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 Supported operations
  • Create volumes

  • Delete volumes

  • Extend volumes

  • Attach volumes

  • Detach volumes

  • Create snapshots

  • Delete snapshots

  • Create volumes from snapshots

  • Create cloned volumes

  • Copy images to volumes

  • Copy volumes to images

  • Backend assisted volume migration

  • Volume retype

When a volume is migrated, using Backend assisted volume migration, both source and destination clusters must be in the same HP LeftHand/StoreVirtual management group. The HP LeftHand/StoreVirtual array will use native LeftHand APIs to migrate the volume. The volume cannot be attached or have snapshots to migrate.

Volume type support for the driver includes the ability to set the following capabilities in the OpenStack Cinder API cinder.api.contrib.types_extra_specs volume type extra specs extension module.

  • hplh:provisioning

  • hplh:ao

  • hplh:data_pl

To work with the default filter scheduler, the key values are case sensitive and scoped with 'hplh:'. For information about how to set the key-value pairs and associate them with a volume type, run the following command:

 $ cinder help type-key
  • The following keys require that the HP LeftHand/StoreVirtual storage array be configured for.


    The HP LeftHand/StoreVirtual storage array must be configured for Adaptive Optimization.


    The HP LeftHand/StoreVirtual storage array must be able to support the Data Protection level specified by the extra spec.

  • If volume types are not used or a particular key is not set for a volume type, the following defaults are used:


    Defaults to thin provisioning, the valid values are, thin and full


    Defaults to true, the valid values are, true and false.


    Defaults to r-0, Network RAID-0 (None), the valid values are,

    r-0, Network RAID-0 (None)

    r-5, Network RAID-5 (Single Parity)

    r-10-2, Network RAID-10 (2-Way Mirror)

    r-10-3, Network RAID-10 (3-Way Mirror)

    r-10-4, Network RAID-10 (4-Way Mirror)

    r-6, Network RAID-6 (Dual Parity),

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