Docs: PE 2.0 » Installing » What Gets Installed Where?

PE 2.0 » Installing » What Gets Installed Where?

Installing: Answer File ReferenceIndexConsole: Accessing the Console

What Gets Installed Where?

License File

Your PE license file (which was emailed to you when you purchased Puppet Enterprise) should be placed at /etc/puppetlabs/license.key.

Puppet Enterprise can be evaluated with a complementary ten-node license; beyond that, a commercial per-node license is required for use. A license key file will have been emailed to you after your purchase, and the puppet master will look for this key at /etc/puppetlabs/license.key. Puppet will log warnings if the license is expired or exceeded, and you can view the status of your license by running puppet license at the command line on the puppet master.

To purchase a license, please see the Puppet Enterprise pricing page, or contact Puppet Labs at or (877) 575-9775. For more information on licensing terms, please see the licensing FAQ. If you have misplaced or never received your license key, please contact

Configuration Files

Puppet Enterprise’s configuration files all live under /etc/puppetlabs, with subdirectories for each of PE’s components.

  • Puppet’s confdir is in /etc/puppetlabs/puppet. This directory contains the puppet.conf file, the site manifest (manifests/site.pp), and the modules directory.
  • MCollective’s config files are in /etc/puppetlabs/mcollective.
  • The console’s config files are in /etc/puppetlabs/puppet-dashboard.


Man pages for the Puppet subcommands are generated on the fly. To view them, run puppet man <SUBCOMMAND>.

The pe-man command from previous versions of Puppet Enterprise is still functional, but it is deprecated and is slated for removal in a future release.


All PE software is installed under /opt/puppet.

  • Executable binaries are in /opt/puppet/bin and /opt/puppet/sbin.
  • Optionally, you can choose at install time to symlink the most common binaries into /usr/local/bin.
  • The Puppet modules included with PE are installed in /opt/puppet/share/puppet/modules. Don’t edit this directory to add modules of your own; instead, install them in /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules.
  • MCollective plugins are installed in /opt/puppet/libexec/mcollective/. If you are adding new plugins to your PE agent nodes, you should distribute them via Puppet.


PE uses the following services:

  • pe-puppet (on EL platforms) and pe-puppet-agent (on Debian-based platforms) — The puppet agent daemon. Runs on every agent node.
  • pe-httpd — Apache 2, which manages and serves puppet master and the console on servers with those roles. (Note that PE uses Passenger to run puppet master, instead of running it as a standalone daemon.)
  • pe-mcollective — The MCollective server. Runs on every agent node.
  • pe-puppet-dashboard-workers — A supervisor that manages the console’s background processes. Runs on servers with the console role.
  • pe-activemq — The ActiveMQ message server, which passes messages to the MCollective servers on agent nodes. Runs on servers with the puppet master role.

User Accounts

PE creates the following users:

  • peadmin — An administrative account which can issue MCollective client commands. This is the only PE user account intended for use in a login shell. See the chapter on orchestration for more about this user. This user exists on servers with the puppet master role, and replaces the mco user that was present in PE 1.2.
  • pe-puppet — A system user which runs the puppet master processes spawned by Passenger.
  • pe-apache — A system user which runs Apache (pe-httpd).
  • pe-activemq — A system user which runs the ActiveMQ message bus used by MCollective.
  • puppet-dashboard — A system user which runs the console processes spawned by Passenger.

Log Files

The software distributed with Puppet Enterprise generates the following log files:

Puppet Master

  • /var/log/pe-httpd/access.log
  • /var/log/pe-httpd/error.log

These logs are solely for HTTP activity; the puppet master service logs most of its activity to the syslog service. Your syslog configuration dictates where these messages will be saved, but the default location is /var/log/messages on Linux and /var/adm/messages on Solaris.

Puppet Agent

The puppet agent service logs its activity to the syslog service. Your syslog configuration dictates where these messages will be saved, but the default location is /var/log/messages on Linux and /var/adm/messages on Solaris.


  • /var/log/pe-activemq/wrapper.log
  • /var/log/pe-activemq/activemq.log
  • /var/opt/puppet/activemq/data/kahadb/db-1.log
  • /var/opt/puppet/activemq/data/audit.log

Orchestration Service

This log is maintained by the orchestration service, which is installed on all nodes.

  • /var/log/pe-mcollective/mcollective.log


  • /var/log/pe-httpd/puppetdashboard.access.log
  • /var/log/pe-httpd/puppetdashboard.error.log
  • /var/log/pe-puppet-dashboard/delayed_job.log
  • /var/log/pe-puppet-dashboard/mcollective_client.log
  • /var/log/pe-puppet-dashboard/production.log


These files may or may not be present.

  • /var/log/pe-httpd/other_vhosts_access.log
  • /var/log/pe-puppet/masterhttp.log
  • /var/log/pe-puppet/rails.log

Installing: Answer File ReferenceIndexConsole: Accessing the Console

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