
Database Methods


For details on specific methods, including syntax and examples, click on the specific method to go to its reference page.

Name Description
db.adminCommand() Runs a command against the admin database.
db.cloneCollection() Copies data directly between MongoDB instances. Wraps cloneCollection.
db.cloneDatabase() Copies a database from a remote host to the current host. Wraps clone.
db.commandHelp() Returns help information for a database command.
db.copyDatabase() Copies a database to another database on the current host. Wraps copydb.
db.createCollection() Creates a new collection or a view. Commonly used to create a capped collection.
db.createView() Creates a view.
db.currentOp() Reports the current in-progress operations.
db.dropDatabase() Removes the current database.
db.eval() Deprecated. Passes a JavaScript function to the mongod instance for server-side JavaScript evaluation.
db.fsyncLock() Flushes writes to disk and locks the database to prevent write operations and assist backup operations. Wraps fsync.
db.fsyncUnlock() Allows writes to continue on a database locked with db.fsyncLock().
db.getCollection() Returns a collection or view object. Used to access collections with names that are not valid in the mongo shell.
db.getCollectionInfos() Returns collection information for all collections and views in the current database.
db.getCollectionNames() Lists all collections and views in the current database.
db.getLastError() Checks and returns the status of the last operation. Wraps getLastError.
db.getLastErrorObj() Returns the status document for the last operation. Wraps getLastError.
db.getLogComponents() Returns the log message verbosity levels.
db.getMongo() Returns the Mongo() connection object for the current connection.
db.getName() Returns the name of the current database.
db.getPrevError() Returns a status document containing all errors since the last error reset. Wraps getPrevError.
db.getProfilingLevel() Returns the current profiling level for database operations.
db.getProfilingStatus() Returns a document that reflects the current profiling level and the profiling threshold.
db.getReplicationInfo() Returns a document with replication statistics.
db.getSiblingDB() Provides access to the specified database. Displays descriptions of common db object methods.
db.hostInfo() Returns a document with information about the system MongoDB runs on. Wraps hostInfo
db.isMaster() Returns a document that reports the state of the replica set.
db.killOp() Terminates a specified operation.
db.listCommands() Displays a list of common database commands.
db.loadServerScripts() Loads all scripts in the system.js collection for the current database into the shell session.
db.logout() Ends an authenticated session.
db.printCollectionStats() Prints statistics from every collection. Wraps db.collection.stats().
db.printReplicationInfo() Prints a report of the status of the replica set from the perspective of the primary.
db.printShardingStatus() Prints a report of the sharding configuration and the chunk ranges.
db.printSlaveReplicationInfo() Prints a report of the status of the replica set from the perspective of the secondaries.
db.repairDatabase() Runs a repair routine on the current database.
db.resetError() Resets the error message returned by db.getPrevError() and getPrevError.
db.runCommand() Runs a database command.
db.serverBuildInfo() Returns a document that displays the compilation parameters for the mongod instance. Wraps buildinfo.
db.serverCmdLineOpts() Returns a document with information about the runtime used to start the MongoDB instance. Wraps getCmdLineOpts.
db.serverStatus() Returns a document that provides an overview of the state of the database process.
db.setLogLevel() Sets a single log message verbosity level.
db.setProfilingLevel() Modifies the current level of database profiling.
db.shutdownServer() Shuts down the current mongod or mongos process cleanly and safely.
db.stats() Returns a document that reports on the state of the current database.
db.version() Returns the version of the mongod instance.
db.upgradeCheck() Performs a preliminary check for upgrade preparedness for a specific database or collection.
db.upgradeCheckAllDBs() Performs a preliminary check for upgrade preparedness for all databases and collections.
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