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 Supported operations

  • Create volumes.

  • Delete volumes.

  • Extend volumes.

  • Attach volumes.

  • Detach volumes.

  • Create snapshots.

  • Delete snapshots.

  • Create volumes from snapshots.

  • Create cloned volumes.

  • Copy images to volumes.

  • Copy volumes to images.

  • Volume migration(backend assisted).

Volume type support for both HP 3PAR drivers includes the ability to set the following capabilities in the OpenStack Block Storage API cinder.api.contrib.types_extra_specs volume type extra specs extension module:

  • hp3par:cpg

  • hp3par:snap_cpg

  • hp3par:provisioning

  • hp3par:persona

  • hp3par:vvs

To work with the default filter scheduler, the key values are case sensitive and scoped with hp3par:. For information about how to set the key-value pairs and associate them with a volume type, run the following command:

$ cinder help type-key


Volumes that are cloned only support extra specs keys cpg, snap_cpg, provisioning and vvs. The others are ignored. In addition the comments section of the cloned volume in the HP 3PAR StoreServ storage array is not populated.

If volume types are not used or a particular key is not set for a volume type, the following defaults are used:

  • hp3par:cpg - Defaults to the hp3par_cpg setting in the cinder.conf file.

  • hp3par:snap_cpg - Defaults to the hp3par_snap setting in the cinder.conf file. If hp3par_snap is not set, it defaults to the hp3par_cpg setting.

  • hp3par:provisioning - Defaults to thin provisioning, the valid values are thin and full.

  • hp3par:persona - Defaults to the 1 - Generic persona. The valid values are, 1 - Generic, 2 - Generic-ALUA, 6 - Generic-legacy, 7 - HPUX-legacy, 8 - AIX-legacy, 9 - EGENERA, 10 - ONTAP-legacy, 11 - VMware, 12 - OpenVMS, 13 - HPUX, and 15 - WindowsServer.

QoS support for both HP 3PAR drivers includes the ability to set the following capabilities in the OpenStack Block Storage API cinder.api.contrib.qos_specs_manage qos specs extension module:

  • minBWS

  • maxBWS

  • minIOPS

  • maxIOPS

  • latency

  • priority

The qos keys above no longer require to be scoped but must be created and associated to a volume type. For information about how to set the key-value pairs and associate them with a volume type, run the following commands:

$ cinder help qos-create

$ cinder help qos-key

$ cinder help qos-associate

The following keys require that the HP 3PAR StoreServ storage array has a Priority Optimization license installed.

  • hp3par:vvs - The virtual volume set name that has been predefined by the Administrator with Quality of Service (QoS) rules associated to it. If you specify extra_specs hp3par:vvs, the qos_specs minIOPS, maxIOPS, minBWS, and maxBWS settings are ignored.

  • minBWS - The QoS I/O issue bandwidth minimum goal in MBs. If not set, the I/O issue bandwidth rate has no minimum goal.

  • maxBWS - The QoS I/O issue bandwidth rate limit in MBs. If not set, the I/O issue bandwidth rate has no limit.

  • minIOPS - The QoS I/O issue count minimum goal. If not set, the I/O issue count has no minimum goal.

  • maxIOPS - The QoS I/O issue count rate limit. If not set, the I/O issue count rate has no limit.

  • latency - The latency goal in milliseconds.

  • priority - The priority of the QoS rule over other rules. If not set, the priority is normal, valid values are low, normal and high.


Since the Icehouse release, minIOPS and maxIOPS must be used together to set I/O limits. Similarly, minBWS and maxBWS must be used together. If only one is set the other will be set to the same value.

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