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 Container server configuration

Find an example container server configuration at etc/container-server.conf-sample in the source code repository.

The available configuration options are:

Table 8.9. Description of configuration options for [DEFAULT] in container-server.conf-sample
Configuration option = Default value Description
bind_ip = Address for server to bind to
bind_port = 6001Port for server to bind to
bind_timeout = 30Seconds to attempt bind before giving up
backlog = 4096Maximum number of allowed pending TCP connections
user = swiftUser to run as
swift_dir = /etc/swiftSwift configuration directory
devices = /srv/nodeParent directory of where devices are mounted
mount_check = trueWhether or not check if the devices are mounted to prevent accidentally writing to the root device
disable_fallocate = falseDisable "fast fail" fallocate checks if the underlying filesystem does not support it.
workers = autoa much higher value, one can reduce the impact of slow file system operations in one request from negatively impacting other requests.
max_clients = 1024Maximum number of clients one worker can process simultaneously Lowering the number of clients handled per worker, and raising the number of workers can lessen the impact that a CPU intensive, or blocking, request can have on other requests served by the same worker. If the maximum number of clients is set to one, then a given worker will not perform another call while processing, allowing other workers a chance to process it.
allowed_sync_hosts = help text available for this option.
log_name = swiftLabel used when logging
log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0Syslog log facility
log_level = INFOLogging level
log_address = /dev/logLocation where syslog sends the logs to
log_custom_handlers = Comma-separated list of functions to call to setup custom log handlers.
log_udp_host = If not set, the UDB receiver for syslog is disabled.
log_udp_port = 514Port value for UDB receiver, if enabled.
log_statsd_host = localhostIf not set, the StatsD feature is disabled.
log_statsd_port = 8125Port value for the StatsD server.
log_statsd_default_sample_rate = 1.0Defines the probability of sending a sample for any given event or timing measurement.
log_statsd_sample_rate_factor = 1.0Not recommended to set this to a value less than 1.0, if frequency of logging is too high, tune the log_statsd_default_sample_rate instead.
log_statsd_metric_prefix = Value will be prepended to every metric sent to the StatsD server.
db_preallocation = offIf you don't mind the extra disk space usage in overhead, you can turn this on to preallocate disk space with SQLite databases to decrease fragmentation. underlying filesystem does not support it. to setup custom log handlers. bytes you'd like fallocate to reserve, whether there is space for the given file size or not. This is useful for systems that behave badly when they completely run out of space; you can make the services pretend they're out of space early. server. For most cases, this should be `egg:swift#account`. replication passes account can be reclaimed
eventlet_debug = falseIf true, turn on debug logging for eventlet
fallocate_reserve = 0You can set fallocate_reserve to the number of bytes you'd like fallocate to reserve, whether there is space for the given file size or not. This is useful for systems that behave badly when they completely run out of space; you can make the services pretend they're out of space early. server. For most cases, this should be `egg:swift#object`.

Table 8.10. Description of configuration options for [app:container-server] in container-server.conf-sample
Configuration option = Default value Description
use = egg:swift#containerEntry point of paste.deploy in the server
set log_name = container-serverLabel to use when logging
set log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0Syslog log facility
set log_level = INFOLog level
set log_requests = trueWhether or not to log requests
set log_address = /dev/logLocation where syslog sends the logs to
node_timeout = 3Request timeout to external services
conn_timeout = 0.5Connection timeout to external services
allow_versions = falseEnable/Disable object versioning feature
auto_create_account_prefix = .Prefix to use when automatically creating accounts
replication_server = falseIf defined, tells server how to handle replication verbs in requests. When set to True (or 1), only replication verbs will be accepted. When set to False, replication verbs will be rejected. When undefined, server will accept any verb in the request.

Table 8.11. Description of configuration options for [pipeline:main] in container-server.conf-sample
Configuration option = Default value Description
pipeline = healthcheck recon container-serverNo help text available for this option.

Table 8.12. Description of configuration options for [container-replicator] in container-server.conf-sample
Configuration option = Default value Description
log_name = container-replicatorLabel used when logging
log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0Syslog log facility
log_level = INFOLogging level
log_address = /dev/logLocation where syslog sends the logs to
vm_test_mode = noIndicates that you are using a VM environment
per_diff = 1000Limit number of items to get per diff
max_diffs = 100Caps how long the replicator spends trying to sync a database per pass
concurrency = 8Number of replication workers to spawn
interval = 30Minimum time for a pass to take
node_timeout = 10Request timeout to external services
conn_timeout = 0.5Connection timeout to external services
reclaim_age = 604800Time elapsed in seconds before an object can be reclaimed
run_pause = 30Time in seconds to wait between replication passes
recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swiftDirectory where stats for a few items will be stored

Table 8.13. Description of configuration options for [container-updater] in container-server.conf-sample
Configuration option = Default value Description
log_name = container-updaterLabel used when logging
log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0Syslog log facility
log_level = INFOLogging level
log_address = /dev/logLocation where syslog sends the logs to
interval = 300Minimum time for a pass to take
concurrency = 4Number of replication workers to spawn
node_timeout = 3Request timeout to external services
conn_timeout = 0.5Connection timeout to external services
slowdown = 0.01Time in seconds to wait between objects
account_suppression_time = 60Seconds to suppress updating an account that has generated an error (timeout, not yet found, etc.)
recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swiftDirectory where stats for a few items will be stored

Table 8.14. Description of configuration options for [container-auditor] in container-server.conf-sample
Configuration option = Default value Description
log_name = container-auditorLabel used when logging
log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0Syslog log facility
log_level = INFOLogging level
log_address = /dev/logLocation where syslog sends the logs to
interval = 1800Minimum time for a pass to take
containers_per_second = 200Maximum containers audited per second. Should be tuned according to individual system specs. 0 is unlimited. mounted to prevent accidentally writing to the root device process simultaneously (it will actually accept(2) N + 1). Setting this to one (1) will only handle one request at a time, without accepting another request concurrently. By increasing the number of workers to a much higher value, one can reduce the impact of slow file system operations in one request from negatively impacting other requests.
recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swiftDirectory where stats for a few items will be stored

Table 8.15. Description of configuration options for [container-sync] in container-server.conf-sample
Configuration option = Default value Description
log_name = container-syncLabel used when logging
log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0Syslog log facility
log_level = INFOLogging level
log_address = /dev/logLocation where syslog sends the logs to
sync_proxy =, you need to use an HTTP proxy, set it here. Defaults to no proxy.
interval = 300Minimum time for a pass to take
container_time = 60Maximum amount of time to spend syncing each container

Table 8.16. Description of configuration options for [filter:healthcheck] in container-server.conf-sample
Configuration option = Default value Description
use = egg:swift#healthcheckEntry point of paste.deploy in the server
disable_path = No help text available for this option.

Table 8.17. Description of configuration options for [filter:recon] in container-server.conf-sample
Configuration option = Default value Description
use = egg:swift#reconEntry point of paste.deploy in the server
recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swiftDirectory where stats for a few items will be stored

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