ServiceMix currently has the following JBI components:
Standard JBI components
The following components ships with ServiceMix distribution:
servicemix-bean is a JBI component for mapping beans (POJOs) to JBI message exchanges for easy procssing of JBI message exchanges. Note that if you want to support SOAP, type safe business interfaces or JAX-WS / JSR 181 then you should use servicemix-jsr181
servicemix-bpe is a BPEL Service Engine written using Apache ODE Bpe
servicemix-eip contains several routing patterns based on the great EIP book
Jbi4Corba a JBI component for working with CORBA services
Jbi4Cics a JBI component for working with CICS services
Lightweight components
Lightweight components are simple jbi components that activate a single JBI endpoint and do not support service unit deployments. They can be configured using the spring configuration file or deployed onto the servicemix-lwcontainer component.
JCA allows the Java Connector Architecture to be used for efficient thread pooling, transaction handling and consumption on JMS or other Resource Adapters
Scripting support to allow any JSR 223 compliant scripting engine to be used to easily create a component, perform a transformation or be an expression language.
JMS via the Java Messaging Service plus all of the great, reliable and scalable transports in ActiveMQ which includes persistence, recovery and transaction support.
RSS support via Rome library for accessing and processing RSS feeds.
VFS via the Jakarta Commons Net library which provides access to file systems, jars/zips/bzip2, temporary files, WebDAV, Samba (CIFS), HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and SFTP among others