6. Configuring ServiceMix
Directory layout
Main distribution layout
When you first install ServiceMix, you will see the following directory structure. Note that some directories (data for example) will only be created when you have launched ServiceMix.
List of directories:
- ant: files for ant task based management
- bin: start scripts for unix / windows
- components: JBI components installers
- components/lib: additional libraries
- conf: configuration files for ServiceMix container
- data: working directory where persistent data are stored
- deploy: hot-deploy directory for service assemblies
- examples: contain distribution examples
- install: hot-deploy directory for components and shared libraries
- lib: container libraries
- lib/optional: optional libraries
Data directory
Although the data directory is ServiceMix internal directory, it contains some useful informations.
The following directories may be created:
- amq: working directory for ActiveMQ
- log: directory containing log files
- smx: ServiceMix working directory
- txlog: transaction log storage
The smx dir is populated by ServiceMix when installing / deploying JBI artifacts in the container. It contains four subdirectories for JBI components, Service Assemblies and Shared Libraries, plus an additional folder to hold temporary files.
Each of these folder will have a subdirectory for each JBI artifact deployed / installed. All these artifacts are versionned, and only the latest one is used (these scheme is for internal use, in case a folder can not be completely removed when upgrading a component for example).
 | Restarting from scratch
The data directory contains all files generated by ServiceMix at runtime. This means that if you want to restart from scratch, you can just delete this folder. Note that this method should only be used during development. |
Configuration files
ServiceMix uses XML configuration files. ServiceMix use the XBean
library to do the XML configuration; which allows you to use regular Spring configuration or our custom XSD based XML configuration.
For a reference guide and to see the XSD see the Xml schemas.
The default ServiceMix installation comes with a number of configuration files that can be changed to fit your needs. These configuration files are all in the /conf directory, which is also included in the classpath.
- activemq.xml: ActiveMQ
configuration file
- jmx.xml: JMX configuration file
- jndi.properties: system file for JNDI configuration
- jndi.xml: JNDI configuration file
- log4j.xml: Log4J
configuration file
- login.properties: JAAS
configuration file
- security.xml: ServiceMix security configuration file
- servicemix.conf: Classworlds
configuration file defining the classpath
- servicemix.xml: ServiceMix JBI container configuration
- tx.xml: Transaction Manager configuration
- group.properties: security related configuration file for associating groups to users
- users-credentials.properties: security related configuration file for associating a certificate to a user
- users-passwords.properties: security related configuration file for associating a password to a user
- keystore.jks: security related configuration file for storing certificates
Container configuration
ServiceMix has a number of parameters that you can set to change it's runtime behaviour on either the JBIContainer
or the derived SpringJBIContainer
These are as follows:
 | Attributes
Name |
type |
Description |
name |
String |
name of the container - needs to be unique if running in a cluster The default is defaultJBI |
rootDir |
String |
the path to the directory structure used by ServiceMix - the default is <current directory>/wdir |
flowName |
String |
one of seda, st, jms or jca - see NMR Flows. The jms and jca flows can also take an optional jmsURL parameter to explicitly reference an activemq transport e.g. flowName=jms?jmsURL=tcp://localhost:61616 |
flowNames |
String |
comma separated list of flow names. Note that flows can also be configured using the <sm:flows> element |
useMBeanServer |
boolean |
if true, ServiceMix will try and find an MBeanServer from the MBeanServerFactory if one is not supplied |
createMBeanServer |
boolean |
if true, ServiceMix will create its own MBeanServer if one is not supplied to the container or found from an MBeanServerFactory |
createJmxConnector |
boolean |
if true, ServiceMix will create its own JMX connector using the specified rmiPort |
rmiPort |
int |
the port used for the rmi registry (and thus, the JMX connector), defaults to (1099) |
installationDirPath |
String |
the path to the installation directory that ServiceMix can optionally monitor for new component archives |
monitorInstallationDirectory |
boolean |
if true, ServiceMix will monitor the installation directory for new component archives to install |
deploymentDirPath |
String |
the path to the deployment directory that ServiceMix can optionally monitor for new service assembilies |
monitorDeploymentDirectory |
boolean |
if true, ServiceMix will monitor the deployment directory for new service assembilies to deploy |
monitorInterval |
int |
if set, used as delay (measured in seconds) between checks of the deployment directory. Default is 10sec. |
dumpStats |
boolean |
if true, ServiceMix will dump message throughput statistics to file Stats.csv for individual components |
statsInterval |
int |
interval (in seconds) between collection of statistics for message throughput |
persistent |
boolean |
If set to true, all exchanges sent to the JBI broker will have a persistence flag set to true by default. This is used to determine the QoS used, hence the flow to choose. Defaults to false |
autoEnlistInTransaction |
boolean |
If set to true, each time a JBI exchange is sent from a component while a transaction is active, it will be enlisted in the current transaction. Defaults to false |
embedded |
boolean |
If set to true, a number of default parameter values will be changed to allow a more lightweight JBI container configuration (no hotdeploy, no jmx, etc...). Defaults to false |
useShutdownHook |
boolean |
If set to false, the JBI container will not create a jvm shutdown hook to stop itself. Defaults to true |
notifyStatistics |
boolean |
If set to true, everytime a statistic changes, a JMX notification will be sent. Defaults to false for performance. |
Several elements or references can also be used to configure ServiceMix with existing objects:
 | Elements
Name |
type |
Description |
namingContext |
InitialContext |
the JNDI initial context to use |
workManager |
WorkManager |
The work manager provides a thread pool that ServiceMix container and components will use. If none is provided, a default implementation will be used. |
transactionManager |
TransactionManager |
The transaction manager that ServiceMix container will use. It will also be given to components via their ComponentContext. |
MBeanServer |
MBeanServer |
JMX mbean server to use |
flow |
Flow |
A single flow to use |
flows |
Flow [] |
An array of flows to use |
broker |
Broker |
The broker used to dispatch JBI exchanges. |
activationSpecs |
ActivationSpec [] |
The list of activation specs to use. Activations specs are used to configure JBI components. |
componentNames |
String[] |
An array of Strings identifying the spring ids of components to activate |
listeners |
EventListener [] |
An array of event listeners to configure on the container. Event listeners can be used to receive several kind of events wrt to the JBI container. |
See XML Schemas for a full description of these XML elements.
Attributes listed above are properties of simple types, they can be set using attributes on the main container tag in xbean.
See the XBean syntax guide for more informations.