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The javaspace component is a transport for working with any JavaSpace compliant implementation and this component has been tested with both the Blitz implementation and the GigaSpace implementation. This component can be used for sending and receiving any object inheriting from the Jini net.jini.core.entry.Entry class. It is also possible to pass the bean ID of a template that can be used for reading/taking the entries from the space. This component can be used for sending/receiving any serializable object acting as a sort of generic transport. The JavaSpace component contains a special optimization for dealing with the BeanExchange. It can be used to invoke a POJO remotely, using a JavaSpace as a transport. This latter feature can provide a simple implementation of the master/worker pattern, where a POJO provides the business logic for the worker. Look at the test cases for examples of various use cases for this component.

Name Default Value Description
spaceName null Specifies the JavaSpace name.
verb take Specifies the verb for getting JavaSpace entries. The values can be: take or read.
transactional false If true, sending and receiving entries is performed within a transaction.
transactionalTimeout Long.MAX_VALUE Specifies the transaction timeout.
concurrentConsumers 1 Specifies the number of concurrent consumers getting entries from the JavaSpace.
templateId null If present, this option specifies the Spring bean ID of the template to use for reading/taking entries.
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