Overview of the ServiceMix 2.x JMS Binding Example
The following procedure describes how to run the JMS Binding example and provides details regarding what it does. For information on the business use case, please refer to: Use Case for JMS Binding .
The JMS Binding example illustrates:
- use of declarative programming
- how to perform JMS integration in ServiceMix
- how to use an ActiveMQ
message broker
- how to use the Jencks
JCA container
- how to use the Geronimo
Transaction Manager via the Jencks factory bean
The source code for the JMS Binding example is located in the ServiceMix installation directory under the examples\jms-binding directory in the servicemix.xml file. It is recommended that you refer to the source code while reading this document.
This example shows how to connect the JMS bindings to a simple service component. One component listens for a JMS message on topic 'demo.org.servicemix.source' while another publishes processed messages to topic 'demo.org.servicemix.result'. A simple JMS client is provided so that messages can be sent and received to and from the ServiceMix Container.
Running the JMS Binding Example
- From a command shell, go to the JMS Binding example directory:
cd [servicemix_install_dir]\examples\jms-binding
where servicemix_install_dir is the directory in which ServiceMix was installed.
- Then type:
[servicemix_install_dir]\bin\servicemix servicemix.xml
- To start sending and receiving of messages from the JMS topics, send JMS an initial message. To do this, compile and run a simple JMS client. The client is built and run from source code using Ant. Execute Ant from the JMS Binding directory: servicemix_install_dir\examples\jms-binding. To run the JMS client type:
Ant will compile and run the simple JMS client, JMSClient, which performs a JMS based request-response into the ServiceMix container before returning the results to the console.
Stopping the JMS Binding Example
To terminate the JMS Binding example, type "CTRL-C" in the command shell in which it is running and answer "y" to the "Terminate batch job (y/n)?" question.
How it Works
The diagram below illustrates the flow of messages through the JMS Binding components:
Messages flow through the components as follows:
- JMSClient, through ActiveMQConnectionFactory, connects to the topic named "demo.org.servicemix.source" and sends a text message.
- jencks (the JCA resource adapter) listens on port 61616 for messages.
- inputReceiver subscribes to the "demo.org.servicemix.source" topic via jencks and receives the JMS message.
- inputReceiver normalizes the JMS message and sends it to outputSender via the Normalized Message Router (NMR).
- outputSender marshals the normalized message to a JMS message and uses jmsTemplate to publish the message on the "demo.org.servicemix.result" topic.
- jmsTemplate publishes it on the "demo.org.servicemix.result" topic using jmsFactory to get a connection to the result topic.
- JMSClient, also a subscriber of topic "demo.org.servicemix.result," receives the message.
- The response is printed on the console.
Typical output looks like the following:
Loading ServiceMix from file: C:\exist\servicemix\servicemix-2.0.1\examples\jms--binding\servicemix.xml
[INFO] XBeanXmlBeanDefinitionReader - Loading XML bean definitions from file [C:\exist\servicemix\servicemix-2.0.1\examples\jms-binding\servicemix.xml]
[INFO] FileSystemXmlApplicationContext - Bean factory for application context [org.xbean.spring.context.FileSystemXmlApplicationContext;hashCode=22540508]:
org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory defining beans[jbi,jencks,broker,
transactionContextManager,transactionManager,jmsFactory]; root of BeanFactory hierarchy
[INFO] FileSystemXmlApplicationContext - 6 beans defined in application context [org.xbean.spring.context.FileSystemXmlApplicationContext;hashCode=22540508]
[INFO] CollectionFactory - JDK 1.4+ collections available
[INFO] CollectionFactory - Commons Collections 3.x available
[INFO] FileSystemXmlApplicationContext - Unable to locate MessageSource with name 'messageSource': using default [org.springframework.context.support.Delegating
[INFO] FileSystemXmlApplicationContext - Unable to locate ApplicationEventMulticaster with name 'applicationEventMulticaster':
using default [org.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster@76cbf7]
[INFO] DefaultListableBeanFactory - Pre-instantiating singletons in factory [org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultListableBeanFactory defining beans
[jbi,jencks,broker,transactionContextManager,transactionManager,jmsFactory]; root of BeanFactory hierarchy]
[INFO] SpringBrokerContainerFactory - Loading ActiveMQ broker from configuration: class path resource [activemq.xml]
[INFO] ActiveMQBeanDefinitionReader - Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [activemq.xml]
[INFO] BrokerContainerImpl - ActiveMQ 3.2 JMS Message Broker (ID:el2tong-1857-1132035585799-1:0) is starting
[INFO] BrokerContainerImpl - For help or more information please see: http:[INFO] JDBCPersistenceAdapter - Database driver recognized: [apache_derby_embedded_jdbc_driver]
[INFO] DefaultJDBCAdapter - Could not create JDBC tables; they could already exist. Failure was:
'ACTIVEMQ_MSGS' already exists in Schema 'APP'. SQLState: X0Y32 Vendor code: 20000
[INFO] DefaultJDBCAdapter - Could not create JDBC tables; they could already exist. Failure was:
Y ( XID )) Message: Table/View 'ACTIVEMQ_TXS' already exists in Schema 'APP'. SQLState: X0Y32 Vendor code: 20000
[INFO] DefaultJDBCAdapter - Could not create JDBC tables; they could already exist. Failure was: CREATE TABLE ACTIVEMQ_ACKS(SUB VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, CONTAINER
SUB, CONTAINER )) Message: Table/View 'ACTIVEMQ_ACKS' already exists in Schema 'APP'. SQLState: X0Y32 Vendor code: 20000
[INFO] DefaultJDBCAdapter - Could not create JDBC tables; they could already exist. Failure was: ALTER TABLE ACTIVEMQ_MSGS ADD EXPIRATION BIGINT Message: Column
'EXPIRATION' already exists in Table/View 'APP.ACTIVEMQ_MSGS'. SQLState: X0Y32 Vendor code: 20000
[INFO] DefaultJDBCAdapter - Could not create JDBC tables; they could already exist. Failure was: ALTER TABLE ACTIVEMQ_MSGS ADD SENT_TO_DEADLETTER CHAR(1)
Message: Column 'SENT_TO_DEADLETTER' already exists in Table/View 'APP.ACTIVEMQ_MSGS'. SQLState: X0Y32 Vendor code: 20000
[INFO] JournalPersistenceAdapter - Opening journal.
[INFO] JournalPersistenceAdapter - Opened journal: Active Journal: using 2 x 20.0 Megs at: ..\var\journal
[INFO] JournalPersistenceAdapter - Journal Recovery Started.
[INFO] JournalPersistenceAdapter - Journal Recovered: 0 message(s) in transactions recovered.
[INFO] TcpTransportServerChannel - Listening for connections at: tcp:[INFO] BrokerConnectorImpl - ActiveMQ connector started: TcpTransportServerChannel@tcp:[INFO] BrokerContainerImpl - ActiveMQ JMS Message Broker (ID:el2tong-1857-1132035585799-1:0) has started
[INFO] JCAContainer - Jencks JCA Container (http:[INFO] SpringInitialContextFactory - Loading JNDI context from: class path resource [jndi.xml]
[INFO] XBeanXmlBeanDefinitionReader - Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [jndi.xml]
[INFO] JBIContainer - Activating component for: [container=defaultJBI,name=#SubscriptionManager#,id=#SubscriptionManager#]
with service: null component: org.servicemix.jbi.nmr.SubscriptionManager@1315415
[INFO] JBIContainer - ServiceMix JBI Container (http:[INFO] JBIContainer - Activating component for: [container=defaultJBI,name=inputReceiver,id=inputReceiver]
with service: {http:[INFO] JCAConnector - Activating endpoint for activationSpec: ActiveMQActivationSpec{acknowledgeMode='Auto-acknowledge', destinationType='javax.jms.Topic', mess
ageSelector='null', destination='demo.org.servicemix.source', clientId='null', subscriptionName='null', subscriptionDurability='NonDurable'} using endpointFacto
ry: org.jencks.SingletonEndpointFactory@d0d12e[transactionManager=org.apache.geronimo.transaction.context.GeronimoTransactionManager@1554233]
[INFO] ComponentContextImpl - Component: inputReceiver activated endpoint: {http:[INFO] JBIContainer - Activating component for: [container=defaultJBI,name=outputSender,id=outputSender] with service:
{http:[INFO] ComponentContextImpl - Component: outputSender activated endpoint: {http:[INFO] ActiveMQConnection - channel status changed: Channel: TcpTransportChannel: Socket[addr=localhost/,port=61616,localport=1863] has connected
[INFO] BrokerContainerImpl - Adding new client: ID:el2tong-1857-1132035585799-11:0 on transport: TcpTransportChannel:
The following table provides more details about the function of each component and bean in the servicemix.xml file.
Component or Bean ID |
Description |
jbi |
jbi is the "id" of the JBI container and provides the basic infrastructure services for the following components: inputReceiver and outputSender. During initialization, several singletons are instantiated: transactionManager, broker, jencks, jmsFactory, and jbi. After initialization, the components in the jbi container are activated. |
inputReceiver |
This component uses jencks , the JCA container, to listen on port 61616 for a JMS message on the topic called "demo.org.servicemix.source." inputReceiver subscribes to the demo.org.servicemix.source topic. It takes the message, normalizes it, and routes it to outputSender via the NMR. This component combined with outputSender and supporting beans creates a JMS bridge between two topics. |
outputSender |
This component receives a normalized message from the NMR, marshals it into a JMS message using jmsTemplate (1), then publishes it on the ActiveMQ (JMS) topic called "demo.org.servicemix.result." |
jencks |
The jencks bean defines a JCA container. The JCA container allows you to configure thread pool size, configure a transaction manager, and configure a resource adapter. In this example, the resource adapter is an ActiveMQ adapter, however, any JMS listener could be configured instead. This adapter listens on port 61616 for JMS messages. |
broker |
The broker bean uses the activemq.xml file to configure the message broker, which handles the JMS messages for the components that require JMS messaging services. |
transactionManager |
This bean is configured to be the default transaction manager for the jbi container. jencks is configured to use the default transaction manager. This transaction manager provides transactional services between the resource adapter (in this case the ActiveMQ resource adapter provided by the jencks JCA container) and components the jbi container. |
jmsFactory |
This bean listens on port 61616 and provides a pooled ActiveMQ connection. |
1. jmsTemplate: JmsTemplate is a Spring component which hides the low level details when sending JMS messages. For additional information see: JmsTemplate . jmsTemplate is not a component in the jbi container. It is used by inputSender and outputSender.
Related Documentation
For more information on the following topics please see: