Symbian OS Library


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Original name for the file server component of Symbian OS.

See also: file server  


Changing colours so that they are closer to white or closer to black.

fat space

A space between words in output text that has been widened by one or more pixels beyond the standard width of a space character in the current font.

See also: justification  excess width  

fax header line

The fax header line appears at the top of every fax page sent by a Symbian OS phone. It includes the sender ID, phone number, time, date and page sequencing information.

fax modem

A modem capable of sending and receiving faxes using one of a number of recognised command sets.

fax on demand

Retrieving fax by making a voice call to the source, then turning on the fax to receive the call.

See also: fax polling  

fax phase

All fax transmission/reception progresses through the phases A (dialling and answering), B (Negotiation), C (Sending data), D (status exchange), and E (hangup). For more information see Fax phases.

fax polling

Retrieving a fax through fax negotiation on a fax initiated call.

See also: fax on demand  

fax session

Fax sub-session incorporates fax functionality into ETel. Not used directly, but through fax client.


The Symbian OS fax storage classes, which implement the ITU T.4 fax coding standards.


The class 2 modem error reporting code for hanging up. This includes a number, represented by the # which indicates the reason for hanging up.


A format field is a code which causes the insertion of information into a text object. This information can then be automatically updated.


A section of a contact item containing a discrete part of the item's information. Contact item fields have a label and a content type.

See also: contact item  label  content type  

field definition

Specifies a subset of fields to use when searching a contact database.

See also: field  contact database  

field set

The set of fields owned by a contact item.

See also: field  contact item  

field type

A UID which uniquely identifies a field's type.

See also: UID  field  


First In First Out. A queued type of buffer.


A collection of data in persistent storage, accessible via the file server.

See also: file server  

file descriptor

A handle to an i/o resource, for instance a file, socket or terminal.

See also: file descriptor table  

file descriptor table

A way of implementing file descriptors by treating them as indexes into an array.

See also: file descriptor  

file name

The entire name of a file including its path, or just its filename.

See also: filename  path  

file name editor

A concrete control that supports editing a filename.

file name selector

A type of choice list that allows a filename to be selected from a directory listing.

file selection observer

A file/folder selector/editor which is dependent on a folder/drive selector.

See also: file name selector  folder name selector  drive name selector  file name editor  folder name editor  file selection observer protocol  

file selection observer protocol

A protocol which enables a file/folder selector/editor to update its contents when the selection in a file/folder selector changes.

See also: file name selector  folder name selector  drive name selector  file name editor  folder name editor  

file server

The server thread which mediates all file system operations. All application programs which use files are clients of this thread.

See also: F32  file server session  

file server session

A session from a client program to the file server: a client program may have any number of sessions, which allows components to have their own sessions, and to operate without interference from other components.

See also: file server  

file specification

A specification of the name of one or more files. May contain wildcards.

See also: path  wildcard  

file store

A persistent store which is file based.

See also: persistent store  store  

file switch

When an application closes its current file and opens another specified file in response to a message from the shell.

See also: application  document file  

file system

A set of conventions used to access a drive, and the software which implements those conventions. Local, ROM and installable file systems are supported.

See also: ROM file system  local file system  remote file system  

file-based application

An application that stores data in persistent storage. For instance, a word processor.

See also: non-file-based application  


The name that identifies the file within its directory. It comprises everything from the character following the last backslash to the character preceding the final period (if there is one).

See also: path  


A closed shape, that may or may not be filled.

See also: fillable primitive  

fillable primitive

A graphics operation to draw a fillable shape.

See also: fillable  


On the ARM family of processors, a fast (high priority) interrupt.

fixed point editor

A concrete control that presents the appearance of editing a number with a fixed number of decimal places, e.g. 3.141, but actually edits an integer scaled appropriately, e.g. 3141.

flat buffer

A dynamic buffer using flat storage, i.e. a single segment of memory, which is re-allocated if the buffer must expand, or if the buffer is compressed.

See also: segmented buffer  buffer position  

floating point editor

A concrete control that supports editing one double-precision number.


To empty a buffer, sending its contents to the next stage in processing.


Font conversion utility for creating a font store file from a font definition (text) file.


The removal of differences between characters that are deemed unimportant for the purposes of inexact or case-insensitive matching. As well as ignoring differences of case, folding ignores any accent on a character.

folder name editor

A concrete control that supports editing a folder name.

See also: root folder  

folder name selector

A type of choice list that allows a folder name to be selected from those existing below a specified root folder.


A collection of characters of a particular height (measured in points, or in other device-dependent units).

See also: typeface  

Font Source file

A font format: Also referred to as FSC format.

See also: Fontcomp  FSC  


Converts fonts in EFF or FSC formats to Symbian OS font file format.

See also: GDR  EFF  FSC  


Text repeated at the bottom of every printed page.

See also: header  

forced line break

Forces a new line without beginning a new paragraph.

See also: line  paragraph  


A window is in the foreground if its z position is closest.

An application is loosely said to be in the foreground if it has keyboard focus.


The Symbian OS component that relates to Text Views.

See also: ETEXT  

format attribute

Describes the appearance of text. Divided into paragraph and character format attributes. Stored in format layers.

See also: format layer  paragraph format attribute  character format attribute  

format layer

Specifies the attributes of a region that differ from surrounding regions. A region of text is formatted according to the attributes in its effective format. This is built up from format layers. A global text object has a single paragraph format layer, and a single character format layer, specifying the formatting of the entire text object. A rich text object's format layers may refer to regions smaller than the entire text object.

See also: character format layer  paragraph format layer  effective format  text object  rich text object  global text object  

format mode

Whether text layout is to include wrap to device or printer width and whether device or printer fonts are to be used for layout.

See also: text view  

formatted band

The part of a document enclosed within the view rectangle. Additionally, any part of a paragraph that extends above the top of the view rectangle is also within the formatted band.

See also: text document  view rectangle  

formatting information

The information applied using styled markup, which defines the paragraphs in the source rich text file that are used by Aleppo for which parts of the output help database.

See also: styled markup  


A component that allows its functionality to be extended by writing plug-in modules ("framework extensions"). The extension developer writes classes that derive from interfaces defined by the framework. The framework loads the required extensions during run-time.

Symbian OS uses frameworks extensively, including UIKON, ESOCK, and ETel.

See also: framework extension  polymorphic DLL  

framework extension

A component that provides some plug-in functionality to a pre-defined framework. In Symbian OS, a framework extension is implemented as a polymorphic DLL.

See also: polymorphic DLL  


A process of fixing the association between name and ordinal, for function exported from a DLL.

freeze file

A colloquial reference to a def file; so called because it freezes the association between name and ordinal, for exported functions.

See also: export  

Front End Processor

A piece of software present on a target phone that allows the user to enter handwriting and for it to be converted transparently into text input.

See also: composition text  


Font format: Font Source file

See also: Fontcomp  Font Source file  


Failure To Train. A fax modem's digital response rejecting the training signal and requesting a retraining.

full name

The concatenation of the name of a subsession object and the full name of its owner subsession object, if any.

See also: subsession object  

full ordinal position

A window's ordinal position, taking into account windows of other priorities. (Ordinal position is normally specified relative to windows of the same priority.) Usually applies only to window groups.

See also: ordinal position