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 Configuring Backends

The image service supports several different backends for storing virtual machine images, including Cinder, a directory on a local file system, GridFS, Ceph RBD, Amazon S3, Sheepdog, OpenStack Object Storage or VMWare ESX. The following tables detail the options available for each.

Table 6.20. Description of configuration options for cinder
Configuration option = Default value Description
cinder_api_insecure = False (BoolOpt) Allow to perform insecure SSL requests to cinder.
cinder_ca_certificates_file = None (StrOpt) Location of CA certicates file to use for cinder client requests.
cinder_catalog_info = volume:cinder:publicURL (StrOpt) Info to match when looking for cinder in the service catalog. Format is: separated values of the form: <service_type>:<service_name>:<endpoint_type>.
cinder_endpoint_template = None (StrOpt) Override service catalog lookup with template for cinder endpoint e.g. http://localhost:8776/v1/%(project_id)s.
cinder_http_retries = 3 (IntOpt) Number of cinderclient retries on failed http calls.

Table 6.21. Description of configuration options for filesystem
Configuration option = Default value Description
filesystem_store_datadir = None (StrOpt) Directory to which the Filesystem backend store writes images.
filesystem_store_datadirs = None (MultiStrOpt) List of directories and its priorities to which the Filesystem backend store writes images.
filesystem_store_metadata_file = None (StrOpt) The path to a file which contains the metadata to be returned with any location associated with this store. The file must contain a valid JSON dict.

Table 6.22. Description of configuration options for gridfs
Configuration option = Default value Description
mongodb_store_db = None (StrOpt) Database to use.
mongodb_store_uri = None (StrOpt) Hostname or IP address of the instance to connect to, or a mongodb URI, or a list of hostnames / mongodb URIs. If host is an IPv6 literal it must be enclosed in '[' and ']' characters following the RFC2732 URL syntax (e.g. '[::1]' for localhost).

Table 6.23. Description of configuration options for rbd
Configuration option = Default value Description
rbd_store_ceph_conf = /etc/ceph/ceph.conf (StrOpt) Ceph configuration file path. If <None>, librados will locate the default config. If using cephx authentication, this file should include a reference to the right keyring in a client.<USER> section.
rbd_store_chunk_size = 8 (IntOpt) RADOS images will be chunked into objects of this size (in megabytes). For best performance, this should be a power of two.
rbd_store_pool = images (StrOpt) RADOS pool in which images are stored.
rbd_store_user = None (StrOpt) RADOS user to authenticate as (only applicable if using Cephx. If <None>, a default will be chosen based on the client. section in rbd_store_ceph_conf).

Table 6.24. Description of configuration options for s3
Configuration option = Default value Description
s3_store_access_key = None (StrOpt) The S3 query token access key.
s3_store_bucket = None (StrOpt) The S3 bucket to be used to store the Glance data.
s3_store_bucket_url_format = subdomain (StrOpt) The S3 calling format used to determine the bucket. Either subdomain or path can be used.
s3_store_create_bucket_on_put = False (BoolOpt) A boolean to determine if the S3 bucket should be created on upload if it does not exist or if an error should be returned to the user.
s3_store_host = None (StrOpt) The host where the S3 server is listening.
s3_store_object_buffer_dir = None (StrOpt) The local directory where uploads will be staged before they are transferred into S3.
s3_store_secret_key = None (StrOpt) The S3 query token secret key.

Table 6.25. Description of configuration options for sheepdog
Configuration option = Default value Description
sheepdog_store_address = (StrOpt) IP address of sheep daemon.
sheepdog_store_chunk_size = 64 (IntOpt) Images will be chunked into objects of this size (in megabytes). For best performance, this should be a power of two.
sheepdog_store_port = 7000 (IntOpt) Port of sheep daemon.

Table 6.26. Description of configuration options for swift
Configuration option = Default value Description
swift_enable_snet = False (BoolOpt) Whether to use ServiceNET to communicate with the Swift storage servers.
swift_store_admin_tenants = (ListOpt) A list of tenants that will be granted read/write access on all Swift containers created by Glance in multi-tenant mode.
swift_store_auth_address = None (StrOpt) The address where the Swift authentication service is listening.
swift_store_auth_insecure = False (BoolOpt) If True, swiftclient won't check for a valid SSL certificate when authenticating.
swift_store_auth_version = 2 (StrOpt) Version of the authentication service to use. Valid versions are 2 for keystone and 1 for swauth and rackspace.
swift_store_container = glance (StrOpt) Container within the account that the account should use for storing images in Swift.
swift_store_create_container_on_put = False (BoolOpt) A boolean value that determines if we create the container if it does not exist.
swift_store_endpoint_type = publicURL (StrOpt) A string giving the endpoint type of the swift service to use (publicURL, adminURL or internalURL). This setting is only used if swift_store_auth_version is 2.
swift_store_key = None (StrOpt) Auth key for the user authenticating against the Swift authentication service.
swift_store_large_object_chunk_size = 200 (IntOpt) The amount of data written to a temporary disk buffer during the process of chunking the image file.
swift_store_large_object_size = 5120 (IntOpt) The size, in MB, that Glance will start chunking image files and do a large object manifest in Swift.
swift_store_multi_tenant = False (BoolOpt) If set to True, enables multi-tenant storage mode which causes Glance images to be stored in tenant specific Swift accounts.
swift_store_region = None (StrOpt) The region of the swift endpoint to be used for single tenant. This setting is only necessary if the tenant has multiple swift endpoints.
swift_store_retry_get_count = 0 (IntOpt) The number of times a Swift download will be retried before the request fails.
swift_store_service_type = object-store (StrOpt) A string giving the service type of the swift service to use. This setting is only used if swift_store_auth_version is 2.
swift_store_ssl_compression = True (BoolOpt) If set to False, disables SSL layer compression of https swift requests. Setting to False may improve performance for images which are already in a compressed format, eg qcow2.
swift_store_user = None (StrOpt) The user to authenticate against the Swift authentication service.

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