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Fuse ESB 4 still supports JBI, as described in Using Java Business Integration. However, because Fuse ESB 4 is based on OSGi, it provides additional flexibility. Fuse ESB 4 has the following layered architecture:

  • Technology layer—includes technologies such as JBI, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, JMS, Spring, and JEE

  • Fuse ESB kernel —a wrapper layer around the OSGi container implementation, which provides support for deploying the OSGi container as a runtime server. Runtime features provided by the Fuse ESB kernel include hot deployment, management, and administration features.

  • OSGi framework —implements OSGi functionality, including managing dependencies and bundle lifecycles

Figure 1.1 shows the architecture of Fuse ESB kernel.

Fuse ESB kernel is based on Apache Karaf, a powerful, lightweight, OSGi-based runtime container for deploying and managing bundles to facilitate componentization of applications. Fuse ESB kernel also provides native OS integration and can be integrated into the operating system as a service so that the lifecycle is bound to the operating system.

As shown in Figure 1.1, Fuse ESB kernel extends the OSGi layers with:

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