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A feature repository is a location that stores feature descriptor files. Generally, because features can depend recursively on other features and because of the complexity of the dependency chains, the project normally requires access to all of the standard Fuse ESB feature repositories.

To see the full list of standard feature repositories used by your installation of Fuse ESB, open the etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg configuration file and look at the featuresRepository setting, which is a comma-separated list of feature repositories, like the following:

Now, add the listed feature repositories to the configuration of the features-maven-plugin in your POM file. Open the project's pom.xml file and add a descriptor element (as a child of the descriptors element) for each of the standard feature repositories. For example, given the preceding value of the featuresRepositories list, you would define the features-maven-plugin descriptors list in pom.xml as follows:

Generally, the project requires access to all of the standard Fuse ESB remote repositories. To see the full list of standard remote repositories, open the etc/org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.cfg configuration file and look at the org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.repositories setting, which is a comma-separated list of URLs like the following:

Each entry in this list must be converted into a repository element, which is then inserted as a child element of the respositories element in the project's pom.xml file. The preceding repository URLs have slightly different formats and must be converted as follows:


The value of the repository URL, RepoURL, is inserted directly into the url child element of the repository element. For example, the repository URL translates to the following repository element:

  <!-- 'id' can be whatever you like -->
  <!-- 'name' can be whatever you like -->
  <name>Maven central</name>

The @snapshots suffix indicates that downloading snapshots should be enabled for this repository. When specifying the value of the url element, remove the @snapshots suffix from the URL. Change the snapshots/enabled flag to true, as shown in the following example:


The combination of the @snapshots suffix and the @noreleases suffix indicates that downloading snapshots should be enabled and downloading releases should be disabled for this repository. When specifying the value of the url element, remove both suffixes from the URL. Change the snapshots/enabled flag to true and change the releases/enabled flag to false, as shown in the following example:

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