cells, similar to an HTML table.
Grid() — Constructor, class mx.containers.Grid
gridDirection — Style, class mx.charts.GridLines
Specifies the direction of the grid lines.
gridFitType — Property, class flash.text.TextField
The type of grid fitting used for this text field.
gridFitType — Property, interface mx.core.IUITextField
The type of grid fitting used for this text field.
gridFitType — Property, class mx.core.TLFTextField
This property has no effect in TLFTextField.
gridFitType — Property, class mx.core.UITextFormat
Defines the grid-fitting setting for the UITextField class.
GridFitType — final class, package flash.text
The GridFitType class defines values for grid fitting in the TextField class.
GridItem — class, package mx.containers
The GridItem container defines a grid cell in GridRow container.
GridItem() — Constructor, class mx.containers.GridItem
GridLines — class, package mx.charts
The GridLines class draws grid lines inside the data area of the chart.
GridLines() — Constructor, class mx.charts.GridLines
gridLinesStyleName — Style, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart
The class selector that defines the style properties for the default grid lines.
GridRow — class, package mx.containers
The GridRow container defines a row in a Grid container, and contains GridCell containers.
GridRow() — Constructor, class mx.containers.GridRow
gripper — Skin Part, class spark.components.WindowedApplication
The skin part that defines the gripper button used to resize the window.
gripper — Skin Part, class spark.components.Window
The skin part that defines the gripper button used to resize the window.
gripper — Property, class spark.skins.spark.SparkChromeWindowedApplicationSkin
Defines the Button control for the gripper button.
gripperPadding — Style, class mx.core.Window
The extra space around the gripper.
gripperPadding — Style, class mx.core.WindowedApplication
The extra space around the gripper.
GripperSkin — class, package spark.skins.spark.windowChrome
The default skin class for the gripper button in the Spark WindowedApplication component and Spark Window component when you use Flex chrome.
GripperSkin() — Constructor, class spark.skins.spark.windowChrome.GripperSkin
gripperStyleName — Style, class mx.core.Window
Style declaration for the skin of the gripper.
gripperStyleName — Style, class mx.core.WindowedApplication
Style declaration for the skin of the gripper.
group — Property, class mx.controls.RadioButton
The RadioButtonGroup object to which this RadioButton belongs.
group — Property, class spark.components.RadioButton
The RadioButtonGroup component to which this RadioButton belongs.
Group — class, package spark.components
The Group class is the base container class for visual elements.
Group() — Constructor, class spark.components.Group
GroupBase — class, package spark.components.supportClasses
The GroupBase class defines the base class for components that display visual elements.
GroupBase() — Constructor, class spark.components.supportClasses.GroupBase
groupedColumns — Property, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid
An Array that defines the hierarchy of AdvancedDataGridColumn instances when performing column grouping.
groupElement — Property, class flash.text.engine.ContentElement
The GroupElement object that contains this element, or null if it is not in a group.
GroupElement — final class, package flash.text.engine
A GroupElement object groups a collection of TextElement, GraphicElement, or other GroupElement objects that you can assign as a whole to the content property of a TextBlock object.
GroupElement(elements:Vector$flash.text.engine:ContentElement, elementFormat:flash.text.engine:ElementFormat,, textRotation:String) — Constructor, class flash.text.engine.GroupElement
Creates a new GroupElement instance.
groupElements(beginIndex:int, endIndex:int) — method, class flash.text.engine.GroupElement
Replaces the range of elements that the beginIndex and endIndex parameters specify with a new GroupElement containing those elements.
groupIconFunction — Property, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid
A user-supplied callback function to run on each group item to determine its branch icon in the navigation tree.
grouping — Property, class mx.collections.GroupingCollection
Specifies the Grouping instance applied to the source data.
grouping — Property, class mx.collections.GroupingCollection2
Specifies the Grouping instance applied to the source data.
grouping — Property, interface mx.collections.IGroupingCollection
The Grouping object applied to the source data.
grouping — Property, interface mx.collections.IGroupingCollection2
The Grouping object applied to the source data.
Grouping — class, package mx.collections
The Grouping class defines the fields in the data provider of the AdvancedDataGrid control used to group data.
Grouping() — Constructor, class mx.collections.Grouping
GroupingCollection — class, package mx.collections
The GroupingCollection class lets you create grouped data from flat data for display in the AdvancedDataGrid control.
GroupingCollection() — Constructor, class mx.collections.GroupingCollection
GroupingCollection2 — class, package mx.collections
The GroupingCollection2 class lets you create grouped data from flat data for display in the AdvancedDataGrid control.
GroupingCollection2() — Constructor, class mx.collections.GroupingCollection2
GroupingField — class, package mx.collections
The GroupingField class represents individual data fields that you use to group flat data for display by the AdvancedDataGrid control.
GroupingField(name:String, caseInsensitive:Boolean, descending:Boolean, numeric:Boolean) — Constructor, class mx.collections.GroupingField
groupingFunction — Property, class mx.collections.GroupingField
A function that determines the label for this group.
groupingObjectFunction — Property, class mx.collections.Grouping
A callback function to run on each group node to determine the grouping object.
groupingObjectFunction — Property, class mx.collections.GroupingField
A callback function to run on each group node to determine the grouping object.
groupItemRenderer — Property, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid
Specifies the item renderer used to display the branch nodes in the navigation tree that correspond to groups.
groupLabelFunction — Property, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid
A callback function to run on each item to determine its label in the navigation tree.
groupName — Property, class mx.controls.RadioButton
Specifies the name of the group to which this RadioButton control belongs, or specifies the value of the id property of a RadioButtonGroup control if this RadioButton is part of a group defined by a RadioButtonGroup control.
groupName — Property, interface mx.managers.IFocusManagerGroup
The name of the group of controls to which the control belongs.
groupName — Property, class spark.components.RadioButton
Specifies the name of the group to which this RadioButton component belongs, or specifies the value of the id property of a RadioButtonGroup component if this RadioButton is part of a group defined by a RadioButtonGroup component.
groupRowHeight — Property, class mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid
The height of the grouped row, in pixels.
growDuration — Property, class mx.effects.DefaultListEffect
The duration in milliseconds of applied to renderers for added and removed items.
guardMinMax(min:Number, max:Number) — method, class mx.charts.chartClasses.NumericAxis
Protects the range against invalid values for this axis type.
gutterBottom — Style, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart
The size of the region, in pixels, between the bottom of the chart data area and the bottom of the chart control.
gutterLeft — Style, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart
The size of the region, in pixels, between the left of the chart data area and the left of the chart control.
gutterRight — Style, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart
The size of the region, in pixels, between the right side of the chart data area and the outside of the chart control.
gutters — Property, class mx.charts.AxisRenderer
The distance between the axisRenderer and the sides of the surrounding chart.
gutters — Property, interface mx.charts.chartClasses.IAxisRenderer
The distance between the axisRenderer and the sides of the surrounding chart.
gutterTop — Style, class mx.charts.chartClasses.CartesianChart
The size of the region, in pixels, between the top of the chart data area and the top of the chart control.
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