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To make NMR endpoints available to your Fuse Mediation Router application, you need to create an instance of the NMR component. Add the code shown in Example 12.1 to your bundle's Spring configuration file (located in META-INF/spring/*.xml) in order to instantiate the NMR component.

The bean element creates an instance of the NMR component with the bean ID, nmr, where this bean ID can then be used as the scheme prefix to create or reference NMR endpoints in your Fuse Mediation Router routes. The bean definition references two external Java packages—org.apache.servicemix.camel.nmr and org.apache.servicemix.nmr.api—which must therefore be imported by this bundle. Because the packages do not occur in Java source code, you must add them explicitly to the list of imported packages in the bundle instructions in the POM—see Configuring the bundle instructions for details.

Example 12.2 shows the routes for the camel-nmr demonstration, taken from the Spring XML configuration file, META-INF/spring/beans.xml.

Example 12.2. Spring XML Defining a Route with an NMR Endpoint

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<beans xmlns=""

  <import resource="classpath:org/apache/servicemix/camel/nmr/camel-nmr.xml" /> 1

  <camel-osgi:camelContext xmlns="">
    <!-- Route periodically sent events into the NMR -->
      <from uri="timer://myTimer?fixedRate=true&amp;period=2000"/>
      <to uri="nmr:ExampleRouter"/> 2
    <!-- Route exchange from the NMR endpoint to a log endpoint -->
      <from uri="nmr:ExampleRouter"/> 3
      <bean ref="myTransform" method="transform"/>
      <to uri="log:ExampleRouter"/>

  <bean id="myTransform" class="org.apache.servicemix.examples.camel.MyTransform">
    <property name="prefix" value="MyTransform"/>



This Spring import element imports a snippet of XML that instantiates and initializes the NMR component. In fact, the content of this snippet is identical to the XML code shown in Example 12.1.


At the end of the first route, messages are sent to the NMR endpoint, nmr:ExampleRouter.


When you specify an NMR endpoint in the uri attribute of the <from> tag, a new NMR endpoint is created by the NMR component. In this example, the <from> tag implicitly creates the NMR endpoint, nmr:ExampleRouter, which is then capable of receiving the messages sent by the first route.

Not all of the packages required by the NMR component can be automatically detected by the Maven bundle plug-in. Some of the package dependencies arise from settings in the Spring configuration file (see Example 12.1), which are not automatically taken into account by the bundle plug-in. In particular, you must ensure that the following additional packages are imported by the bundle:

  • org.apache.servicemix.camel.nmr

  • org.apache.servicemix.nmr.api

For example, the following sample configuration of the Maven bundle plug-in shows how to add an Import-Package element that contains a list of the packages required for the NMR component:

<project ...>


The Import-Package list also includes the wildcard, *, which instructs the bundle plug-in to scan the Java source code in order to discover further package dependencies.

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