Symbian OS Library


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Graphics Device Interface.

See also: Graphics Device Interface  


Symbian OS font file format.

See also: Fontcomp  

generated header

A header file generated by the resource compiler, conventionally with extension .rsg, containing definitions of symbolic constants which refer to resources in the resource file.

See also: resource file  resource  

ghost image

Repetition of a block of memory, caused when two physical addresses map to the same memory block, typically when some address lines are not connected.

glass door

A visual representation of an embedded object which displays the embedded object (e.g. a sketch or graph).

See also: door  iconic door  

global chunk

A global chunk is a memory area which is available to all threads and processes.

global text

Editable text with a single, global, set of paragraph and character format attributes, so that a text object is displayed with entirely uniform formatting.

See also: editable text  text object  format attribute  

global text object

A text object containing global text.

See also: global text  text object  

graphics context

Contains context for graphics operations to a graphics device. A graphics device may have one or more graphics contexts. Abbreviation: GC.

See also: graphics device  drawing mode  pen  brush  

graphics device

A device that can produce a graphics context for drawing. A device has a typeface store, and twips-to-pixels and pixels-to-twips mappings.

See also: graphics context  

Graphics Device Interface

The Symbian OS component related to graphics manipulation, graphics context, bitmaps.

See also: GDI  

graphics operation

Operations that affect output to a graphics device. Include: shape operations (line primitives and fillable primitives), text drawing primitives, bitmap primitives.

See also: line primitive  fillable primitive  graphics device  bitmap primitive  text drawing primitive  


A component that provides functionality for row and column layout.

grouped property

A property that is a member of a group of related properties within a vCard.

See also: property  vCard  

group label

A field in a contact group used to identify the group to users, e.g. "family", or "colleagues".

See also: contact group  field  


GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) is a digital mobile telephone system that uses a variation of time division multiple access. It is the most widely used of the three digital wireless telephone technologies (TDMA, GSM, and CDMA).


Graphical User Interface.

gutter margin

The gap between the labels margin and the text area. This term, also known as the line cursor margin, is used by classes that have no knowledge of cursors.

See also: cursor  label margin  line cursor margin