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Available as of Camel 2.5

The language component allows you to send Exchange to an endpoint which executes a script by any of the supported Languages in Camel. By having a component to execute language scripts, it allows more dynamic routing capabilities. For example by using the Routing SlipRouting Slip or Dynamic RouterDynamic Router EIPs you can send messages to language endpoints where the script is dynamic defined as well.

This component is provided out of the box in camel-core and hence no additional JARs is needed. You only have to include additional Camel components if the language of choice mandates it, such as using Groovy or JavaScript languages.

The component supports the following options.

Name Default Value Type Description
languageName null String The name of the Language to use, such as simple, groovy, javascript etc. This option is mandatory.
script null String The script to execute.
transform true boolean Whether or not the result of the script should be used as the new message body. By setting to false the script is executed but the result of the script is discarded.

The following message headers can be used to affect the behavior of the component

Header Description
CamelLanguageScript The script to execute provided in the header. Takes precedence over script configured on the endpoint.

For example you can use the Simple language to Message TranslatorMessage Translator a message:

from("direct:start").to("language:simple:Hello ${body}").to("mock:result");

In case you want to convert the message body type you can do this as well:


You can also use the Groovy language, such as this example where the input message will by multiplied with 2:

from("direct:start").to("language:groovy:request.body * 2").to("mock:result");

You can also provide the script as a header as shown below. Here we use XPath language to extract the text from the <foo> tag.

Object out = producer.requestBodyAndHeader("language:xpath", "<foo>Hello World</foo>", Exchange.LANGUAGE_SCRIPT, "/foo/text()");
assertEquals("Hello World", out);

  • Languages

  • Routing SlipRouting Slip

  • Dynamic RouterDynamic Router

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