Symbian OS Library


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The Bluetooth Logical Link Control And Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP). It controls how multiple users of the link are multiplexed together, handles packet segmentation and reassembly, and conveys quality of service information.

L function

In the context of Symbian C++ programming, a function with a trailing L in its name, e.g. NewL(): such functions may leave, either directly by calling User::Leave(), or indirectly by calling other functions that may leave.

See also: leave  


A descriptor which contains the name of a contact item field, for instance First name or Home address.

See also: descriptor  field  

label margin

Margin used for labels, normally used for paragraph style.

See also: view rectangle  line cursor margin  


A Look and Feel software module provided by phone manufacturers to customise devices and user interfaces. For example, the scroll bar appearance.


Horizontal page orientation for printing.

See also: orientation  portrait  

Language downgrade path

An array of up to eight languages which are used in turn to find the best matching language-specific version of a language-neutral filename. The first language in the path is the language of the current locale. Up to the next three (at indices 1, 2 and 3) can be customised. The remaining languages in the downgrade path are based on a table of language near equivalence which is internal to Symbian.

language extension procedure

An OPX procedure written in C++ that can be called from an OPL program.

See also: OPX  OXH  

large bitmap

A FBS bitmap whose size is greater than a certain threshold value, currently set at 4Kb.

See also: small bitmap  


Buttons that can latch change their state when pressed and stay in that state until changed again by the user.

latching command button

A command button that remains depressed when the pointer is removed from it.

See also: command button  


The time taken between the occurrence of an event and the response to it.

latitude editor

A concrete control that supports editing a latitude value.

layout coordinate

x,y co-ordinates whose origin is the top left hand corner of the text area.

See also: text area  window co-ordinates  

layout engine

The Symbian OS text layout engine lays out editable text in a window.

See also: editable text  

layout object

Represents necessary interface between document and view.

See also: text document  


A logical device driver.


To leave, is to invoke the function User::Leave(). This causes a return to the current trap harness.

A function may also leave because a function it called left.

See also: trap harness  cleanup stack  

left adjust

The number of pixels to move before displaying a character.

See also: right adjust  

left text margin

The distance between the leftmost extent of a paragraph and the left edge of the text area.

An increasing left text margin width causes a scroll right to occur (text moves leftwards) and a decreasing left text margin width causes a scroll left to occur (text moves rightwards).

For an illustration of the left text margin, see Screen layout.

See also: text area  paragraph  


The length of data currently represented by a descriptor.


Text Views : A line of text as seen on the view. A line is a member of just one paragraph. One paragraph may consist of many lines. Lines only apply to text that has been formatted.

ETel : A physical line from which calls are made.

See also: line capability  phone  callparagraph  formatted band 

line capabilities

The things that an ETel line can do. Includes; ability to connect to data, voice or fax calls; detect the hook and line status, create calls.

See also: line  

line cursor

Indicator in line cursor margin, used to indicate which line the cursor is on.

See also: line cursor margin  cursor  

line cursor margin

Margin used for line cursor.

See also: view rectangle  label margin  line cursor  

line primitive

A graphics operation to draw, (using the pen), a line or sequence of lines.

See also: pen  polyline  graphics operation  

line status

In the context of ETel, the current status of calls on the line, e.g. dialling.

linear address

Alternative name for virtual address, the name 'linear' is historical. 'Virtual' is preferred.


Objects or data items connected together to form a meaningful sequence. Also known as a 'queue'.

local file system

A file system which mediates access to any devices local to the machine, all of which use native machine formats.

See also: file system  

local time

See home time

See also: universal time  home time  

location area code

This specifies the general location, similar to an STD code for mobile numbers.

long network name

Networks have both short and long names. The long name is used in preference. In Symbian OS, the long name is 16 characters.

See also: short network name  

longitude editor

A concrete control which supports editing a longitude value.

low water mark

When this point is reached in a receive buffer, a flow control resume event is triggered.

See also: XON