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Dependencies on an OSGi service are mandatory by default (although this can be changed by setting the availability attribute to optional on a reference element or a reference-list element). Declaring a dependency to be mandatory means that the bundle cannot function properly without that dependency and the dependency must be available at all times.

Normally, while a blueprint container is initializing, it passes through a grace period, during which time it attempts to resolve all mandatory dependencies. If the mandatory dependencies cannot be resolved in this time (the default timeout is 5 minutes), container initialization is aborted and the bundle is not started. The following settings can be appended to the Bundle-SymbolicName manifest header to configure the grace period:

For example, to enable a grace period of 10 seconds, you could define the following Bundle-SymbolicName header in the manifest file:

Bundle-SymbolicName: org.fusesource.example.osgi-client;
 blueprint.timeout:= 10000

The value of the Bundle-SymbolicName header is a semi-colon separated list, where the first item is the actual bundle symbolic name, the second item, blueprint.graceperiod:=true, enables the grace period and the third item, blueprint.timeout:= 10000, specifies a 10 second timeout.

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