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 Create a storage repository and get the FQRN

Create a storage repository and get its fully qualified repository name (FQRN):

  1. Access the Create Storage Repository dialog box.

  2. Type a Storage Repository name.

    The name is restricted to alphanumeric characters, underscore (_), hyphen (-), and cannot exceed 32 characters.

  3. Click Limited or Unlimited to indicate the maximum repository size.

    Limited sets the amount of space that can be allocated to the repository. Specify the size in TB, GB, or MB.

    When the difference between the reserved space and the space already allocated to LUNs is less than is required by a LUN allocation request, the reserved space is increased until the repository limit is reached.


    The reserved space does not include space used for parity or space used for mirrors. If parity and/or mirrors are required, the actual space allocated to the repository from the SAN is greater than that specified in reserved space.

    Unlimited—Unlimited means that the amount of space allocated to the repository is unlimited and additional space is allocated to the repository automatically when space is required and available.


    Drives specified in the associated Storage Profile must be available on the SAN in order to allocate additional resources.

  4. Check the Resizeable LUN box.

    This is required for OpenStack volumes.


    If the Storage Profile associated with the repository has platinum availability, the Resizeable LUN box is automatically checked.

  5. Check the Show Allocation Plan API calls box. Click Next.

  6. Record the FQRN and click Finish.

    The FQRN is located in the first line of output following the Plan keyword in the Repository Creation Plan window. The FQRN syntax is performance_class-availability_class:profile_name:repository_name.

    In this example, the FQRN is Bronze-Platinum:BP1000:OSTest, and is highlighted.


    Figure 1.2. Repository Creation Plan screen

    Record the FQRN; it is a required parameter later in the configuration procedure.

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