Docs: PE 2.0 » Installing » Basic Installation

PE 2.0 » Installing » Basic Installation

Installing: Preparing to InstallIndexInstalling: Upgrading

Basic Installation

Starting the Installer

To install PE:

  • Unarchive the installer tarball, usually with tar -xzf <INSTALLER TARBALL>.
  • Navigate to the resulting directory in your shell.
  • Run the puppet-enterprise-installer script with root privileges:

      $ sudo ./puppet-enterprise-installer
  • Answer the interview questions to customize your installation.
  • Log into the puppet master server and sign the new node’s certificate.
  • If you have purchased PE and are installing the puppet master, copy your license key into place.

The installer can also be run non-interactively; see the chapter on automated installation for details.

Note that after the installer has finished installing and configuring PE, it will save your interview answers to a file called answers.lastrun.

Installer Options

The installer will accept the following command-line flags:

Display a brief help message.
Save answers to file and quit without installing.
Read answers from file and fail if an answer is missing.
Read answers from file and prompt for input if an answer is missing.
Display debugging information.
Log commands and results to file.
Run in ‘noop’ mode; show commands that would have been run during installation without running them.

Customizing Your Installation

The PE installer configures Puppet by asking a series of questions. Most questions have a default answer (displayed in brackets), which you can accept by pressing enter without typing a replacement. For questions with a yes or no answer, the default answer is capitalized (e.g. “[y/N]”).


First, the installer will ask which of PE’s roles (puppet master, console, cloud provisioner, and puppet agent) to install. The roles you apply will determine which other questions the installer will ask.

If you choose the puppet master or console roles, the puppet agent role will be installed automatically.

The puppet master and console roles should each be installed on only one system.

Puppet Master Options


The certname is the puppet master’s unique identifier. It should be a DNS name at which the master server can be reliably reached, and defaults to its fully-qualified domain name.

(If the master’s certname is not one of its DNS names, you may need to edit puppet.conf after installation.)

Valid DNS Names

The master’s certificate contains a static list of valid DNS names, and agents won’t trust the master if they contact it at an unlisted address. You should make sure that this list contains the DNS name or alias you’ll be configuring your agents to contact.

The valid DNS names setting should be a comma-separated list of hostnames. The default set of DNS names will be derived from the certname you chose, and will include the default puppet master name of “puppet.”

Location of the Console Server

If you are splitting the puppet master and console roles across different machines, the installer will ask you for the hostname and port of the console server.

Console Options

The console is usually run on the same server as the puppet master, but can also be installed on a separate machine. If you are splitting the console and puppet master roles, install the console after the puppet master.


You must choose a port on which to serve the console’s web interface. If you aren’t already serving web content from this machine, it will default to port 443, so you can reach it at https://yourconsoleserver without specifying a port.

If the installer detects another web server on the node, it will suggest the first open port at or above 3000.

User Name and Password

As the console’s web interface is a major point of control for your infrastructure, access is restricted with a user name and password. Additional users and passwords can be added later with Apache’s standard authentication tools.

The only forbidden characters for a console password are \ (backslash), ' (single quote), and $$ (two dollar signs in a row).

Inventory Certname and DNS Names (Optional)

If you are splitting the master and the console roles, the console will maintain an inventory service to collect facts from the puppet master. Like the master, the inventory service needs a unique certname and a list of valid DNS names.


The console needs a pair of MySQL databases and a MySQL user in order to operate. If a MySQL server isn’t already present on this system, the installer can automatically configure everything the console needs; just confirm that you want to install a new database server, and configure the following settings:

  • A password for MySQL’s root user
  • A name for the console’s primary database
  • A MySQL user name for the console
  • A password for the console’s user

The only forbidden characters for a database password are \ (backslash), ' (single quote), and $$ (two dollar signs in a row).

If you don’t install a new database server, you can either manually create a database and MySQL user for the console and configure the settings above with the correct information, or allow the installer to log into the MySQL server as root and automatically configure the databases.

Note that if you want to automatically configure databases on a remote database server, you must make sure the root MySQL user is allowed to log in remotely.

If you are not automatically configuring the databases, you can create the necessary MySQL resources in a secondary shell session while the installer is waiting for input. The SQL commands you need will resemble the following:

CREATE DATABASE console_inventory_service CHARACTER SET utf8;
CREATE USER 'console'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON console.* TO 'console'@'localhost';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON console_inventory_service.* TO 'console'@'localhost';

Note that the names of the two databases are related: the name of the inventory service database must start with the name of the primary console database, followed by _inventory_service.

Note also that the hostname for the console user will differ if you are using a remote database server.

Consult the MySQL documentation for more info.

A local database is best, but you can also create a database on a remote server. If you do, you’ll need to answer Y when asked if your MySQL server is remote, and provide:

  • The database server’s hostname
  • The database server’s port (default: 3306)

Puppet Agent Options


The certname is the agent node’s unique identifier.

This defaults to the node’s fully-qualified domain name, but any arbitrary string can be used. If hostnames change frequently at your site or are otherwise unreliable, you may wish to use UUIDs or hashed firmware attributes for your agent certnames.

Puppet Master Hostname

Agent nodes need the hostname of a puppet master server. This must be one of the valid DNS names you chose when installing the puppet master.

This setting defaults to puppet.

Vendor Packages

Puppet Enterprise may need some extra system software from your OS vendor’s package repositories. If any of this software isn’t yet installed, the installer will list the packages it needs and offer to automatically install them. If you decline, it will exit so you can install the necessary packages manually before installing.

A note about Java and MySQL under Enterprise Linux variants: Java and MySQL packages provided by Oracle can satisfy the puppet master and console roles’ Java and MySQL dependencies, but the installer can’t make that decision automatically and will default to using the OS’s packages. If you wish to use Oracle’s packages instead of the OS’s, you must first use RPM to manually install the pe-virtual-java and/or pe-virtual-mysql packages included with Puppet Enterprise:

$ sudo rpm -ivh packages/

Find these in the installer’s packages/ directory. Note that these packages may have additional ramifications if you later install other software that depends on OS MySQL or Java packages.

PE installs its binaries in /opt/puppet/bin and /opt/puppet/sbin, which aren’t included in your default $PATH. If you want to make the Puppet tools more visible to all users, the installer can make symlinks in /usr/local/bin for the facter, puppet, puppet-module, pe-man, and mco binaries.

Finishing Up

Signing Agent Certificates

Before nodes with the puppet agent role can fetch configurations or appear in the console, an administrator has to sign their certificate requests. This helps prevent unauthorized nodes from intercepting sensitive configuration data.

During installation, PE will automatically submit a certificate request to the puppet master. Before the agent can retrieve any configurations, a user will have to sign a certificate for it.

Certificate signing is done on the puppet master node. To view the list of pending certificate requests, run:

$ sudo puppet cert list

To sign one of the pending requests, run:

$ sudo puppet cert sign <name>

After signing a new node’s certificate, it may take up to 30 minutes before that node appears in the console and begins retrieving configurations.

Verifying Your License

When you purchased Puppet Enterprise, you should have been sent a license.key file that lists how many nodes you can deploy. For PE to run without logging license warnings, you should copy this file to the puppet master node as /etc/puppetlabs/license.key. If you don’t have your license key file, please email and we’ll re-send it.

Installing: Preparing to InstallIndexInstalling: Upgrading

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