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New in version 3.4: MongoDB Enterprise


MongoDB 3.4 provides mongoldap for testing MongoDB’s LDAP configuration options against a running LDAP server or set of servers.

To validate the LDAP options in the configuration file, set the mongoldap --config option to the configuration file’s path.

To test the LDAP configuration options, you must specify a --user and --password. mongoldap simulates authentication to a MongoDB server running with the provided configuration options and credentials.

mongoldap returns a report that includes the success or failure of any step in the LDAP authentication or authorization procedure. Error messages include information on specific errors encountered and potential advice for resolving the error.

When configuring options related to LDAP authorization, mongoldap executes an LDAP query constructed using the provided configuration options and username, and returns a list of roles on the admin database which the user is authorized for.

You can use this information when configuring LDAP authorization roles for user access control. For example, use mongoldap to ensure your configuration allows privileged users to gain the necessary roles to perform their expected tasks. Similarly, use mongoldap to ensure your configuration disallows non-privileged users from gaining roles for accessing the MongoDB server, or performing unauthorized actions.

When configuring options related to LDAP authentication, use mongoldap to ensure that the authentication operation works as expected.

Run mongoldap from the system command line, not the mongo shell.

This document provides a complete overview of all command line options for mongoldap.



A full description of LDAP or Active Directory is beyond the scope of this documentation.

Consider the following sample configuration file, designed to support LDAP authentication and authorization via Active Directory:

   authorization: "enabled"
      servers: ""
         queryUser: "[email protected]"
         queryPassword: "secret123"
               match : "(.+)",
               ldapQuery: "DC=example,DC=com??sub?(userPrincipalName={0})"
         queryTemplate: "DC=example,DC=com??sub?(&(objectClass=group)(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:={USER}))"
   authenticationMechanisms: "PLAIN"

You can use mongoldap to validate the configuration file, which returns a report of the procedure. You must specify a username and password for mongoldap.

mongoldap --config <path-to-config> --user "[email protected]" --password "secret123"

If the provided credentials are valid, and the LDAP options in the configuration files are valid, the output might be as follows:

Checking that an LDAP server has been specified...
[OK] LDAP server found

Connecting to LDAP server...
[OK] Connected to LDAP server

Parsing MongoDB to LDAP DN mappings..
[OK] MongoDB to LDAP DN mappings appear to be valid

Attempting to authenticate against the LDAP server...
[OK] Successful authentication performed

Checking if LDAP authorization has been enabled by configuration...
[OK] LDAP authorization enabled

Parsing LDAP query template..
[OK] LDAP query configuration template appears valid

Executing query against LDAP server...
[OK] Successfully acquired the following roles:


--config <filename>, -f <filename>

Specifies a configuration file for runtime configuration options. The options are equivalent to the command-line configuration options. See Configuration File Options for more information.

mongoldap uses any configuration options related to LDAP Proxy Authentication or LDAP Authorization for testing LDAP authentication or authorization.

Requires specifying --user. May accept --password for testing LDAP authentication.

Ensure the configuration file uses ASCII encoding. The mongoldap instance does not support configuration files with non-ASCII encoding, including UTF-8.

--user <string>

Username for mongoldap to use when attempting LDAP authentication or authorization.

--password <string>

Password of the --user for mongoldap to use when attempting LDAP authentication. Not required for LDAP authorization.

--ldapServers <host1>:<port>,<host2>:<port>,...,<hostN>:<port>

New in version 3.4: Available in MongoDB Enterprise only.

The LDAP server against which the mongoldap executes LDAP operations against to authenticate users or determine what actions a user is authorized to perform on a given database. If the LDAP server specified has any replicated instances, you may specify the host and port of each replicated server in a comma-delimited list.

If your LDAP infrastrucure partitions the LDAP directory over multiple LDAP servers, specify one LDAP server any of its replicated instances to --ldapServers. MongoDB supports following LDAP referrals as defined in RFC 4511 4.1.10. Do not use --ldapServers for listing every LDAP server in your infrastucture.

This setting can be configured on a running mongoldap using setParameter.

If unset, mongoldap cannot use LDAP authentication or authorization.

--ldapQueryUser <string>

New in version 3.4: Available in MongoDB Enterprise only.

The identity with which mongoldap binds as, when connecting to or performing queries on an LDAP server.

Only required if any of the following are true:

You must use --ldapQueryUser with --ldapQueryPassword.

If unset, mongoldap will not attempt to bind to the LDAP server.

This setting can be configured on a running mongoldap using setParameter.


Windows MongoDB deployments can use --ldapBindWithOSDefaults instead of --ldapQueryUser and --ldapQueryPassword. You cannot specify both --ldapQueryUser and --ldapBindWithOSDefaults at the same time.

--ldapQueryPassword <string>

New in version 3.4: Available in MongoDB Enterprise only.

The password used to bind to an LDAP server when using --ldapQueryUser. You must use --ldapQueryPassword with --ldapQueryUser.

If unset, mongoldap will not attempt to bind to the LDAP server.

This setting can be configured on a running mongoldap using setParameter.


Windows MongoDB deployments can use --ldapBindWithOSDefaults instead of --ldapQueryPassword and --ldapQueryPassword. You cannot specify both --ldapQueryPassword and --ldapBindWithOSDefaults at the same time.

--ldapBindWithOSDefaults <bool>

Default: False

New in version 3.4: Available in MongoDB Enterprise for the Windows platform only.

Allows mongoldap to authenticate, or bind, using your Windows login credentials when connecting to the LDAP server.

Only required if:

Use --ldapBindWithOSDefaults to replace --ldapQueryUser and --ldapQueryPassword.

--ldapBindMethod <string>

Default: simple

New in version 3.4: Available in MongoDB Enterprise only.

The method mongoldap uses to authenticate to an LDAP server. Use with --ldapQueryUser and --ldapQueryPassword to connect to the LDAP server.

--ldapBindMethod supports the following values:

  • simple - mongoldap uses simple authentication.
  • sasl - mongoldap uses SASL protocol for authentication

If you specify sasl, you can configure the available SASL mechanisms using --ldapBindSASLMechanisms. mongoldap defaults to using DIGEST-MD5 mechanism.

--ldapBindSASLMechanisms <string>

Default: DIGEST-MD5

New in version 3.4: Available in MongoDB Enterprise only.

A comma-separated list of SASL mechanisms mongoldap can use when authenticating to the LDAP server. The mongoldap and the LDAP server must agree on at least one mechanism.

Set --ldapBindMethod to sasl to use this option.


A complete list of SASL mechanisms is out of scope for this documentation. See the IANA list of SASL mechanisms, as well as the documentation for your LDAP service.

--ldapTransportSecurity <string>

Default: tls

New in version 3.4: Available in MongoDB Enterprise only.

By default, mongoldap creates a TLS/SSL secured connection to the LDAP server.

For Linux deployments, you must configure the appropriate TLS Options in /etc/openldap/ldap.conf file. Your operating system’s package manager creates this file as part of the MongoDB Enterprise installation, via the libldap dependency. See the documentation for TLS Options in the ldap.conf OpenLDAP documentation for more complete instructions.

For Windows deployment, you must add the LDAP server CA certificates to the Windows certificate management tool. The exact name and functionality of the tool may vary depending on operating system version. Please see the documentation for your version of Windows for more information on certificate management.

Set --ldapTransportSecurity to none to disable TLS/SSL between mongoldap and the LDAP server.


Setting --ldapTransportSecurity to none transmits plaintext information and possibly credentials between mongoldap and the LDAP server.

--ldapTimeoutMS <long>

Default: 10000

New in version 3.4: Available in MongoDB Enterprise only.

The amount of time in milliseconds mongoldap should wait for an LDAP server to respond to a request.

Increasing the value of --ldapTimeoutMS may prevent connection failure between the MongoDB server and the LDAP server, if the source of the failure is a connection timeout. Decreasing the value of --ldapTimeoutMS reduces the time MongoDB waits for a response from the LDAP server.

This setting can be configured on a running mongoldap using setParameter.

--ldapUserToDNMapping <string>

New in version 3.4: Available in MongoDB Enterprise only.

Maps the username provided to mongoldap for authentication to a LDAP Distinguished Name (DN). You may need to use --ldapUserToDNMapping to transform a username into an LDAP DN in the following scenarios:

  • Performing LDAP authentication with simple LDAP binding, where users authenticate to MongoDB with usernames that are not full LDAP DNs.
  • Using an LDAP authorization query template that requires a DN.
  • Transforming the usernames of clients authenticating to Mongo DB using different authentication mechanisms (e.g. x.509, kerberos) to a full LDAP DN for authorization.

--ldapUserToDNMapping expects a quote-enclosed JSON-string representing an ordered array of documents. Each document contains a regular expression match and either a substitution or ldapQuery template used for transforming the incoming username.

Each document in the array has the following form:

  match: "<regex>"
  substitution: "<LDAP DN>" | ldapQuery: "<LDAP Query>"
Field Description Example
match An ECMAScript-formatted regular expression (regex) to match against a provided username. Each parenthesis-enclosed section represents a regex capture group used by substitution or ldapQuery. "(.+)ENGINEERING" "(.+)DBA"
substitution An LDAP distinguished name (DN) formatting template that converts the authentication name matched by the match regex into a LDAP DN. Each curly bracket-enclosed numeric value is replaced by the corresponding regex capture group extracted from the authentication username via the match regex. "cn={0},ou=engineering, dc=example,dc=com"
ldapQuery A LDAP query formatting template that inserts the authentication name matched by the match regex into an LDAP query URI encoded respecting RFC4515 and RFC4516. Each curly bracket-enclosed numeric value is replaced by the corresponding regex capture group extracted from the authentication username via the match expression. mongoldap executes the query against the LDAP server to retrieve the LDAP DN for the authenticated user. mongoldap requires exactly one returned result for the transformation to be successful, or mongoldap skips this transformation. "ou=engineering,dc=example, dc=com??one?(user={0})"

For each document in the array, you must use either substitution or ldapQuery. You cannot specify both in the same document.

When performing authentication or authorization, mongoldap steps through each document in the array in the given order, checking the authentication username against the match filter. If a match is found, mongoldap applies the transformation and uses the output for authenticating the user. mongoldap does not check the remaining documents in the array.

If the given document does not match the provided authentication name, or the transformation described by the document fails, mongoldap continues through the list of documents to find additional matches. If no matches are found in any document, mongoldap returns an error.


The following shows two transformation documents. The first document matches against any string ending in @ENGINEERING, placing anything preceeding the suffix into a regex capture group. The second document matches against any string ending in @DBA, placing anything preceeding the suffix into a regex capture group.


You must pass the array to --ldapUserToDNMapping as a string.

      match: "(.+)@ENGINEERING.EXAMPLE.COM",
      substitution: "cn={0},ou=engineering,dc=example,dc=com"
      match: "(.+)@DBA.EXAMPLE.COM",
      ldapQuery: "ou=dba,dc=example,dc=com??one?(user={0})"



A user with username alice@ENGINEERING.EXAMPLE.COM matches the first document. The regex capture group {0} corresponds to the string alice. The resulting output is the DN "cn=alice,ou=engineering,dc=example,dc=com".

A user with username bob@DBA.EXAMPLE.COM matches the second document. The regex capture group {0} corresponds to the string bob. The resulting output is the LDAP query "ou=dba,dc=example,dc=com??one?(user=bob)". mongoldap executes this query against the LDAP server, returning the result "cn=bob,ou=dba,dc=example,dc=com".

If --ldapUserToDNMapping is unset, mongoldap applies no transformations to the username when attempting to authenticate or authorize a user against the LDAP server.

This setting can be configured on a running mongoldap using the setParameter database command.


An explanation of RFC4515, RFC4516 or LDAP queries is out of scope for the MongoDB Documentation. Please review the RFC directly or use your preferred LDAP resource.

--ldapAuthzQueryTemplate <string>

New in version 3.4: Available in MongoDB Enterprise only.

A relative LDAP query URL formatted conforming to RFC4515 and RFC4516 that mongoldap executes to obtain the LDAP groups to which the authenticated user belongs to. The query is relative to the host or hosts specified in --ldapServer.

Use the {USER} placeholder in the URL to substitute the authenticated username, or the transformed username if a username mapping is specified.

When constructing the query URL, ensure that the order of LDAP parameters respects RFC4516:

[ dn  [ ? [attributes] [ ? [scope] [ ? [filter] [ ? [Extensions] ] ] ] ] ]

If your query includes an attribute, mongoldap assumes that the query retrieves a the DNs which this entity is member of.

If your query does not include an attribute, mongoldap assumes the query retrieves all entities which the user is member of.

For each LDAP DN returned by the query, mongoldap assigns the authorized user a corresponding role on the admin database. If a role on the on the admin database exactly matches the DN, mongoldap grants the user the roles and privileges assigned to that role. See the db.createRole() method for more information on creating roles.


This LDAP query returns any groups listed in the LDAP user object’s memberOf attribute.


Your LDAP configuration may not include the memberOf attribute as part of the user schema, may possess a different attribute for reporting group membership, or may not track group membership through attributes. Configure your query with respect to your own unique LDAP configuration.

If unset, mongoldap cannot authorize users using LDAP.

This setting can be configured on a running mongoldap using the setParameter database command.


An explanation of RFC4515, RFC4516 or LDAP queries is out of scope for the MongoDB Documentation. Please review the RFC directly or use your preferred LDAP resource.

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