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The irc component implements an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) transport.

Name Description Example Default Value
channels New in 2.0, comma separated list of IRC channels to join. channels=#channel1,#channel2 null
nickname The nickname used in chat. irc:[email protected]#channel or null
username The IRC server user name. irc:[email protected]#channel or Same as nickname.
password The IRC server password. password=somepass None
realname The IRC user's actual name. realname=MyName None
colors Whether or not the server supports color codes. true, false true
onReply Whether or not to handle general responses to commands or informational messages. true, false false
onNick Handle nickname change events. true, false true
onQuit Handle user quit events. true, false true
onJoin Handle user join events. true, false true
onKick Handle kick events. true, false true
onMode Handle mode change events. true, false true
onPart Handle user part events. true, false true
onTopic Handle topic change events. true, false true
onPrivmsg Handle message events. true, false true
trustManager New in 2.0, the trust manager used to verify the SSL server's certificate. trustManager=#referenceToTrustManagerBean The default trust manager, which accepts all certificates, will be used.
keys Camel 2.2: Comma separated list of IRC channel keys. Important to be listed in same order as channels. When joining multiple channels with only some needing keys just insert an empty value for that channel. irc:[email protected]/#channel?keys=chankey null

As of Fuse Mediation Router 2.0, you can also connect to an SSL enabled IRC server, as follows:


By default, the IRC transport uses SSLDefaultTrustManager. If you need to provide your own custom trust manager, use the trustManager parameter as follows:

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