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QAbstractPrintDialog Class Reference
[QtGui module]

The QAbstractPrintDialog class provides a base implementation for print dialogs used to configure printers. More...

 #include <QAbstractPrintDialog>

Inherits QDialog.

Inherited by QPrintDialog.

Public Types

Public Functions

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The QAbstractPrintDialog class provides a base implementation for print dialogs used to configure printers.

This class implements getter and setter functions that are used to customize settings shown in print dialogs, but it is not used directly. Use QPrintDialog to display a print dialog in your application.

See also QPrintDialog, QPrinter, and Printing with Qt.

Member Type Documentation

enum QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOption
flags QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintDialogOptions

Used to specify which parts of the print dialog should be enabled.

QAbstractPrintDialog::None0x0000None of the options are enabled.
QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintToFile0x0001The print to file option is enabled.
QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintSelection0x0002The print selection option is enalbed.
QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintPageRange0x0004The page range selection option is enabled.

The PrintDialogOptions type is a typedef for QFlags<PrintDialogOption>. It stores an OR combination of PrintDialogOption values.

enum QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintRange

Used to specify the print range selection option.

QAbstractPrintDialog::AllPages0All pages should be printed.
QAbstractPrintDialog::Selection1Only the selection should be printed.
QAbstractPrintDialog::PageRange2The specified page range should be printed.

See also QPrinter::PrintRange.

Member Function Documentation

QAbstractPrintDialog::QAbstractPrintDialog ( QPrinter * printer, QWidget * parent = 0 )

Constructs an abstract print dialog for printer with parent as parent widget.

void QAbstractPrintDialog::addEnabledOption ( PrintDialogOption option )

Adds the option option to the set of enabled options in this dialog.

Note that this function has no effect on Mac OS X. See the QPrintDialog documentation for more information.

PrintDialogOptions QAbstractPrintDialog::enabledOptions () const

Returns the set of enabled options in this dialog.

See also setEnabledOptions().

int QAbstractPrintDialog::exec ()   [pure virtual]

This virtual function is called to pop up the dialog. It must be reimplemented in subclasses.

int QAbstractPrintDialog::fromPage () const

Returns the first page to be printed

bool QAbstractPrintDialog::isOptionEnabled ( PrintDialogOption option ) const

Returns true if the specified option is enabled; otherwise returns false

int QAbstractPrintDialog::maxPage () const

Returns the maximum page in the page range.

int QAbstractPrintDialog::minPage () const

Returns the minimum page in the page range.

PrintRange QAbstractPrintDialog::printRange () const

Returns the print range.

See also setPrintRange().

QPrinter * QAbstractPrintDialog::printer () const

Returns the printer that this printer dialog operates on.

void QAbstractPrintDialog::setEnabledOptions ( PrintDialogOptions options )

Sets the set of options that should be enabled in the print dialog to options.

Note that this function has no effect on Mac OS X. See the QPrintDialog documentation for more information.

See also enabledOptions().

void QAbstractPrintDialog::setFromTo ( int from, int to )

Sets the range in the print dialog to be from from to to.

void QAbstractPrintDialog::setMinMax ( int min, int max )

Sets the page range in this dialog to be from min to max. This also enables the PrintPageRange option.

void QAbstractPrintDialog::setPrintRange ( PrintRange range )

Sets the print range option in to be range.

See also printRange().

int QAbstractPrintDialog::toPage () const

Returns the last page to be printed.

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Qt 4.2.3