Servicemix provides JMX based management of running components and the internals of it's container. This section provides infomation about how to connect remotely to the Servicemix MBeanServer, the operations and attributes exposed for management and J2EE statistics.
JMX Console - infomation about connecting to JMX from an application of management console
The following provides infomation on the MBean operation and attributes exposed via JMX within servicemix.
Life Cycle MBean
Component MBean
Container MBean
Environment Context MBean
NMR Broker MBean
Message Flow MBean
If ServiceMix is configured (see Configuration) to dump statistics, it will do so for individual JBI components (not lightwight components) in their running directory into the file Stats.csv. Note: for versions prior to v3.1, there is a typo in the filename so .cvs is used instead of .csv, see SM-669
. Statistics measure inbound/outbound exchange rates for a component's DeliveryChannel (same information as available in the JMX console). The format of the statistics dumped is:
 | Stats format
inboundExchanges |
inboundExchangeRate |
outboundExchanges |
outboundExchangeRate |
long |
double |
long |
double |
Remote Deployment and Management
Ant Tasks