SM-697 - Using XSLT servicemix component causes a " Too many open files"
SM-700 - ClientFactory should log problems at warning level as they are not critical
SM-707 - Subscription Manager and Flow MBeans do not get unregistered.
SM-722 - ExtendedXMLStreamReader strips whitespaces, which breaks servicemix-http when a SOAP invocation contains whitespace nodes
SM-723 - ServiceMixClientFacade should not call "done" method
SM-727 - Schema Import problem in a WSDL which doesn't let the service to be doployed on Servicemix
SM-565 - Enhance the JSR181 Proxy so that it can proxy non WSDL publishing components
SM-578 - HttpComponent can not be deployed as managed!
SM-581 - Use WSDL of servicemix-http endpoint if none is supplied by the target ServiceEndpoint
SM-586 - Upgrade loan-broker example to lingo 1.1 and use different queues to avoid recieving messages from previous client runs
SM-612 - servicemix-service-engine could set the scope of servicemix-core to provided
SM-701 - Standardized the return of exceptions from the AdminCommandsService, also extended the ANT tasks to provide a deferExceptions settings which if set to true allows you to use the same semantics as the deploy/install directories.